Hey essendon supporters what r joke u all are!!

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Oct 4, 2000
melb vic aust
Well how are we essendon people,well personally i could not give a rats arse how you were,hey a thought just occured to me and im pissen myself laughing,you know how you all get on here and brag on about how fantastic you all are(what a joke)well what happens when you dont win next years premiersip!!i mean you are all not that stupid surely to believe you have it in the bag allready or perhaps you are really that stupid,well let me tell ya if you dont win next years flag you will be seen as losers misfits,hasbeens,drongos,underachievers,******s.even wait for it MARSHMALLOWS,oh bring on next season am i goin to have some fun in here just remember you essendon idiots its just too easy barracking for club that wins all the time,just wait till the wheels slow down or even fall off 'oh god im goin to love this,ok essenscum im outa here and hey guess what reply to this post all you like cause you know why?i wont be comming to read your stupid pathetic replies is that understood,im larfin my arse off big time now.

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Oh oh, someone left the door unlocked at the asylum again.


I am Collingwood and I dont like Essendon, but really, who do you think is going to challenge them next year?

Do you know who thier biggest challenger will be? Themselves. If they get cocky they will lose it, or if they hav a bad injury run. Otherwise, I think we are all vying to see who comes runner-up. Truly.

Can I be more reasonable than that Bomber fans?
Amen Joffa, you really are just preaching to the converted here. Lets take a closer look at the red and black maggots who visit this site :

Sandie : A two faced bitch, who I bet is well past her used by date in the looks department. This mole continually attacks Alf for no good reason, even though he is the man responsible for winning her over two thousand dollars. Lets hope and prayer that this miserable excuse for a person stays in Western Australia.

Dan24 : A typical self-obsessed Essendung *******, who loves sharing his brilliant ideas and theories with everyone. It's just a pity no-one else gives a shit what you think, hey Danny boy?

Walshy1993 : A complete dropkick who has the nerve to attack a true champion like Gavin Brown and then turn around and defend a dirty, lowlife scum like Terry Daniher.

Eastaugh : The biggest coward on this board who can't even put his name on a post and has to attack people anonymously.

Personally I can't wait until their cheating, salary cap breaching, draft tampering club falls from grace and assumes their rightful place at the bottom of the ladder.
how dare i talk about a coll player, whether it be positive or negative, thats out of bounds
ever heard of an opinion
the problem is collingwood fans (most) cant handle the truth
and for the record, whilst alf and myself both tipped the trifecta for the cup it was my tip that sandie took

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Gee Mag Fletch
What a wonderful example of a typical Collingwood supporter you are. What gives you the right to attack Sandie or any other woman like that? I bet you've got real respect for your mother, sister, wife etc.

I bet they are real proud of you. You great big chauvinist, neanderthal pig.
What a charmer you are.
hey people would you get over this shit already? i mean we all know that MELBOURNE is gonna win the grand final next year so there is really no point to this ever lastin argument!
both collingwood and essendon supporters are big headed arses who will be ashamed to show their face here next year!

*evil like a demon*
good news I will be in melb in 3 weeks & 3 days & 12 hours and again in april, to see the mighty Bombers kick the pies arse.

Great post. What joke would that be then?
Two nuns walk into a bar? The guy trying to light the gas BBQ???

Seriously we need posts like this. We have our serious thought provoking Ben Hur sagas, we have our little fluff pieces - Greatest this, best that etc. Then we have the provocative pieces that allow everyone to vent their anger and get down and dirty in the gutter. We all have a little gutter in us!!!

By the way, what's the punchline???

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body
Bee---->hows vinegar **** going??
(and just incase some of you ppl don't know who I am talking about vinegar **** is the warden off prisoner who Bee or any of the other women didn't like) :Þ

Magpie-Fletch----> great post!!! It's True It's True!!

Go Chippa Your A Legend
Originally posted by walshy1993:
how dare i talk about a coll player, whether it be positive or negative, thats out of bounds
ever heard of an opinion
the problem is collingwood fans (most) cant handle the truth
and for the record, whilst alf and myself both tipped the trifecta for the cup it was my tip that sandie took

Yes, I've heard of an opinion and occassionally I like to express my own in fact, especially when it comes to correcting misguided souls like yourself.

I find it amusing that although you and Alf both tipped the trifecta, she took your advice? Frankly I fail to see the difference considering you both had the winning numbers, but it must be an Essendon thing, right?

Also to that bitch who Pearl Harboured me with some BS about my family, shut your mouth and know your damm role!

Originally posted by Bee:
Oh pardon me I'll just go and dust the cave!

Now your catching on and if you do a good job, I'll take you for a driving lesson.

[This message has been edited by Magpie-Fletch (edited 29 November 2000).]

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Hey essendon supporters what r joke u all are!!

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