Watch for yu no spik tu mi letley?
Hev I mek truble for Yu ? F*ckn!
I get up dis morning F*ckn, end I tink...Hey
ver iz moi frend Damir.Hi iz not on Tv F*ckn today, end I am tink hev Kepatalist Ketch him and cut hiz tung ewt F*ckn !
Damir call me.
Yor frend for long time maybe tirteen yirs F*ckn.!
Hey howyu goink Bobo****en.
Soory me no hev time ****enshit, me go to doctor becos me hev soor beck and go on compesashon. Sosshel sekurriti say me no can get money if him see me do things man with soor beck no can do. So me no can go nowhere, me no go shoppink in Sant Albans, me no can run potato farm no more.
But Damir hev idea. Big idea****en.
Damir become rock star. Damir make big rock band.
Damir sing. Make plenty muzika. Damir maybe make lot of money. Then Damir happy****en.
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