Has the time arrived where you should have to register before you can post?

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
Spanish Announcers table
AFL Club
Just a thought i had while browsing through the site, are there now enough posters on BigFooty who are registered who think that maybe thats the way all posting should be done in the forums?

In other words, who else is getting bored to tears with the same old unregistered bulldust posts that are only ever done to stir up trouble,insult others or just plain obnoxious.

I think there will always be newbies coming in anyway as the site continues to grow. So why not now make it compulsory to register before you can submit to the site? Others have suggested it in the past, and with the amount of registered posters that are now on board perhaps its worth considering again.
Oh fair go

From my observations of this board, just as many abusive posts come from registered as unregistered posters

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Well wots the difference between registered and unregistered?

I mean 'jub jub' who in the hell are you?
Are we meant to treat you more seriously
just because underneath your name it says REGISTERED.

Im not having a go at you jub jub well not in this post anyhows.But are we meant to believe you have more intelligence than the unregistered user just because you are registered.
This site is for all to enjoy, just because we are registered it does not give us any form of ownership nor should it.

There are only two kinds of people in this world-COLLINGWOOD SUPPORTERS,and those who wish they were!
SHITE here comes COLLINGWOOD to kick your ass forever BLACK AND WHITE,ha ha ha jealousy will be the death of you,SHITE!!!!!
Would it really make any difference? It might get rid of a couple of unregistered posters, especially those ones who piss me off. (Thug, Koutaisabigpoof Aww Gee) but what is stopping someone registering more than once? What would stop them registering that name and posting under two registered names?
Most of them are only having fun. Bluey deletes what he doesn't think appropriate. Don't worry about it.
No, I'd prefer to leave it the way it is, after all, this is Australia, we do not censor, nor should we ever, freedom of speech, we tolerate all views, as long as they do not break our very liberal laws.

Censorship is just another path towards controlling what a person thinks or does.


(Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus)
Some people (me included) really dislike giving their name, IP address and/or e-mail address away on the internet, because even some of the most reputable sites are capable of misusing it. These people might not want to register out of principle.
I think my views on this are fairly well documented.

If I thought that the running of Bigfooty depended on registration I would agree, but it is the hitting of sponsors sites that matters in that respect.

As well, there is nothing more disturbing than self-censorship.

Abuse from registered posters is far more prevalent and more disturbing because these people believe their right to be sexist/racist/homophobic or just plain stooopid; rather than just using it as a way to let off steam.

Also I like the way you can use the name on a post to reflect the humour contained within it.

A separate board would be frustrating as all the same people would go there and be just as annoying. I don't think it would serve to attract new people, some of whom may raise the general tone.
I think we should just leave it the way it is. There aren't that many people who post that are unregistered anyway...and who would want to look at the unregistered board?

aka HahnPremium37
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Leave it as it is. Freedom of speech is paramount. As others have said, someone could register 3 or 4 times, for their "isulting" posts.

Whatever is truly offensive is deleted anyway, so what's the big deal? Leave it as it is.
Leave it as it is!

Bluey or the forum leaders can always delete the msgs anyway!

Dont Worry about it! The Idiots will go away!
I think things are fine the way they are now, I mean, people are gonna be abusive whether they are registered or not......I see the only reason for registering at all is to register your name before someone else does.
hehehehe. As far as the 'censorship' thing goes, I never really thought of it that way, I am quite happy to surrender my details, but that's just me.

*the one and only lioness*
Fair points all. Thanks for the replys.

The question wasnt raised so much to stop abuse, more to make it more difficult for those that for whatever there reasons, choose to do so.

Yea, they can merly re-register again, but if the ISP is logged as coming from the same source then it would be easier to warn/remove the poster.

Free speech is fine, im all for it. Providing it doesnt infringe upon anothers rights while doing so. If the board was a register only post i just thought that it could help to make it a more pleasant experience for everyone.

True Grendel but it hasn't stopped too much garbage on team boards, take Homework_boy for example.

Everyday is a gift, that is why it is called the present :)

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Has the time arrived where you should have to register before you can post?

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