Hooray 100th POST.

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Sep 22, 2000
Calling Wambulances for the Geelong whiners
AFL Club
Other Teams
I finally got to my 1000th post.It was hard yakka but it was fun.
I'd like to thank the following people for helping me achieve this milestone -

My Sponsors [Ford and Shell]
My opponents
The ball boys and girls [oops I must of watched a bit too much tennis].

Seriously,Thanks to -
EASTY for being the resident BIG FOOTY idiot.
Homework Boy [as above]

MAGS,Alf and Joffa - my Collingwood buddies

Rickster /Catman /Gocatsgo -fellow Geelong supporters
Sandie - she's amusing

and thanks to everyone else.

"No matter how good you are at something,there's always a million people better than you"

[This message has been edited by JUBJUB (edited 29 January 2001).]

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Congratulations Jub Jub!! I look up at the honour board and gain inspiration from the people such as yourself who have given so much.
I'll be drinking several beers after Dingoes practice to celebrate. I just hope I can make it to the next practice.

Plus you are another person who has taken their tag from the Simpsons.

If ya smell what Santos is cooking!!
You wretch how dare you credit me with your 1000 post!!!

Im pretty sure bubub in that pea brain somewhere lurks a person who probably is a real nice guy.
All the best mate

Somebody said he came from new orleans,where he got into a fight over a cagin queen,and a crash and a blow from a huge right hand sent a louisiana man to the promised land,big john,BIG BAD JOHN
Good stuff JubJub...
I have a long way to go to get to where JubJub is, but i feel i have the power!
Keep serving up those very funny posts! Expect when there directed at the pies!!

"Collingwood forever"

[This message has been edited by NICK THE PIE MAN (edited 29 January 2001).]

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Hooray 100th POST.

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