How filthy are you when your team loses?

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Do you get really upset when your team loses?
Or do you just accept it in your stride?

Give us an example of just how upset you can get.

I remember kicking public toilet doors in a shopping centre on the way up from Melbourne to Brisbane after watching Collingwood knock Carlton out of the finals in 1980. In 1985, I didn't have a video so I recorded the audio with a tape recorder in front of the TV. Well North came back to beat the Blues in the Elimination final and I threw the tape recorder from the second storey house balcony into the middle of the road where it shattered. I remember walking around and around my back yard while Collingwood skipped out to a good lead in the 1981 GF. When I went back in, it was only a 9 point three quarter time margin.

Fortunately, I'm no longer a hot-headed teenager so I only yell at the screen and stamp my feet like a two year old.

Funnily enough, I take defeat a lot better when I am at the match. I guess it looks easier on TV, so you expect that your team could have done better.

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body
Well I have said here before that my Footy Record cops a lot of abuse, I also walked along an aisle mindlessly kicking the seats as I walked to the exit..........I am pretty mild, unless it's a heartbreaking defeat then I will just cry, or swear a whole lot LOL....pretty standard stuff. I certainly don't take it in my stride, but I don't go right off the deep end either
Good topic ODN,
I get pretty down when we lose and have a tendency to jump down peoples throats. Any kind of patronising comment made by an opposition supporter after a loss, even if it was intended in a good natured way, is likely to earn themself an angry response.

After the 1997 Grand Final, I caught the tram back to Flinders St station, jumped on the train, walked home and stayed in my room for the rest of the night without saying a word.

However after a year like this one, losing was more or less expected. Winning a game was generally celebrated like a Grand Final.

Being a saints man, I would consider myself a little more accustomed to losing than a supporter from most other teams.

Fortius Quo Fidelius

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losing puts in perspective all the Olympic hype , who got upset when the mens hockey team lost, who cares , you cant compare any Olympic loss to losing a game of AFL , or a Test match loss, soccer failure,etc etc ,

One thing Ive learnt during the last few years with the doggies in the finals is that final losses really hurt because there is no next week.

" I can resist anything.........except temptation."
When Essendon lose, it pretty much spoils my weekend. When we lost the prelim in 1999, I was pretty much inconsolable. I didn't talk to anyone (more or less) for about two weeks.

It's hard to explain the feeling when your teams wins. You feel on top of the world. It's almost as if, on the weekends, you are living your life through your footy team. So, when you lose, it's as if your life (since you are living through them) has taken a downward spiral too !

When we win, I am more prone to be happy and engage in "social" behaviour. When we lose, I am prone to sulking. Needless to say, in 2000, I was in a good mood, pretty much for the whole year !

I can't remember any specific act of violence I have committed after a loss, as I am not that way inclined. However, I do recall many times, where I have punched walls, thrown things and generally acted like a lunatic after we have lost.
Dan I am with you, I was devastated after the 1999 prelim, none of my friends dared to talk to me about it for weeks, also after round 21 this year I wasn't a happy chappy. I get so pissed off I can't talk to anyone for fear of causing violence.
I'M A COLLINGWOOD SUPPORTER - NEED I SAY ANY MORE!!!!!! There you go, a cheap shot at my own expense!

I totally agree with SS11. You said it all dude.
Geeze I'm the ultimate sore loser, after the Geelong game this year when they mounted that huge second half comeback to win by three points, I punched a wall and cracked two of my knuckles in the process. Worse part was my hand was swolleen and bruised for a week so I copped more ribbing at school then usual about my beloved Pies.
Used to be worse than I am now, sometimes after a loss I couldn't eat my tea.

Usually after a loss I hate the team for about three or four days - never going to another game, etc, etc. Then by Wednesday I'm ready to go round again, and can't wait for the weekend.

I s'pose those Bomber supporters have forgotten what it feels like.
I never get pissed off if I'm at the game, probably because I can vent my anger by hurling abuse at the other team, my team, the umpires, the guy next to me, the kid selling hot pies etc...

I only ever get pissed off when we lose games we should most definitely win, like Hawthorn at the Gabba this year, or Freo at the WACA. Those were the only games I really got upset about.
lioness22 confessed:
Well I have said here before that my Footy Record cops a lot of abuse

LMAO Jacs. Same Here. That Melbourne game at Colonial this year when we missed sitter after sitter - by geez did my record cop a flogging on the seat in front that night! I was left clutching about 3 shredded pages by the end of the match!

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I'll be honest here, I'm usually pretty much alright when the Roos lose if they have a red hot go. It's when they don't put in like when they were beaten by the Swans and the Pies in the latter part of this season that really peeves me off !!!!

ANY team that wears that shitful orange colour deserves to lose, reguardless to whom they were playing!!
It depends on who we're playing, but losing close games do hurt. Knowing that your side was so close to getting the 4 points - or progressing into the next round of the finals really stinks.

The time I felt 'cheated' the most was in 96 when the Eagles won their home final and should of played the following week in Perth, but their prize for winning was to play away in Melbourne. I couldn't agree more with Mick Malthouse when he said we were still playing in an extended VFL competition.
When the Crows lost the prelim. in 1993 I cried my eyes out, I thought we were home...

Then when we won the 1997 Prelim. I ran out the house screaming and yelling my throat hoarse. There's nothing like footy to stir the emotions.
The only thing I do is shed a few tears sometimes. I hardly ever go to games so I can't really get up to much. I have punched the wall before but I've learnt never to do that again...<grimace>.
Originally posted by GoEagles:

The time I felt 'cheated' the most was in 96 when the Eagles won their home final and should of played the following week in Perth, but their prize for winning was to play away in Melbourne. I couldn't agree more with Mick Malthouse when he said we were still playing in an extended VFL competition.

But GoEagles, you are playing in a extended VFL competition.
It depends who beats us. If my team suffers a loss on a Friday night it makes the weekend not such a great one. If we have a loss on a Sunday I am generally a bit grumpy on the Monday morning.
well i guess that each game is different
when its a close match and we loose by like 3 points i cry my eyes out for a week because its really faustrating. if its an important game and we lose i just scream and get pissed off at everything but if we lose when the game is not majorly important or if we had a good try (lets say against essendon) then i'm fairly sattle.
the worst thing is losing to teams i hate or teams which my friends support coz then i get some much shit in school! haha
oh yeah i always buy 2 record because regardless of us winning or loosing i just can't keep my records suitable for reading!lol
Look at it this way. When we win, on the Monday afterwards, I will buy the Herald-Sun, Age and Australian just to read the write up on our glorious triumph. I will also scour web sites such as realfooty and the AFL site for any further information.

If we lose, well I'll read a book!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.

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How filthy are you when your team loses?

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