Has Dennis Commetti had a nose job?

  • Thread starter Satan
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He looks real different like he's had his hair done with some of that 'no one can tell' - but you can. His hair is flatter too.

I had gotten used to his ugliness and now I am going to have to re-adjust to a new level of ugliness.
He's their best commentator and all you can talk about are his looks. Go away.
As usual you missed the point totally tool - I didn't say he was a bad commentator I just noticed his looks had changed.

Maybe you are ugly too, that's why you rush to Dennis's defence - I notice that you spend a lot of time here posting bitter resposes to everything - No social engagements to attend - so sad tool.

You are so in need of a sense of humour but I suppose after years of supporting port you would have lost it!

Your team takes it up the arse and so do you.

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You are the one who needs to take a long walk down a hall of mirrors.

I notice that you spend a lot of time here posting ridiculous comments which call for a bitter response.

After years of supporting Port I've developed the sort of arrogance that gives people like you the sh1ts.

If I ignore your last comment you will probably take it as some sort of confirmation, so I'll just say that the only thing I use my arse for is to crap on oxygen thieves like you.
If you don't like what people talk about you don't have to respond - this topic received 5 more responses than it deserved largly due to you - tool - trying to control every thing - so why don't you take your own advice and go away.
What? And give you the last word? No way!

Why did you think it necessary to comment on Commetti's appearance in the first place? Perhaps you'd like Shane Crawford, Matthew Lloyd and Tony Modra to stop playing and take up commentating instead.

Were you expecting the only responses to be in agreement with you? It was a particularly stupid post in the first place and the topic deserves to have degenerated into the farce it has become, and I'm glad to have contributed to that!

(That's humour, Beelzeub)
I am not trying to be funny but I've said it before and I'll say it again YOU'VE MISSED THE POINT!!!

If you could just let something ride for a change - what if I was a little kid - couldn't I just get on here and say what I wanted without it having to be statistically proven. You take the fun out of a place like this.

I can look through this forum and see a lot of YOUR negative responses to other peoples genuine replies, intelligent/stupid comments or what ever.

It just means so much more to you than anyone else.

Don't go to hell because I'm here.
If missed the point it was because you didn't have one.

My replies have been in defence of my team, or to ridicule stupid comments like yours about Commetti. Entirely honourable I would say. You just don't like it because you've been made to look foolish.

Good always triumphs over evil.
power tool you stupid waste of screen space. Why are you always involved in this sh*t????
Why dont you take your keyboard and shove it where the sun dont shine.
yOUR probably sitting there jerking off to pics of warren tredrea, or some other useless unathletic, excuse for a football player that your side seems to have an abundance of. While your at it, write a letter to Port Power administration, and request that they pay you for all the great advertising you've done for them while on this board.
I dont hate port because they arnt even worthy of giving a stuff about. Same goes for you. Your a joke.
I do it just to give people like you the sh1ts. And it seems to be working vey well.
This thread should be stickied for posterity, as proof that the standard of posting on the main board has not deteriorated...

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unusual looking. I thought he looked different to this.

maybe he did have a nose job.

on another note, this guy has seen better days also.


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Has Dennis Commetti had a nose job?

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