Get rid of the Brownslow

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Jul 22, 2000
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Now that we have an almost National competition, we should as Australians embrace our code and get rid of ties to the Victorian suburban competition, the AFL superseded and replaced. The Brownslow medal is important to suburban melbourne football ideals, But I believe a National competition should take on its own Best and fairest medal
Perhaps the Australia Medal or M.V.P. medal or something similar..
The Magarey Medal in South Australia predated the whole concept of the Brownslow by about 30 years. the Trend setting SAFL was light years ahead of the VFL in the first fifty years of league football. The SANFL celebrated its centenary in 1977.

Recognizing Football as a National game and not just Victorian and Geelong in Mr. Brownslows case would be a step in the right direction...

What do you think ?
First Off, Its not Brownslow Medal, its Brownlow Medal.

Second Off, That is a stupid idea and it is never going to happen. I do believe however, that the format that the Brownlow Medal is awarded in (3, 2, 1 votes system) should be changed, to the umpires awarding players points based on how good the player plays.
I believe a maximum of 5 points should be awarded, but the umpires dont necessearily have to give the best player 5 points.
Basically, the umpires can award as many players' votes' as they wish, and they rate them with a score out of 5 point for the game.

But no, there is no way that they will ever change the name of the Brownlow Medal, it is to traditional now to change.

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Thank you for your response WCE, Brownslow, Brownlow, yep thanks for correcting me.
Thanks for your input it was quite insightful, I wasnt ,however looking for peronal putdowns or abuse, just some logical, mature and well thought out replies to the question of this Victorian suburban medal.

The Australia Medal , sounds great..

Perhaps the VFA/VFL could take on the Brownslow or perhaps the latrobe league or some other Victorian football league.

The rest of Australia could then get on with developing a truly National competition without the constraints of Melbourne suburb names for National Australian football sides.

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Oh, the pain that having a medal recognising one of the pioneers of the game must cause you. I agree that the league should be leading towards becoming truly national, and that it ignores greats form other states, but I don't understand how the naming of an eighty year old tradition is hurting these national plans. The fact is that the roots of this league lie in Victoria, and obviously some facets from the old VFL will continue to exist. Does the fact that the medal is named after a Victorian make its importance any less significant? Winning it is the greatest honour that can be bestowed upon any player, regardless of his state of origin. The NRL, NSL and so forth, all name theirs after greats of their sports. Why can't we?
Naming it the MVP would make it sound more like a radio or newspaper award.
PA 1870

You're a fair dinkum tosser mate.

Whats the naming of the Brownlow got to do with anything.

Charles Brownlow, was a great pioneer of the game of Australian Football. Who do you want to sname it after. A South Australian ? Fine, if you can find someone appropriate enough.

The AFL is the old VFL. Get that through your head. if you don't believe me, ask the AFL themselves. They keep the OFFICIAL records.

What do you think we celebrated in 1996 ? it was called the centenary seaosn. It was the centenary of the VFL/AFL. It's the same competiton, just expanded to bring in teams from all over the country for the good of the game. It is now a vibrant, fantastic national competiton. I suppose you forgot about that seaosn back in 1996 did you ?

If I was from South Australia, I'd be writing EXACTLY the samwe thing. It doesn't matter where you are from, those are the facts.
come on buddy you cant be serious ?

Brownslow ? Ha

No wonder you know nothing about footy !

I am a South Aussie who loves his footy but give the Victorians some credit.

who was it that made the AFL you guessed it the Victorians so at least honour and respect them and keep the Brownlow Medal it always was a great medal and we all are lucky enough to have it awarded to the other states.

Was that a fair enough comment fella's ?
I am convinced that 'most' South Aussies are utter idiots! I used to think they liked to joke - but they are serious! This guy is off his tree!

For a laugh read Jim Main's segment in Inside Footy - he always gets a brain dead South Aussie dribbling on about godknows what.
Once again chaps,
Lets keep this a rational and reasonable debate. Please keep your personal abuse to yourselves and stick to the question posed...

It is a simple thing to rile Victorian football lovers.

A deliberate mispelling or suggest a change to the Victorian end of the ledger and personal abuse flows, even from indoctrinated South Australians and West Australians.

This is no longer about recognising an eighty year old Victorian suburban medal, but about recognizing Australian Football.

It is not Victorian Football, so perhaps we can now recognize the game has outgrown the backyards of a nice little Victorian competition and embraced the football that the rest of Australia has to offer.

The Magarey medal predates the Brownlow by 30 years.... The ideals set by Magarey were noble and significant to the development of Australian Football.

I dont suggest that the Magarey medal replace the Brownlow because the brownlow is significant to the Melbourne suburbs.

But I believe that a medal that signifies the National nature of our game and not a long gone Victorian competition be embraced by all Australians
If the AFL was a new comp, with all new franchise clubs from ALL states, then possibly you can argue your little point.

However, Interstate clubs were FORMED to JOIN the VFL, there were no NEW CLUBS FORMED in Vic, as we already had the premier competition. EVERYONE else joined US! And if you JOINED US you must accept OUR HISTORY and POLICIES, or else you can go back to your own little competitions.

If you I go your house, I respect you and your family, and go by your rules, and Vice Versa. No Victorian clubs joined the SNAFFLE, and if they did, they would have had to abide by your history, customs and rules.

Its not that difficult.
Thanks for your reply Bomber,

Most people respect the AFL, that is not the problem, No league in Australia WILLINGLY came to the VFL
They were forced to by the overwhelming power of the dollar the VFL could now exert with the assistance of Melbourne based national sponsors.
The VFL were draining interstate leagues of players, they were not replacing any youth development dollars into interstate leagues,
they were actively, not with their own ability, BUT WITH THE RESOURCES OF THEIR SPONSORS DOLLARS ruining football played for over a century in all other football states.

It was a matter of coming in to line with the MONEY. Not a situation of respecting Victorias local competition.

Judging from all that has occured over the last 14 years and the constant responses of Victorian football lovers it is the VFL that is rude and arrogant and domineering.

When we had the NFL, it was made up of members of all football states to determine the direction of Australian football, whenever the rest of Australia dissagreed with the VFL they would threaten to pull out of the NFL a case of dummy spitting on a constant basis.
First of all, I can't believe you thought it was the brownslow!!! You know alot about footy don't you!?!

And second, i live in WA but I love the brownlow. I love watching it and getting the thrill of not knowing who will recieve the great award. I think whoever recieves it-deserves it.
Thats the nature of business, if one company is more powerful, better, stronger whatever than the rest, that company will pull the strings.

Regardless of how or why the rest of Australia joined the VFL, the fact remains that you joined the VFL, and thats the bottom line.

At least you have your SANFL to still award the Magary Medal, the VFL is renamed, its the same competition. It would be a fallacy to award it to the VFA's (now renamed VFL) best player, because that is a DIFFERENT competition. The AFL is the same competition as the old VFL, just over time a couple teams have been added to it, and a new name was given to it. The competition evolved, but its the same competition.
anyone who knows anything about afl knows the brownlow's the award for the best player in the afl.. seems to me it's already nationalised enough... and as for changing it.. WHY !?!?! what's with this silly penchant for wanting to rip the tradition out of everything.. keep the brownlow.

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What if we..

1. still award the brownlow, but for the ever decreasing number of victorian clubs for games played between themselves.

2. Award an Australian football medal for the best and fairest player in the AFL..

Great Idea.

That way the Victorians can still cling to their suburban football ideals and the rest of Australia can celebrate a national achievement with a national medal...
What if we..

1. still award the brownlow, but for the ever decreasing number of victorian clubs for games played between themselves.

2. Award an Australian football medal for the best and fairest player in the AFL..

Great Idea.

That way the Victorians can still cling to their suburban football ideals and the rest of Australia can celebrate a national achievement with a national medal...
What if we..

1. still award the brownlow, but for the ever decreasing number of victorian clubs for games played between themselves.

2. Award an Australian football medal for the best and fairest player in the AFL..

Great Idea.

That way the Victorians can still cling to their suburban football ideals and the rest of Australia can celebrate a national achievement with a national medal...
What if we:

- Get a big boat.

- Get a big, long chain.

- Wrap the Chain around South Australia.

- Get the boat to tow the state out into the middle of the pacific ocean.

- And we can forget about them! (it wont be that hard)

Really, what the hell as Adelaide ever offered Australia? (apart from a few churches and a bunch of whingers!!)
Bomber: heh that a damned fine idea except for one thing... we'd have greenpeace on our backs for the next 50 years about the unacceptable polution australia cast into the pacific ocean
PA 1870

Charles Brownlow was an AUTRALIAN

Yes he was also from Victoria, but far more importantly, he is from AUSTRALIA.

The Brownlow is AUSTRALIAN Footballs highest honour. I pride myself on taking an un-biased look at things. You however, are different. You are so parochial. Look at all clubs in the national comp, whether Victorian or not, as AUSTRALIAN clubs (i.e treat them equally), and then award the Brownlow (named after an Australian) to the player judged best and fairest.

This 104 year old competiton (in it's various forms, firstly the VFL, now the AFL)has had that award for about 80 odd seasons. Keep it.
Victorian Footballs highest honour, forced onto footballers from Clubs outside Victoria.
Nothing parochial about that......
I am making a suggestion which I believe with time will gain enormous momentum, the more you debate with me and others like you, gives weight to the debate.

South Australians received the Magarey Medal
West Australians the Sandover medal Victorians the Brownlow.

Keep it confined to the history of suburban Melbourne clubs.

Allow Australian Football the grace to Develop its own MVP medal based on National ideals not....My friend a parochial suburban Melbourne or more to the point Geelong point of view....
Yeah. I'm with WCE2000. I mean, you are saying that we should have an "Australian" Award. Isn't the brownlow australian already? I would shut up man. No one agrees with you..
PA1870 When you joined these boards you explained that you were a stalwart of Port Adelaide and SA football. You told us you also have some journalistic training and talent.

Well use some plain old common sense this time and just LISTEN.

Almost all of us South Australians tried to make the same points as you are, (ie: The game is now Australian and not just Victorian). But spend a little time actually paying attention to the rest of the country and you will realise that you are sounding like a whinging w***er.

The game is national. The Vic supporters have accepted that non Vic clubs will win the premiership occassionally and non Vic players will win the Brownlow occassionally.

What we as Sth Aussies must accept is that the country and the game does not revolve around Adelaide.

What the Vic people must realise is that the country and the game does not revolve around Melbourne. They so easily bite when baited and are all to ready to try to belittle Sth Aussies in general. This only demonstrates their contemp for us and goes a long way to explaining their inability to concede that Vic Football was not always the premier league in Australia.

Having said my piece,

I believe that Vic Football has been the premier league for the last 40 years, perahaps more.

I believe Brownlow is a suitable name for the AFL Best & Fairest.

I believe the current and traditional way of voting is fine.

I love our game and will watch whether my team is playing or not.

I believe that bigfooty is the best football site available.

I beleive Dan24 does actually have some good things to say.

I believe G4E is Gone 4 Eva.

I suspect that PA1870 is actually 'Powermad'.

I believe Chev1977 shows more balls than any Port supporter I have come accross in stating his dual allegiances.

I beleive I have said enough now.

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Get rid of the Brownslow

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