High Profile Club Presidents

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Senior List
Dec 19, 2000
AFL Club
North Melbourne
John Elliott
Eddie McGuire
Graham McMahon
Frank Costa
Ian Dicker
Joseph Gutnik
Clinton Casey
Rod Butterss
David Smorgon
Andrew Carter
Andrew ?

Do the Roos suffer from not having a high profile President(in their case Chairman)?

I cannot imagine Smorgon or Gutnik being quiet if a president from another club suggested their club be immediately relocated to Sydney?

Obviously it doesn't follow that having a high profile president results in success. Who's heard of Adelaide's Chairman of the Board? Who's president/head of West Coast? These two clubs were pretty successful in the nineties. Also what has Collingwood done with Eddie on board?
i think that the club's sucsess is dependent on the players and coaches. the presidents are just there to give money and represent the club. i think that the only presidant that harms his team is john elliot as he not only represent the idiots who follow his team but he also make players leave the club.
eddie mcguier is and idiot but he never harmed the club, collingwoods situation has not be reinforced due to him being a presidant... they started being crap long before he became they presidant anyway!

you might not like it... but i really don't care!

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Andrew Carter has just been appointed to the Presidency at the Kangaroos taking over from the late Ron Casey. Some clubs have high profile Presidents eg: Eddie McGuire / John Elliott / Joe Gutnik etc... because they do more than President ie: they run the club. At the Kangaroos, we don't need a high profile President to do that, because we have the best Chief Executive Officer in the business - Greg Miller.
Certainly it appears that having a high profile President can win you some battles with the AFL from time to time. But they want to be good and not expose a chink in their armour. I believe that as soon as the AFL see that they have little to fear as far as public backlash is concerned they will stand up to club presidents a little more readily. If John Elliott continues to wander from one controversy to the next or Eddie McGuire continues to be seen as a celebrity with conflicts of interest, their level of respect with the AFL will continue to diminish and so too will their standing within the football community. I believe a good administration is one that gets the job done without being noticed. This is football, not politics.

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body
the only reason people find joseph gutnik a high profile president its because he saved the club... therefore people actually know who he is. there are only 3 or 4 club presidents that people know of coz they made the headlines but making the headlines is not always so bad... unless you come out looking like a complete arse!

you might not like it... but i really don't care!
Aussie Roo

The Roos not only have arguably the best player and the best performed team in the past ten years but now you claim the best CEO.It gets back to the usual argument as to why the lack of support for this club? Why is it being told by all and sundry to take its game out of Melbourne?
Incidentally Millers quote to the media that "he would not speculate on the size of the club`s 2000 operating loss,stressing that as a public company to do so would put the Kangaroos at odds with the Australian Secutities Commission" is pure bullshit.
The reverse is the normal requirements of the ASC reporting requirements.

On a lighter note why is John Elliot always shown eating a pie? Are the Blues sponsored by Four-and Twenty? Perhaps these are a special brand made from Water Wheel flour!
He certainly can`t be photographed at the wheel of a car!

Originally posted by JUBJUB:
Who is Andrew Carter ?
Is he Norths new president.
Who are Freo and Ports presidents.We don't hear about them over here in the real world [Victoria]

Greg Boulton Port Adelaide President.

Former CEO of IPEC Australia
No need to be heard of, No requirements at all...Football is the game.
Greg has no real ambition to be "In your face ."
A very articulate and extremeley competant President and businessman.

( he and Wayne Jackson are old Buddies )

Greg turned down the position to head up a major part of IPEC's European operations to remain Port's president on their ascent to the AFL in 1997.

Frank Costa ahead of Joseph Gutnick. You have to be kidding! You hardly ever hear of Frank Costa. My top 5 would be
1. Eddie McGuire
2. John Elliott
3. Joseph Gutnick
4. Ian Dicker
5. David Smorgon

[This message has been edited by dees01 (edited 27 December 2000).]

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High Profile Club Presidents

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