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Nov 7, 2000
Melbourne, Vic.
Here's an easy way to help out others and apparently it's actually for real. Go to "The Hunger Site" at the UN. All you do is click a button and somewhere in the world a hungry person gets a meal to eat, at no cost to you. The food
is paid for by corporate sponsors (who gain advertising in the process because you see their logo). All you do is go to the site and click on the donate food button. It takes one second.

Make it your start page and do it once a day...

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And if yer feeling particularly helpful, click the others across the top of that page, too. Breast cancer site, landmine victim site, etc etc.

If it takes an age to move between them, then depending on your PC you should be able to right click over the intended link, and choose 'open in new window'. This gets them all going at once, not particularly faster but now you only need to run through and press their respective buttons in one hit, when they've loaded.
It Makes Me Fell Good To Help Less Privallaged then myself! That wasnt so hard too do.

Come On Ppl Help Out!
Olmy that's a brilliant site, thanks for bringing it to our attention!!!!!!
Just bookmarked it, I am gonna visit and click every time I come online.
Yes, good one Olmy!


This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Cool, I've given my donation.

It makes you go all funny inside knowing that you have helped a person less fortunate than you to a brighter future.

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