go pies

  • Thread starter joe rocks ya jocks
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None

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lol ptw

exactly what i was thinking!!

I dont get it. The topic was 'Go Pies' so I assume that Joe's a collingwood supporter but then Joe askes 'should the pies be in the competition' with a finger pointing down ¿?¿?¿
man u r such a shnapper.....why would u ask something like that???
of course they shouldn't be !!!
but i mean they r better than " go eagles"
they have something in common..they r both shit!
I'm finding that a lot of the time, I get about this far into posting a reply, and then thinking, 'what am I doing?', and backtracking to the next topic.

(I would have put this in a new thread of its own, but then I would have been contributing to the phenomenon far too emphatically for my own liking.)
Originally posted by GoEagles:
I dont get it. The topic was 'Go Pies' so I assume that Joe's a collingwood supporter but then Joe askes 'should the pies be in the competition' with a finger pointing down ¿?¿?¿

How the hell do you get a question mark upside down?
Well you take out your question mark key on your keyboard and turn it upside down, heh... seriously It's not that hard (I'll tell you one day). But you can do loads more goodies,

(Þ = sticking your tongue out)
(^Â^ = Angels with wings)

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go pies

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