First thread to 150...

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Apr 3, 2000
AFL Club
North Melbourne
what thread will make it to 150 first...

Crybabies... started by Longjohn... was going good but appears to have dried up...

"S-11 should protest outside WindyHill" started by G4E may take the title... or my favorite "Is Dan24s finals system Right or Wrong? Vote Now." started by Grendel.


G4E will have the honour I feel of having started the first 150 thread...
When it gets to 149, everyone stop posting!

Better still, Bluey could close the thread!

Wouldn't that piss G4E off!!!!

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Maybe we could try and get this one to 150.

Um, okay, let's start the topic then. My best friend's dentist's accountant's second cousin's lawyer's plumber's sister-in-law swears that she knows someone who chatted to someone very high up in the banking community who knows of a very strong rumour that not only did Essendon use the salary cap to cheat their way to the 2000 flag, they also BRIBED several umpires and opposition teams. Discuss.


p.s. Of course, I'd prefer to discuss the new Go-Betweens album (it's called "The Friends Of Rachel Worth" and it's ace), but I bet most of you are John Farnham fans or something, and so, it'd never get to the magical 150.

p.p.s. Should we call any thread that reaches 150 a Pratt or a Hudson?????
I think G4E must have taken my advice & stopped sitting in front of his computer all the time & to try to get a job instead.

First prize: An all expenses paid trip to beautiful Avondale Heights! Yes Avondale Heights. You and a guest will spend three unforgettable hours at the bus stop on the corner of Milleara Rd. and Buckley St. Watch the traffic go by and the grass grow and enjoy the crisp clear weather.

Second prize: A half-empty stubby of Foster's that's been sitting in my fridge for a month and has no fizz left.

Third prize: An autographed football signed by the Wonthaggi under-11s.

Re: G4E's thread reaching the magical 150 mark.

Under the circumstances you'd have to call it a 'Prat', wouldn't you?

[This message has been edited by TigerTank (edited 20 September 2000).]

Amazing scenes! Another Gobshite twins fan!

Saw those guys upwards of 30 times between 1985 and 1989 in various Oz venues, including awesome gigs at the Old Greek Threatre, Chasers, Festival Hall (supporting REM) etc etc. Have seen Robert solo probably 10 times in Melbourne. Saw a great gig at the Espie with Rob & Grant and and last year saw these guys do an awesome gig at the Jazz Cafe in London (one of 4 sold out shows).

I've got most of Robert's solo stuff and all of the originals.

In summary, the Gobetweens are my all time favourite band and even without Lindy, Vickers and the Cleopatra Wong chick, it is very exciting to hear they have reformed. Incidently, the new album got a huge review in this weeks Sunday Times Arts section.

Go OZ!
I'd love somenone to give me an all expenses paid trip to Avondale Heights, only a stones throw from Windy Hill, any offers. But I guess that's probably cause I live in Perth.


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I knew I inhaled too much of that gas whilst holding the mask for someone else at the hospital tongiht!!!

Hmmm folks, please give me a day or 2's grace to work out this thread. Thanks!!
Hey Dutchy

I saw the Go-Betweens a couple of times, but as is per normal with me, I only really started to love the band *after* they split up. Anyway, the new album is brilliant...way better than what I had expected. Using the Quasi/Sleater-Kinney folks as the "backing band" was a great move....close your eyes and it could almost be Lindy Morrison and Robert Vickers. And Forster's humour is in good nick too (check out the song about surfing). Anyway, they had the album launch in Brisbane, and if you want to see some photos, go to where you'll find some.

You'll be happy to know that the Melbourne band scene is as healthy and vibrant as it ever was. Plenty of venues (the Punters and Empress are still going strong), plenty of established muso's, but still heaps of young bands learning their art.

I really don't know what the attraction is with the Go*Betweens. Really.

Try Blink-182, Spiderbait, Moby, BB King, Robert Johnson, Papa Roach, Sunk Loto... the list goes on and on before we get anywhere NEAR the Go*Betweens.
While everyone's on the band scene, lemme ask...anyone looking for a good drummer?

Part of the motivation for me to move there is the band scene; I would like to get in the business. Just hope I can find a way to ship my kit over with me.

I you had seen them live at their peak in the mid 80s you would know the heresy which you speak...

Smiths, Rem, New Order, GoBetweens, Triffids, Moodists, Laughing Clowns etc - an oasis of talent in the despite, dire 80's....

Shinner, thanks for the link....

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First thread to 150...

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