Fraser Gehrig Strikes Umpire

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All Australian
Apr 29, 2000
What will be his fate?

In the past if a player while attempting to strike an opponent accidentally strikes another opponent the tribunal has deemed it to be a deliberate strike and the player if found guilty has been suspended as he would have if the the struck player was his target.

If the tribunal are to be consistent and they deem that Gehrig was attempting to strike his opponent then he should be found guilty of deliberately striking an umpire.

Given that such a report would be the most serious possible in the game then his suspension should be a life ban.

Any thoughts?
Reck'n it a great idea, but don't see it happening.

But it would be great.
Get real servo, life? The umpire should not have got involved, it's his own bloody fault. If two players want to have a fight let them, it's got nothing to do with the umpire. He can watch them and then report them if theres something in it, but should not get involved. If Gehrig goes down for this, the tribunal is a joke. I remember in the pre-season Gavin Wanganeen pushed an umpire, and nothing happened as a result, and nothing should happen here.

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I think the umpire contributed to the incident by placing himself in a dangerous situation.Surley this will need to taken into consideration by the tribunal. In the Brisbane V Essendon game the umpire that directed the injured Essendon player to take his kick should have been discilpined.
I am not necessarilly advocating he be given a life suspension. I am just trying to draw a comparison to numerous similar incidents that involved a third player rather than an umpire.

The tribunal found that although the player struck was not the intended target, the perpetrater had inended to strike. Who he struck was incidental.

Given that Gehrig may have intended to strike, and that he connected with the umpire, does that not constitute a deliberate strike of an umpire?

If so the only possible suspension is life.
OK. Saw the incident, and I think it really was an accident. The umpire did put himself in the wrong position. Actually they seem to be doing that a lot this season. Perhaps Gieshan (sp?) needs to address that? Practice their evasive techniques?

Anyway, the tribunal did have to report Fraser (I understand that), but a guilty verdict would be wrong. Fraser is finally having a good season, and a suspension will destroy it. [Not that that's a reason to drop the charge] The Eagles will appeal any guilty finding I'm sure, after all, $15,000 is pocket change to us, right?

Can you be reported for attempted striking? Cos that's all the hit on Brown would have been. Fraser would have had an 'airy' if Sheehan hadn't got in the way!

BTW/ Good to see Brown has been reported. Calling our team rapists is low, and in violation of the vilification rules. IMO, Gehrig had no option than to respond. The assault claims are still only allegations, and it appears there's nothing to them. Unlike the Brisbane situation, which seems to be getting a bit ugly?
Oh he accidently knocked him out, that makes it okay.

Life, has a nice sound.
Ok I was also at the game and I saw some of what happened . . . Fraser and Brown were tugging at each other, it was nothing serious or even wrestling. Then Brown obviously said something to infuriate Fraser because he took a swing at him and the 2 umpires which had came up to them and told them to break it up came from BEHIND which means Fraser wasn't looking at them or would of known they were anywhere near him.

Laurie no it doesn't make it ok - but as you said it was ACCIDENTAL and I wont be suprised at all if Bryan has another look at the case, speaks to Fraser and then stops the case before it gets into the tribunial.
He has attempted to strike a player. The umpire was struck.
It was reckless and he should have known better. He has placed himself in a very precauious situation. I think he will be a very lucky boy if he doesnt get suspended.
His problem is the rule states :

"intentionally, recklessly or negligently making contact with or striking an Umpire;"

Now whilst the contact was not intentional it could very well be decribed as reckless. With Williams getting nine weeks as a precedent I think Fraser may find himself a spectator for a long time.
Elt and everyone else - he got off, Bryan basically saved Fraser's ass! He told the tribunial that he was mostly to blame and that he was in a wrong position at the time.

And the 2 western bulldogs players both got fined $2000
Thats justice for calling innocent players rapists!

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Justice has been served.

The reason Williams got nine was because he intended to shove the umpire out the way. While he maintains he thought it was another player, do you think many people actually believed him?

Fraser didn't mean to touch the ump. Didn't even know he was there. And I don't think he intended to strike Brown either (though I wish he had. What is it with that guy and the WACA?). Gehrig is actually a very good boxer -he wouldn't have missed.

BTW/ Laurie -Sheehan wasn't knocked out. Stunned and felled- yes, but knocked out no. It was over dramitised a little by the media.

I realise most of you will see this as my biased view, but it honestly isnt. Like I said, I saw the whole thing happen, and it wasn't like they said in the papers. Perhaps the Victorian media has only covered half the facts?
Well this is a first!!!

All 3 field umpires actually agreeing on something!!!

All 3 umpires stated that they felt the contact was entirely accidental, end of story?

Well if they do believe that, surely the League consulted them before laying the charge. So why did the report go ahead??

I suspect the umpires have thought that if this guy is found guilty he could likely never play the game again. Yes the incident would be on the very lightest end of the scale for this offence but nevertheless a hefty sentence would have been administered. What can they do to ensure real justice is done? Tell the tribunal his actions were not deliberate, negligent or reckless but were completely accidental.

It appears these umpires are the most sensible umpires in the game because they have let common sense take over when the letter of the law could have seen Gehrig out for a very long time.

A very bright result on a very dark incident.

And what is it with these Bulldog players and their continual antagonistis idiocy. If Terry Wallace is such a good coach as the pundits keep stating then why do his players repeatedly front the tribunal? I dont think I would want him coaching my team and turning most of our players into thugs and schoolyard bullies.
From what I believe. If this action had of occured off the football field, then Gherigs actions would have been justififed, because of what was said to him. In normal life, the doggie player would have been the one in trouble with the law.Thus, that is why Gherig got off.
Now its about time the Bulldogs attitdudes were cleaned up.Not a week goes by, when we see allegations about their players on field behaviour.All the other AFl team s can be wrong.
Wallace does have alot to answer for as far as Bulldog players reprehensible behaviour. If he doesn't like the clubs reputation being sullied then he should pull them into line.

I must admit though if I were playing a side who had members interviewed by the police for rape I would be at them with it all game. I've never played AFL however and it is different because it's a work place on the field. Just as no one should be subjected to racial vilification, defamation should be out of bounds too.

I'm just glad the Bomber boys didn't take a swipe at the Lions for one/two players disgusting antics in London. Could you imagine what those cry babies would have done if they had have uttered one word. The U.N. Human Rights commision would have been called in.
RICE - but remember they are not charges, only accusations - I've read 2 articles in the press both doubting the cases and one of them was a victorian writer.
They are grown men, not kids - if the western bulldogs are getting under anyones skins I seriously doubt the mental strength of the Eagles players - its obvious they are doing it just to stir them up, it happens in cricket, in most sports.
What are the rules now - cant call a player:
stupid, a moron, idiot, fairy because it might make them feel bad! I know a few wogs (before you arch up, I am a wog!) in the afl cop it every week, but I never hear them whinge.

Also, Williams copped 9, he didnt know the umpire was there - neither did Gehrig. Where is the consistency?? The ump interveined unduly on diesel, as he did on Gehrig. It makes you wonder.......
Good call Jimbo. Its taking political correctness to extremes.

Still about the actual charge, would he have been so lucky if his name was Wallis/Hall/Southern or anyone with a 'history' of on field indscretions?
You've hit the nail right on the head Grendel, if it was any of those players or any Essendon player they would have gone, but the Umpires pets, the Weagles got let off yet again, you should be used to their players getting soft judgements by now.

West Coast Eagles Umpires Pets???
Interstate clubs are the teams that are screwed most of the time by the umpires. Bulldogs are one of the pets. Slaps on the wrists, the AFL turning a blind eye to scratching allegation until clubs threaten more extreme action just 2 examples. Brown and Libber got off easy just ask Spider. They broke the vilification act of the AFL it could have been a whole lot worse.
For my point of view I hope the Eagles take legal action against the Bulldogs and media outlets who reported biased headlines and articles without all the facts (the Australian - Game was played at the WACA not subiaco). Maybe then coaches such as Wallace will be forced to take charge of his team and their behavour
Kristy, are you on drugs or what, this is football, Fraser won OK, stop bitching about legal action, we don't need it in this game, if your players are that sensitive, then maybe they should take up netball.
sandie - another thing we dont need in football is players going so low as to calling their opposition 'rapists'. I know your probably going to say there was nothing in it and comments like that are thrown about the footy field all the time and Fraser should of just ignored it, but calling such accusations is just sick and is not part of our national game - especially with the kids who will think it's ok that their heros can say such things to players and get away with it.

If I was Fraser I could of retalliated the same way, but I would of made sure the punch connected to Brown.
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