Goodbye North Your Golden Era's Over

  • Thread starter RICE80
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Up until now I haven't bagged North at all this year, but that changes now.

Having read some of the posts in the "Fall Guy" thread I thought it appropriate after another Bomber demolition job to give you idiot North Sydney (Shinboner excluded) supporters a bit of an old fashioned spray (go away now Bluey this might be too negative for your liking).

Well didn't they "Come out to Play" in the first quarter, ha ha ha, only saved from complete embarassment by our guys kicking 1.7 in the second. 34 scoring shots to 15 by the end of the game.

Mick Martin was your only winner and that was cause Lloyd played & kicked like shit for 1.4, he still took 7 marks. I noticed Carey got in your bests with almost Identical stats to Lloyd, that tells the story in itself. Oh and Wayney, next time get a better return than 1.2 before you show the ball to Fletcher, dickhead.

You guys aren't in the same league as Essendon and Carlton, if it wasn't for Carey you wouldn't even be in the eight. The AFL should scrap the rest of the season and just have GF now, everyone know who'll be in it already.

Well hope you enjoyed your Golden Era while it lasted North Sydney, because that will be it for a while, welcome to the new Millenium.

Okay come on, let me have 'em, rip into me with some replies and try to think of something better than the "Lloyd's a diver" drivel, you idiots.


What a fence sitter, don't wait til the horse has bolted next time w***er.
and yes Grand Finals are played in June... NOT

You would think after last year, you fools would have learnt something.

Still the Reinging Premiers, for another 13 weeks.

PS so if the bombers don't take it out do we all agree they are chokers. I think this question deserves its own thread

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I seem to remember Hawthorn's golden 'era' was pronounced over in 1990.

Pity no-one told west coast in 1991. North may have a few more dice to roll yet.

BUT. More ominously North beat Hawthorn by 20 goals in 1994 (I think) signalling the end of hawthorn's era and the beginning of North's. They were missing Dunstall and Langford that game and once they got those two back, they did manage to thrash the eventual premier at home.

THIS YEAR hawthorn beat north by 10 goals, the first (almost) since 1994. Carey and Archer missing.....

You may well be right. But I don't know if I would be so ungracious in victory-in June. Many things can happen between now and September.....
Rice, Rice, Rice.

Don't be so keen. You have left yourself wide open to foot in mouth disease right here. As long as you are quite prepared to come back and eat humble pie if the Bombers fail to take the flag then that is ok.

Dare I remind you that in 1997 & 1998 the Premiers were not in the 8 at round 15. That same team looks similarly poised right now.
Hello! Roo Boy what am I a fence sitter or someone who's called the Grand Final teams in June? Make up your mind.

How could I ever forget last year, let alone the Players, that's why we'll be there in Sep. and I'm not alone thinking that. I'm not saying we'll win it yet (unlike idiot SuperRoo) anything could happen with injuries. If that makes me a fence sitter big deal.

Of course we'll be chokers if we stuff up this year and I'll cop it sweet. Don't worry I'll be here Monday after if we have a finals defeat.

Hey and Pess the Hawks were never a one man band like the Roos. You do that truly great team a disservice comparing them to Roos 2000. We aint the Eagles of '91, we've got the top FORWARD and backline.

Oh and Roo Boy if you reckon we haven't improved 20% on last year and you aren't 10% down on last year you're very silly. We were 1 point away last year with Somerville playing and Hird, Lucas and J. Johnson all sitting in the stand. Who will be there in Sep. if not Carlton and Essendon?

Do a bit better than next time please. Sorry to "Reign" on your premiers parade Sunday.

Ok barring injuries i'll be humble and say that there is a good chance it will be a blues dons final but i saw an interesting graphic on Talking footy tonight that said carlton have been better than the dons in the last eight weeks. So who really is the best team in the comp me personally if the grand final was held tommorow between the two aforementioned teams i'd pick Carlton.
So all you bomber fans dont get to excited the mighty blues might spoil the show again.
Hey and servo nice call on the crows thats kinda eerie aint it hahahha.

2000 the year of the Eagle <--- got to keep the faith
Actually the graphic said Ess 58 points win avg last 8, Carl 52 Anyway we'll see?????
Ess can't do much more than win can they?
Saw that on Talking Footy as well Jod and it is an interesting point.

I would have Essendon ahead of Carlton on current form, but only just!

And despite my hatred of Carlton, I have to say that I am pretty happy to see another team stand up and provide a challenge otherwise this year could have been quite boring.

As if it hasn't been a disasterous season already!
Aint it great to see dicks like RICE80 get in, just a little too early. Imagine all the Rooboys have to do is beat Carlton and let Essendon choke as usual and we get another flag.

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Yeah but you have to realise the roos are third on the ladder. They are better than 13 teams. I call that pretty decent. Although, I must admit that they aren't the once true blue roos.
I don't think there are too many of us bombers jumping on the train to write the Roos off - certainly not as many as there are "glass houses (98 sound familiar - at least we had more scoring shots and only just got done)" roos supporters jumping on the desparate bandwagon to call us chokers...

North are still a big show - probably not quite as good as Carlton as prez - but I'd back them to win say 3-4 out of 10 against them and maybe 1-2 out of 10 against us on current lists, form etc... ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN !
Well yeah I'm a real "dick" the Roos have done so much since that post, just beat a suspect Dees (just ask the Saints), and creamed two teams in tip top form the cats and the Tigers

As Dutchy said the Roos choke as good as the Bombers, nice try on whitewashing your history, you remember when MacLeod and Jarman took your guys to the cleaners. Don't lump all bomber supporters together, I'm the only one too write you off so far and I still stand by it.

Keep dreaming, unless Corey (did he even have an opponent on Fri. Night?)kicks 8 every week, which is unlikely, you guys are still a "distant third" as Pagan said. Don't believe Bomber Thompson's bullshit, he's trying to cover for his shitfull side.

Make sure you come back and see us after the finals

Bombers Vs Roos Grand Final Guys
The Roos Are a better side than every one gives them credit for and as long as they don't play calthorpe too often then they have a chance at the Big One, Carlton are liklely to stumble at the second last hurdle this year and meet the Roos in The Prelim (hopefully Losing by a point) However if the blues make it to the GF the bombers win win by a point, Poetic justice you might say.

Just Think Roos VS Bombers the best 2 sides over the last 2 years meet in the grand final that would be sweet
We won't know how good North are until we do meet Carlton and/or Essendon in the finals. Our form has picked up in the past month, but if we were to play either of the top two teams next weekend, I wouldn't put money on my boys to win. However, we do have a further three games to run into some form. It's a bit like Carlton this really rated them until they beat us at Princess Park, and from then on, their confidence lifted up another level. So if North do beat Carlton in the finals.....

Okay, the past month. The positives....

1. Colbert and Stevens are regaining their match fitness, Stevens has the grunt, Colbert is the wild card. While I'm not putting Colbert in the same class as Hird, I reckon he has a similar flexibility to play in many positions and could give opposition coaches that extra headache to deal with.

2. Our defence has tightened up with Archer and Martyn still to return.

3. McKernan has been slowly coming back into form in the past six weeks. He hasn't hidden at all, he's still been calling for the ball and attacking it. Last Friday, it all came together for him.

4. The form of Pike and Pickett. These guys can run from the half back flank and set up attacks. Both were playing below standard for most of this year, but have really picked up in the past month. Don't underestimate their ability to chase, shepherd, tackle, or deliver a bump.

5. The forward line. North's weakness hasn't been the backline, but the forward line. For the first time, the no-Carey no-North theory is true as there hasn't been another marking forward to support him. But McKernan took his marks, Sholl did his bit the previous week, and Lange is attacking the ball again. The key (as I've said earlier) is Colbert...he's been holding his marks in defence. If Archer comes back and they move Colbert forward. We get the ball forward often enough, we just haven't capitalised. If we get a reliable second marking forward, then I'll be a bit more confident.

The negatives.

1. Who have we really beaten anyway? A West Coast side missing Cousins and Wirrpunda...their forward line of Cummings and Matera both injured during the game. There was Richmond who have had injuries all year, and then Geelong who lost their two key marking forwards in Mensch and Mooney during the game. When we did play a good team (Melbourne), they won 3 out of the 4 quarters.

2. The side is still unsettled. Essendon and Carlton have fielded largely settled teams wheras we've had Rawlings, Hewitt, Calthorpe, Sholl, Lange, Spuall etc. etc. on this merry-go-round between the seniors and reserves. It shows that our bottom 5 or 6 players may not be as good at the top 2.

3. Carlton and Essendon both mauled us this year. And both did it in different ways. The Dons king hit us in the first quarter and that was that. Carlton played for four quarters and while North were always in striking distance, they didn't let us get anywhere near a winning position.

4. Hunger. Any team with a chance of winning a flag will be hungry, but Carlton and Essendon may be just that little bit hungrier. Their players may sacrifice that little bit more to hold this years Premiership Cup. For Carlton, Bradley, Ratten, Silvagni, McKay and co know that it could be their last chance. For Essendon, it's to make up for last season. If North win this year's flag, we would've stolen it, although I wouldn't be complaining about it if we did.

5. Essendon. The thing I've noticed about the Dons this year compared to the other clubs is that they seem to think a split second faster than the other clubs. In the last month, North's opposition has hesitated and our players have been able to disrupt thier flow of play. I'm not too sure whether Essendon will hesitate and give the North players the chance to disrupt their play.

In the end, I don't think that Carlton or Essendon would really want to face North in the finals. We will give one of these teams a huge fright, if not beat them. But everything will need to go right for North and maybe a little bit of bad luck has to hit Essendon and/or Carlton. But while North are still in the finals, I can just live and hope.
Good post SB

I'd like to add that North have a fairly easy run into the finals and with having won the last four games could easily go into the finals on a seven game winning streak. Nothing compared to the Bombers form, however confidence is a wonderful thing and write them off at your peril!!

I'd take Pagan's comments with a grain of salt - the finals mind games have started a little earlier this year!!


Speaking of the mind games, don't forget that in '97 how during every week of the finals, Blight kept on repeating the line that the finals were just a learning experience for the Crows and that they wearn't good enough to win the premiership.

Whatever Pagan is saying publically, it's going to be different to what he's telling the players privately.
Good points in your posts Shinboners and Gonzo. As you know Shiner I reserve those little sprays for idiot North fans who belong to the "Lloyd's a girl" fraternity, who make stupid unreasoned comment.

Yeah you guys are right to say, take Pagan's comments (distant third) lightly, but I will say he must realise they are not quite with Carlscum and a fair way from the Dons. That will probably change in the finals and you guys may send the Blues packing, especially if you get all your guns back firing.

I don't think you could challenge us though, simply because in my opinion we are now better than when we last played you and I think we can improve even more with Rioli back and Heffernan yet to return. I just think the gaps too big for you guys to make up this late in the season.

As you mentioned Shiners the over-reliance on Carey is a factor too. Christ I worry about him sometimes, Pagan seems to flog him like Phar Laps trainer, the way he puts him into every contest. Whenever you guys are down he'll have him prop up the others at either end. He's going to kill him one day, 'cause he only plays one way that's at 150%. The other week, I think it was against Melbourne, he played like a man possessed and almost won the game off his own boot. The margin was a comfortable 40 odd points so Pagan decided to rest him, then the game tightened up so the poor bastard had to hobble out and save his team mates sorry arses. I've rarely felt sorry for Carey (as you can imagine) but jeez I did that game.

What's the go with Rawlings and Motlop, they really looked the goods too me?

By the way what do you guys think of Pagan's want for a final in Sydney? Surely that would alienate alot of die-hards here in Melbourne? Did you here about the Swans getting riled over Carey not turning up to this weeks pre-game media conference, very unhappy. Just another episode in your cosy relationship with each other.

Cheers guys


Pagan's comment re a final in Sydney came more from a past team performance perspective rather than a push into Sydney thing - the fact is that North are yet to lose a game on the SCG playing as the home team!!

But to answer your question there was talk last year that if North were playing in a final that "didn't count" or was a dead rubber (what finals don't count?) they should look to play them in Sydney - got knocked on the head. (My guess is that Melb supporters would go nuts if the played a final in Sydney)

The Carey no show - I'm not sure what to make of that but my guess is that it's another storm in a teacup being blown out of proportion by both Sydney ;0 (sorry BA) and by the media



Motlop hasn't had the game time in the seniors, so they've sent him back to the VFL to get some run back into his legs. Don't worry, he'll be back in the seniors come finals time.

As for Rawlings, he's been kept out by our other running players like Abraham, King, Harvey, Pickett, Clayton, and Makepeace. His best chance will be playing off the bench. The kid isn't quite the finished product, but he'll become a regular soon enough. Remember, he's only 19 years old and he's done pretty well to get 20 odd senior games under his belt.

If North do sew up third spot in the next week or two (call me pessimistic, but Melbourne can still catch us), keep an eye out on a kid named Woodley. With Calthorpe, Motlop, and Rawlings unable to nail that forward goal-sneak position, he could sneak a birth in the seniors vs. St. Kilda.

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Goodbye North Your Golden Era's Over

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