Well how are we essendon people,well personally i could not give a rats arse how you were,hey a thought just occured to me and im pissen myself laughing,you know how you all get on here and brag on about how fantastic you all are(what a joke)well what happens when you dont win next years premiersip!!i mean you are all not that stupid surely to believe you have it in the bag allready or perhaps you are really that stupid,well let me tell ya if you dont win next years flag you will be seen as losers misfits,hasbeens,drongos,underachievers,******s.even wait for it MARSHMALLOWS,oh bring on next season am i goin to have some fun in here just remember you essendon idiots its just too easy barracking for club that wins all the time,just wait till the wheels slow down or even fall off 'oh god im goin to love this,ok essenscum im outa here and hey guess what reply to this post all you like cause you know why?i wont be comming to read your stupid pathetic replies is that understood,im larfin my arse off big time now.