Footy Merchandise

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fighting fury

Nov 14, 2000
Melbourne (Richmond)
Do you think footy clubs have enough merchandise or do we need more?

What do we have so far?

Boxer shorts
Dressing gowns
Woolly Jumpers short sleeve/long sleeve
Sweaters as above
Giant pompoms
Stickers etc.etc.etc.

What else could be added, that isn't on the list?

Welcome to the jungle
Something Cheap


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As we speak I am currently negotiating with the NMFC to market a new product called RooBeer. It is 13% alcohol in honour of Martin Pike and is carefully brewed in my 3rd bedroom, vat by vat, 23 litres at a time. It comes in bitter, lager, ale or my personal favourite a super 'eavy stout.
I will personally taste test EVERY drop of EVERY stubby to ensure quality control. I know this somewhat inhibits the potential to market the product but I'm working on it!
Now back to the lab for more testing...

Take no prisoners, take no shit!!!

Do clubs have BADGERS for merchandising?
I'd love to see a badger in red & black colours. But, your not allowed to keep badgers as pets are you?

I think you meant BADGES. lol
As an enthusiastic member of the 'badger down ya trousers club', I fully endorse the call for far more badgers.

More specifically, a badger in the tri colours of the adelaide crows would provide a 'down the trouser' experience that would surely surpass anything that those bloody Essendon Supporters have been bragging about just because they won a lousy bit of silverware.
We have a little shop up the road from my house that has merchandise displays for all clubs. It has as well as the above:

kids pencil kits/cases
shaving/toiletries bags
pewter mugs/plates/moneyboxes/keyrings/eggcups etc
Doona Cover sets
Blow up mascots
Cards and wrapping paper
Team sunblock
Towels and washers
baby clothes

and heaps and heaps more!
oops I forot the obligatory etched glasses and coffee mugs and mens jocks in each team colours too.

The AFL has also patented a little football that is available in Gold or Silver in the 'charms' area of the Jewellry shops.

A)Can you go into more detail about the blow up mascots.

B)What sort of shop is this???
LOL spogs - NOT that sort of shop! You know what I mean, like kids blow up toys in the shape of the team mascots. Not available for all teams tho! My son wanted a Lions one, but they don't make them.
Badgers are good !
Pehaps ,rather than making them a universal mascot thingy i.e. A Collingwood Badger in Guernsey and beanie, or Carlton Badger in Guernsey and beanie,

We could have a team from Tasmania called the Badgers !!

I mean the Island is the same shape !
and you could have it dressed in the Badgers guernsey and beanie and it could have one of those anomatronic moving mouths and eyes that move from side to side and it would sing, Yes it would sing.... and we could have it move..You a REAL badger, It would walk and roll over, perhaps do a backflip as it sang..Wow !

" I love the Badgers, dont you?' We all love a badger from time to time ! Nothing like a badger from Down under. Go you Badgers !"

What do you reckon ?

The Map of Tasmania Badgers !!!!!

Go you Tassie Badgers !!


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About 6 years I suggested to the Bombers merchandising department they should bring out more things for women, like bras, knickers, stockings & dressier jumpers, that could be worn out, not just for going to the footy. I was told they were in the process of doing that six years later & the only thing they brought out were dress socks & g strings for guys. Grrr, don't they realise how many female supporters there are.

Sandie, I think MOST Essendon supporters are female , just not old enough to wear bras, sexy stockings, lingerie etc.

*Darky grabs helmet and hides in his bunker*

Give me a woman who loves beer, and I will conquer the world!!!!!!!!!
Blow up mascots hehe. Can I barrack for the AFL's newest team in 2010 - a NZ team cllaed the Sheep?
Sorry to any kiwis, I'm just being a baaaaaah-stard

Give me a woman who loves beer, and I will conquer the world!!!!!!!!!
I don't have much merchandise as I reckon the only thing that really counts is actually following the team but I've still got quite a bit of stuff. anyway, my list is as follows:
Boxer shorts (2 pairs)
Socks (i wear em to bed everynight
Stubbie holder
Framed picture of SOS taking a classic grab in 1993 against Collingwood.
ok people, very funny about the 'badgers'. I hope you all know I meant badges (you know those pin on the chest gadgets!).
But, its interesting how much more everyone can come up with. So the demand for more merchandise is definately there.

Yes I agree with mantis, bring out more female stuff!

Here's another idea! How about men and women and kids shoes?
Club colours and styles could be amazing!!

In fact, why stop with the wardrobe, why not do the whole house and yards!!!

Welcome to the jungle

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Footy Merchandise

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