For all you soccer haters....

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Thats really bout Socceroos, and never believe channel 7

R.I.P Adelaide Hellas (Adelaide Sharks)


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Yes well Channel Seven isn't a favourite among soccer fans, and yes the implications are mainly for the Socceroos. However, surely an increased interest in Australian soccer would surely be a positive sign for the NSL in general.

The interesting thing I found was in the figures regarding how many kids are actually playing the game, which would go against other posts and topics on this board which suggest soccer can never be successful in this country (well, not THIS one, but Australia!).
Dont get too carried away it will never be on prime time.And the only reason soccer has so many youngsters playing is because we have a society of soft liberal voting morons who dont want little junior to fall on his arse. It seems to be a social crime wanting to bring up your sons as men.I remember years and years ago the poms who living in australia said that soccer will one day be the biggest sport in this country,well im still waiting and it will never ever happen,our culture is aussie rules and i have a problem with people who suggest otherwise.Ok i love english premiere league
i reckon its great and im a strong follower of newcastle united but for gods sake will the anti aussie rules people go and get a life,the chardonnay drinking basketball morons can get stuffed,and the soccer lovers trying to tell us we will one day be all following soccer australia(what a joke)can get rooted.

I got music runnin'in my brain,Ev'ry song with it's own kind of meaning,Cleanse the soul and wash away the pain,Baptized by the song that you're singing,Canta libre,Canta la vida,siempre conmigo,cante libre, Neil Diamond
And here then is the crux of the issue...
If you follow soccer you are not Australian. It is fine to watch the English Premier League, but to follow the game here....

Yes, that is why kiddies play soccer, as parents are scared of their kids getting injured. But as someone eloquently put in another thread, the battle is for the non-aligned eight year olds. People like you Joffa are always gonna follow the footy no matter how much they stuff it up. The marketing is cleary aimed this way. Why else would you call a team "Power"???
Very funny SBAGMAN...ILMAO

Its good to share different opinions with you SBAGMAN i reckon your ok.

I got music runnin'in my brain,Ev'ry song with it's own kind of meaning,Cleanse the soul and wash away the pain,Baptized by the song that you're singing,Canta libre,Canta la vida,siempre conmigo,cante libre, Neil Diamond

Could you tell me why channel 7 does not put soccer on television in prime time right now?
Our final World Cup qualifier later this year in October/November will be the first real test of prime time soccer on a major station, albeit, as Sbagman's article pointed at, on an international level.

If all goes well, (as a close, cut throat match against quality opposition from South America should), a chance to FINALLY qualify after such a drought and to make amends for the disaster of the Iran match 4 years ago, soccer, as a TV spectator sport could hopefully gain some mainstream acceptance/interest and build from there, filtering through to NSL coverage etc, despite Soccer Australia's (and Seven's in the past three years!) best efforts to destroy the league (Get Jeff in there I reckon

Should we make it to the 2002 World Cup ..... the coverage oddly enough.... will be on Nine.
. So Seven's "sacrifice" and work in promoting the game will be to Nine's benefit in the short term.

Wonder what's gonna happen to footy coverage during that month? Nine over committed? Of course not!

[This message has been edited by Westy Boy (edited 31 January 2001).]
Happy Hawker,

I don't know. Maybe because the NSL is an absolute joke at the moment. But I think the Glory have their own show on seven in Perth, don't they? I live quite some distance from Australia at the moment so it's kinda difficult to say. I'm a realist... the NSL is only for soccer junkies like me who need to chant "The twelve days of Christmas" with Nick Meredith's name as each gift.... but I digress... the notion that soccer has no hope of ever being successful in Australia is nonsensical. And I hope that now that Seven has lost the AFL they might start investing more time into soccer to help pick it up from its doldrums.
Cheers Joffa, I mightn't agree with everything you post but I reckon your hearts in the right place and we need more supporters like yourself. Well, maybe not toooooo many....


If you care about soccer in Australia - stop talking about this "all the kids play the game so its future is assured" kinda stuff.

Its not gonna happen mate

Soccer has enjoyed this advantage for quite some time now, in fact in countries like the USA, Canada and South Africa, Soccer has been the runaway Number One junior sport since the mid 1980's

In New Zealand, Soccer was the biggest team sport in the land by miles when I went to school there - 25 years ago.

Whats happened to all those 1000's and 1000's of kids who played the game ?

Why aren't they flooding the ranks of apprentices in the European Leagues ?

Why aren't they all playing in a strong and healthy local Professional League ?

Why aren't they watching the game on TV in their 1000's ?

Because soccer remains, in the eyes of most Australians, a terribly dull and boring spectacle.

Look I used to play alot of soccer when I went to school. I went to a soccer school (60 soccer teams vs 3 rugby teams), my mum encouraged her boys to play soccer for safety reasons. All of my brothers played soccer. (I chose rugby - the only one to do so)

Nowadays only one brother takes an interest in the game, all the others follow rugby and the AFL - why ?

Because soccer is a crap game thats why - no amount of propaganda from FIFA or Soccer Australia will change that fact. No amount of 'parental supervision' is gonna change the fact that soccer is dropped like a hot potato from most kids' sporting portfolios as soon as they are old enough to tell mum where to shove it.

Here in Australia, like a small handfull of other such incredibly lucky countries, have an oval-ball football code to keep us entertained, in fact we have several to choose from.

No wonder soccer still stinks.

Oh and BTW we won't qualify for the world cup - the national team are hopeless losers who will conspire to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again.


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Spot on BSA. Australians see soccer as an unsatisfying game. Two words describe the problem: "nil all". It is also no coincidence that the countries that had a genuine alternative (Australia,NZ,USA,Canada) have relegated soccer to second rate (in Australia probably fourth rate) status. For all the propoganda (World game? where are the brilliant teams from China,India and Pakistan-that's about half the world for a start!) and even alowing for the exquisite skills displayed it fails the most obvious test demanded by a footy code- scoring!
If soccer became as popular as some recent big MCG games suggest, would it neccesarily be bad for AFL ? I don't think so.

And you are completely right about playing one game and watching another. My nephew and his friends in England play Rugby Union a lot but don't go to watch it. They'd rather watch soccer.
Groucho, a lot is made about the lack of scoring in soccer by aussie rules followers, but saying it is to the detriment of the game is wrong. a nil all draw is often a gripping and exciting affair when the team you support is involved. every time the opposition goes into attack you hope that they dont score and its heart stopping stuff when your keeper is required to make a save. when your team goes into attack again its edge of the seat stuff as you wait to see if the ball hits the back of the net, if it does the release of tension is enormous and the celebration can be huge. the result can be decided in a heartbeat and that is what makes the game great. i would rather have an exciting nil all draw than watch essendon have a 3/4 time lead of 87 points, that is boring.
So in summary:

-As a spectator sport, soccer is crap.
-Australia needs soccer like it needs Mad Cows Disease.
-Soccer cannot grow beyond its ethnic base in Australia because Aussie Rules is so obviously a better game to watch (not necessarily play) that only cultural ties would lead someone to prefer the nil-all game.
-Aside from people who haven't been here long enough to work it out yet, only sh!te-head, do-gooder, w***er, anti-Australian, cultural-cringer, soft-coks like George Negus and David Hill want to increase soccer's prominence at the expense of AFL football.
-I and others are sick of being told we should follow the "World Game" as if Australians aren't clever enough to work out what sports they should or shouldn't watch.
-As a spectator sport, soccer is Crap!

I know I said that last one twice, but it is so much the crux of the issue that I thought I should repeat it.

Good Day!

TT - Obligatory bad-tempered Richmond supporter
Interesting days ahead for soccer in Australia ...

I wonder just what kind of ratings Channel Seven will really get if they show this game in prime time to replace their AFL content ?

I'm not holding my breath - I don't think the NSL will rate at all.

Would you watch it ? - especially if the footy is on at the same time on 9/10 ?

Well i for one can say i sit on the fence between AFL and soccer because i love both sports with a deep passion.By the way i follow english premier league and the national league(well not as much since Carlton got the boot).To start with in Victoria nothing will ever over take AFL.The main reason is there are 10 teams here and there will never be 10 national league soccer teams here.The only Melbourne based soccer teams are Greek and Croatian and i can't see many Aussies following them,especially when they cheer hellas(greece) and croatia at games.Victorian soccer is pretty much dead and buried at this stage in time,unless a new multi-cultural club with no ethinc ties is formed.
Sorry for all this soccer talk on a afl forum.
Originally posted by Bloodstained Angel:

If you care about soccer in Australia - stop talking about this "all the kids play the game so its future is assured" kinda stuff.

Its not gonna happen mate

Soccer has enjoyed this advantage for quite some time now, in fact in countries like the USA, Canada and South Africa, Soccer has been the runaway Number One junior sport since the mid 1980's

In New Zealand, Soccer was the biggest team sport in the land by miles when I went to school there - 25 years ago.

Whats happened to all those 1000's and 1000's of kids who played the game ?

Why aren't they flooding the ranks of apprentices in the European Leagues ?

Why aren't they all playing in a strong and healthy local Professional League ?

Why aren't they watching the game on TV in their 1000's ?

Because soccer remains, in the eyes of most Australians, a terribly dull and boring spectacle.

Look I used to play alot of soccer when I went to school. I went to a soccer school (60 soccer teams vs 3 rugby teams), my mum encouraged her boys to play soccer for safety reasons. All of my brothers played soccer. (I chose rugby - the only one to do so)

Nowadays only one brother takes an interest in the game, all the others follow rugby and the AFL - why ?

Because soccer is a crap game thats why - no amount of propaganda from FIFA or Soccer Australia will change that fact. No amount of 'parental supervision' is gonna change the fact that soccer is dropped like a hot potato from most kids' sporting portfolios as soon as they are old enough to tell mum where to shove it.

Here in Australia, like a small handfull of other such incredibly lucky countries, have an oval-ball football code to keep us entertained, in fact we have several to choose from.

No wonder soccer still stinks.

Oh and BTW we won't qualify for the world cup - the national team are hopeless losers who will conspire to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again.


Why post this?

I guess you seem to forget that soccer is by far and away the biggest sport in the world. Go watch a game in Europe and try and tell me its dull. I took a bunch of Aussies (AFL fans) to a game here in Italy and they said it was the most amazing sporting event they had ever seen.

Could it be that Aussies don't play sports they can't be the best at?
Originally posted by Groucho:
Spot on BSA. Australians see soccer as an unsatisfying game. Two words describe the problem: "nil all". It is also no coincidence that the countries that had a genuine alternative (Australia,NZ,USA,Canada) have relegated soccer to second rate (in Australia probably fourth rate) status. For all the propoganda (World game? where are the brilliant teams from China,India and Pakistan-that's about half the world for a start!) and even alowing for the exquisite skills displayed it fails the most obvious test demanded by a footy code- scoring!

This is the funniest thing I have ever read. You obviously have no idea.
Originally posted by TigerTank:
So in summary:

-As a spectator sport, soccer is crap.
-Australia needs soccer like it needs Mad Cows Disease.
-Soccer cannot grow beyond its ethnic base in Australia because Aussie Rules is so obviously a better game to watch (not necessarily play) that only cultural ties would lead someone to prefer the nil-all game.
-Aside from people who haven't been here long enough to work it out yet, only sh!te-head, do-gooder, w***er, anti-Australian, cultural-cringer, soft-coks like George Negus and David Hill want to increase soccer's prominence at the expense of AFL football.
-I and others are sick of being told we should follow the "World Game" as if Australians aren't clever enough to work out what sports they should or shouldn't watch.
-As a spectator sport, soccer is Crap!

I know I said that last one twice, but it is so much the crux of the issue that I thought I should repeat it.

Good Day!

Thanks, Pauline. Very constructive.
Why is it AFL supporters are so scared of soccer that every time the word is mentioned, they feel the need to rubbish it? Because it isn't AFL? We have a board for cricket, that isn't AFL either!

It's a shame alot of people can't appreciate the game because you get the occasional 0-0 draw or because Australia's not the best at it.

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For all you soccer haters....

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