final word on essendon

  • Thread starter CHF
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ok so i have wound you all up, you have taken my bait

the point is, i am in awe of essendon
there dominance in 2000 was something that has never been seen, and i doubt it will be again

hird is a champion, just an easy target cause you essendon supporters get so wound up
his career isnt near carey's yet but im sure it will be
careys is over, hirds is just starting

the truth is im worried
essendon with caracella, lloyd, johnsons, blumfield, rioli will only get better

but nth have carey, martyn, stevens, king all coming to an end
bell and pike have gone
and the youth doesnt seem to be there

so can we call a truce and leave this all behind us?
Far be it for me to be seen defending Essendon or James Hird. But in my view, Carey isnt Hird's bootlace.

Hird is the most versatile player in the AFL. This is becasue he has all the ground skills, but is also capable of taking a mark and coming back from injuries as if nothing has happened as he demonstrated this year. Carey hasnt been a performer at the highest level for some time and he cant play with injuries. They both have 2 premiership medals, but carey has never won a Norm Smith (which really should be called a Jock McHale)

[This message has been edited by kevin sooky (edited 18 December 2000).]

All is forgiven (I'm still getting off the floor back onto my chair in shock....).

I wouldn't count the chickens too soon though - back luck, injuries, attitude problems, premiership hangovers, in fighting are always just around the corner and, on the strength of our 1986 & 1994 performances I'll be happy for us to just remain competitive and consistent. Also don't write off North/ Pagan or Carey just yet.

Kevin Sooky

That's the second time I've fainted in disbelief in a matter of minutes. Cheers for your respect for Hird (unheard of here (no pun intended)) but I can't agree with you relative to Carey. Focusing on Carey, he may be past his explosive, consistent week in, week out domination period but still a fantastic player and until JH does it for another few years he can't yet match WC's level of respect in the football community... on the other hand I fully expect him to get there by the end of him career with a little luck with injury.

Be nice to see Kouta get the chance to also.

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The naughty person that posted this topic is a phoney!!!!

I am the real CHF.

I will prove it.

Premiership stats-
Bombers 14
Roos 2

AFL(the ones that count)
2 Premiership cups
1 Premiership cup
1 Cheaters cup

I feel violated.


P.S. Iron mike you owe me an apology.
To Phoney CHF,
I forgot to congratulate you on your post.
I think its unethical using someone elses name, but atleast you got some humility out of an Bomber supporter. You must be applauded for that feat.

I'm not 100% sure of your motives, but I think they backfired.

One thing you have done is opened up a can of worms. God knows how many CHF's will be be posting now?

Originally posted by The Dutchman!:

I wouldn't count the chickens too soon though - back luck, injuries, attitude problems, premiership hangovers, in fighting are always just around the corner and, on the strength of our 1986 & 1994 performances I'll be happy for us to just remain competitive and consistent. Also don't write off North/ Pagan or Carey just yet.

Humility from a Essendon supporter!
Dutchman, do you know how unique you are?
Get yourself bronzed, and get your arse to the museum.


The real CHF.
Final word on Essendon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surely that's a contradiction in term's
You must feel violated too?
Your post is kind of embarrassing now.
Way to soft and fuzzy.

The Real CHF.
Isn't "The Dutchman" quite the emotional one. First to defend his beloved Essendon players. Then first to kiss and make up with his adversaries. His post shows a humble and sensitive side not normally seen in these forums.
Tell me Dutcman, does your fondness for Hird and LLoyd go deeper than just their football ability?
Not that there's anything wrong with that!
So CHF2,
Any clues as to your true identity?
Or was this your first post?

Come out, come out wherever you are.

The real CHF.

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Not feeling in the least bit violated CHF (whichever one you are this time). My post reflects how I've always felt - obviously proud of a great team and what we've achieved but mindful of some good fortune we've had along the way in 2000 - reckon we were due some luck with injuries actually.

I think anyone who's followed any club over a long period of time would echo this perspective of taking the good while it lasts cos it usually doesn't.

Also, my views on Carey haven't changed a jolt - still reckon both Hird and Kouta have a chance to equal his influence by the end of their careers but both have a long way and need a lot more luck with injuries and a lot more team success/ leadership displayed over time...

That is all.


PS. J.Seinfeld - LOVE that "not that there's anything wrong with that" reference - all gold - I must mention that to my wife... she'll probably say "you're not on that bloody footy forum again are you?!!"
Originally posted by CHF:

AFL(the ones that count)

To the real CHF, how many times have people been through that? The AFL is no different to the VFL except for the first word. We add a few teams, so what? You still get basically the same thing. Either way, the teams all have one thing in their sights, the Premiership, and work for that, so really, neither counts more than the other.

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final word on essendon

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