Great Opening Ceremony

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Club Legend
Jul 19, 2000
the pub
It was sensational. I know a lot of the American's would have been thinking "man, what the hell are the ozzziezs doing, running around with iron doors and power saws."
But if they're too naive to learn about Australian History, well thats their problem.
For any american's on here, don't take that personally. Because, i know there would have been quite a few American's thinking that, not neccesearilly the ones on this board.
Anyway, it was great, the lighting of the flame was spectacular and who would of thought Cathy Freeman.

Also, i have heard a strong rumour that Athen Olympic Committee are going broke and that Sydney could host the games again in 2004.
With Melbourne (i think) showing a strong bid for 2008 (they may be going for 2010 Commonwealth game, not sure) it could be 3 Australian Olympics in a row.

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ATHENS commitee going broke, WRONG!, they are only behind schedule (they have Greeces 2 richest men financing the games basically) would they let Australia host 3 olympics in a row??? no chance of it!
Oh well, i can only tell you what i heard. Anyway, i think it would be great to host another Olympics, i saw the flame and it was great.
Anyone, he never saw it, just won't realize how it brings people together. Just 1 simple flame with more power than any money can give you.

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Surprisingly few cringeworthy moments - no. one reaction from everyone around the office here in london was - wow that's great - but whos that singing????????

Cuthbert - Frazer - Strickland - Gould - Flintoff - Freemen ---- that's cool - all women - good stuff!
I agree, what a great opening ceremony!

Past opening ceremonies have put me to sleep but I was very impressed.

The reactions of the crowd and the Aussie athletes upon entry to the stadium was inspirational.

By the way WCE2000, Melbourne are hosting the 2006 Commonwealth Games.
Great show wasn't it! I really liked the opening part, with the stockmen and the big "G'day" sign

The only part which I found annoying was that little girl Nikki - she had her moment but she kept coming back for more. Also Vanessa and Tina's singing was unfortunately a flop - why didnt they have Men at Work or something a little more classy?

WCE2000 - I haven't heard anything saying Athens wont host their 4th Olympics there or it might be their 3rd. As for Melbourne hosting the 2008 games, they should of bidded first, the announcement next year is tipped to go to Beijing with strong competition from Toronto and Paris (Seville is a roughie!)
I thought every second of it was absolutly fantastic, it made me proud to be an Australian! Other openers have put me to sleep also but this one was great, a brilliant mix of aboriginal culture and white culture. And the lighting of the flame at the end was spectacular the way it rose around Cathy and water streamed down it was amazing!

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!!!!

I think to top of the Opening Ceremony they need Billy Brownless to come out pissed and say where's the wheel! Lol

I missed the first hour but listened to the 2UE broadcast with Alan Jones, Murray Olds & Jane Flemming. Their commentary was inspirational. I reckon I got picked up by three speed cameras trying to get home to see it.

Sure some foreigners wouldn't pick up on some of the symbolism but so what. These are our games and we loved it.

The only downers i think were Tina Arena's dress, the Aboriginal Dreaming man coming out in jeans in second half and the cauldron getting stuck for three minutes.

Cathy Freeman for the flame I am not convinced about. She is yet to reach the heights of the women who circled the arena before her and any of them would have been worthy.

Perhaps they should have provided something to dry and warm her after lighting the flame. Did you see her shivering for about 10 minutes afterwards. Hope it doesnt make her crook.

All in all it was a brilliant show, the best ever. Even Samaranch said it was the best. But then he probably says that every time.
Who needed Billy Brownless?

The Governor-General fulfilled Billy's 'pissed bloke routine' to a tee.

The ceremony was better than I expected except the marching band bit sucked (shouldn't have been there in the first place) - too kitchy American.

The Athletes parade is always a cackle (fashion wise) and didn't disappoint.

Freeman shouldn't have lit the flame - Susan O'Neill is a Olympic & World Champion, won most Commonweath Games medals ever and is a multiple World record holder (but isn't black, so not PC enough). Freeman hasn't (yet) achieved a tenth of O'Neill has in her career.
Yeah, definetaly right there.
The Governer General filled Billy's Roll perfectly.
Although, i don't agree with the marching band, i thought they were very good - even if they weren't aussies.
Anyway, i was cacking myself when the Gov. Gen nearly knocked over the microphone.

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Actually, I am very pleasantly surprised with the coverage we got here; the broadcasters generally did their homework with everything.

I understood all the corrugated metal things but I also cheated cause I had my Australian fiancee explain it all to me as I was watching it.

The general consensus over here is that our opening ceremony last time was pretty lame compared to this one. Apart from the shocking John Farnham-Olivia Newton John schmaltz ballad I would rate it probably the best I've ever seen.

I was more excited for the home team coming out than I was for my own really...we've had plenty of moments to go around in our history. Finally you guys are getting your well deserved moment in the sun.

An aside to this...on ESPN sportscenter tonight they did a humorous piece during Chris Berman's NFL predictions; they showed a bunch of old VFL highlights from the early 80s.

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Ya darn rigth there bluey! The The lighting of the flame the highligth i say! Hey how pissed do u reackon The Governer General was hey?
LOL @ Mags!!!! Wouldnt that have been a cacK!!!
Servo you should have listened to triple J's coverage of the Olympics! It was soooo funny! Will Anderson is hilarious! You know when after they had the fire they had those people rolling around the floor pretending to be rejuvenating flower buds...well Wil thought it was a messege to all that in case of a fire you must stop drop and roll!! hahaha I was laughing so hard! I suppose it did kinda take the piss outta it but it was all in good fun and they did a good job.
I thought all of it was fantastic aswell! The marching Bands were cool! And they were Aussies by the way....2000 of em were Aussie and 1000 from all over the world!
The tap dancers were AWESOME!!
Oh yeah and the Aussies outfits were so cute! I loved them especially on Shirvo!!!
How funny were those athletes from East Timor who where marching under the independent athletes flag! They were so hilarious! Jumpin around and have a great tim!
Ok well seeyas!
Go Shirvo!!!!!!!!

Eagles Rock!Go Ben and Jaxon!
Originally posted by Bluey:
You know how much I dislike the Olympics - or rather the IOC.

But that ceremony was pretty damned good. The lighting of the flame was bloody brilliant!

Definetaly Bluey. I hate the IOC, they're a bunch of corrupt facists, however, the Olympics themselves are great.

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Loved most of the ceremony, but thought most of the songs forgettable except the little girl's. She's a new star in the making.

Wasn't sure about Cathy lighting the torch at first, but on reflection I think it was pretty appropriate. I originally thought Susie O'Neill would've been better, but none of the swimmers took part in the parade, as they were involved in events the next day, so that ruled her out.

As for Cathy getting cold, that's cos she had to stand there so long waiting for the flaming bowl to move up the ramp. Darned thing sat there for three minutes too long.
I usually hate those things, but this was pretty good. Don't generally like that kind of music -Pennywise's 'Down Under' cover would have been great- but they sang what they sang pretty well. My favourite bit was the opening with the horses -great, effective, and "Totally Oz".
And the schools of fish running around, the tap dancers and sheep. Stealth Bomber & Max- what did people over there think of the lawnmowers? Oh- one more thing, in the 'arrivals' bit, were the green things Europe or aliens? I didn't think they officially arrived yet (despite what Sheeds says)

Thought the choice of Cathy Freeman was a bit strange at first, but thinking about it it seems right. She's female, and at the top of her sport. She hasn't won a gold, but neither have some of Australia's best athletes. She's still world champion isn't she? And besides, Susie wasn't there. Do you think she was chosen purely because of her aboriginality? That's what they were saying on the radio, but I don't agree.
I thought Cathy was a good choice shes like our chosen one, Australia love her and shes a crowd favourite so why not. Plus shes aboriginal which gives it heritage you know.
I heard on the radio i think that one of the best ways to light the cauldren would have been Shane Warne in full cricket gear walk up to it take a toke of his ciggerette and flick it in hahahahaahahahahahahahah

Hey Stealthy do you hate the aussie swimmers and do you think you'll beat us in the pool? Great 4 by 100 by the way what a start by Klim and then Thorpe brought it home !!!! Great swim.
A couple of other things

Did you all see Shane Crawford at the cycling tonight? With the Brad McGee camp I think (champ - broken collarbone just 10 days ago), after he won his bronze.

The reason Dawn Fraser didn't light the torch? Firstly, the stairs, and secondly the suit. Not a great look, especially hyperventilating and wheezing the whole time

Did anyone else see the horse fall over right at the start? Poor thing. It got back up though...

How fast is that pool? Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the World record been broken in EVERY final, plus some of the heats? Amazing. Go Thorpie, and how pumped is Klim?

My mail on Athens is that they are hugely behind schedule in everything. Not only organising ticketing, events schedule, accomodation etc, but also in building the venues. They've been warned a few times already by Juan Antonio, who's threatened to take the games off them, but only as an extreme. I hope Toronto or Paris get the 2008 games.
Thanks Eagle_Fan - I wasn't 100% sure if It was Smurf in the crowd, but since someone else picked it up - he was there!

Lets try to find a few more familiar faces in the crowd over the next 2 weeks.
Not at all mate....on the contrary.

Most of us like Thorpy as much as we like our own guys. He's got a good story and a good heart...only the most stubborn elitist snob would feel otherwise I reckon.

We love Australians, even if we're a bit misguided in our stereotypes sometimes. I hate to see the medias hype this up and turn it into something unfriendly. Way before I met my future wife and visited Australia I always rooted (oops...barracked) for Aussies anyway. She makes it a lot easier now, of course

One Aussie swimmer (his name is Pine, I think) is a senior at the University of Nebraska (where I went to college) so he's a Husker like me, and that in my mind is above nationality

We're so spoiled by our success that it's not that big a deal really when we don't win something, unless it's a HUGE upset. The US will win some, they'll lose some.

As for the pool, my theory is that your guys will probably do well and our women will probably do well...we're probably a deeper team so we'll get a few more. I'm not really barracking for any of our swimmers in particular....most of them are pretty invisible people who don't have a lot of charisma.

Olympians here generally have 15 minutes of fame during the games and fade into obscurity afterward, with few exceptions.

[This message has been edited by Stealth bomber (edited 18 September 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Stealth bomber (edited 18 September 2000).]
Good call Stealthy your women seem to do better than ours but our men do better than yours. Its totally different here as im sure you know most swimmers are idolised like Keiran Perkins, Ian Thorpe, Grant HAckett, Susie O'Neal, Samantha Riley, Michael Klim they all have there own adds and there on buses and buildings. Australia loves there swimmers.

I think you will beat us in the end even though we've prolly still got a few chances with Hackett and Perkins in the 1500 and O'Neil in the 200 freestyle. But by Athens we will take over i think with so many quick kids coming through, did you see Leisel Jones win silver in the breastroke...shes 15!!

Bring on the 100 freestyle Klim vs Popov vs Van Den Hoogenband, should be very good i hope Klim wins to avenge the shock 200 win over Thorpe.

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Great Opening Ceremony

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