As an avid Bomber supporter it pains me to try and help the Blues club or supporters, but enough is enough this guys time is up.
For those Blues supporters fed up with Elliott and trust me there's alot of 'em, check out www.crikey.com.au in their business section. They are running a campaign to oust Elliott and install Fitzpatrick as the new Pres.
Up until now it's been amusing having an arrogant, embarrassing, failed business man as Carltons president, but the jokes well and truly over. Mike Fitzpatrick would make a great Pres., he runs a successful business, had a great footy career, isn't a criminal and would run rings around Elliott as far as Media communication goes.
Regardless of what some other lame brains think on this site, ie "he's sticking itup the AFL and 7", Christ you guys know alot about media manipulation. Elliott and his new friend Eddie, might stuff up this great game of ours with their battle against the AFL.
So stand up Blues supporters and get rid of that dinosaur and install a man for the 21st Century.
Sorry fellow Bomber fans had to do it for the good of the game.
For those Blues supporters fed up with Elliott and trust me there's alot of 'em, check out www.crikey.com.au in their business section. They are running a campaign to oust Elliott and install Fitzpatrick as the new Pres.
Up until now it's been amusing having an arrogant, embarrassing, failed business man as Carltons president, but the jokes well and truly over. Mike Fitzpatrick would make a great Pres., he runs a successful business, had a great footy career, isn't a criminal and would run rings around Elliott as far as Media communication goes.
Regardless of what some other lame brains think on this site, ie "he's sticking itup the AFL and 7", Christ you guys know alot about media manipulation. Elliott and his new friend Eddie, might stuff up this great game of ours with their battle against the AFL.
So stand up Blues supporters and get rid of that dinosaur and install a man for the 21st Century.
Sorry fellow Bomber fans had to do it for the good of the game.