I went to an NFL game today

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Stealth bomber

Premiership Player
Aug 6, 2000
Denver, Colorado
AFL Club
Other Teams
GB Packers, STL Cards, PHI Flyers
Packers vs. Bears, had 50 yard line seats. For 3 quarters it was about the absolute most pathetic display of gridiron I'd ever seen. Favre made it interesting in the fourth and it eventually came down to the last play of the game.

I enjoyed myself and had my good share of cheering and booing moments, but apart from me and a few people who were piss drunk, most of the crowd seemed bored to tears.

My accomplices managed to get beer spilled on them a couple times, and this old guy two seats over had the absolutely EYE-WATERING, DIZZYING flatulence I've ever experienced in my life. I hope he checked his jocks for skid marks on the way home.

Somehow the professional version of this sport fails to impress me. The players on the field are all overpaid millionaire prima donnas who appear to play without any resolve or urgency at all. The fans are either geriatric stiffs or fat shirtless drunks wearing foam pieces of cheese on their heads.

All I can say is, God bless the AFL.
They also have to "hire" Australians to teach them how to kick correctly.

Who would be idiotic enough to pay someone squillions on the off chance that they may have to go onto the field once or twice a game??

Darren Bennett's not stupid!!
Gridiron, simply the single most boring game ever concocted by anyone anywhere.

As the saying goes, only in America.

Stealth, what is it with Yanks and boring sports? Anyhow hope the beer was good


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Hey- what is this about boring American sports? I'll grant you that the NFL can be boring, but the other major sports, including baseball, are quite exciting and usually have plenty of action.
But the NFL- I'd agree, it is pretty tedious at times.
Still, give me the AFL!!!!!

Lions Barracker currently in China
Which is why I prefer collegiate level gridiron. It's higher scoring, it much more wide open and encourages risk taking, and there's a controversial element (the champion is decided by a poll system - no kidding!). And since the players aren't paid, there's still some measure of pride left over.

BTW, the beer left something to be desired. As soon as I started drinking V.B. there was no going back.
Lets hope professionalism doesn't impact too much on the standard and spirit of the AFL. Good that they play for pride alone against the Irish this Sunday.

I note via USfooty.com that there was a big Aussie Footy tournament in Nashville last weekend. Got a bit of local radio coverage and they were hoping for more than the 2,000 who turned up to the corresponding tournament last year. Have you heard anything about it Stealth? I wonder if the Olympics could be good for the profile of Australian Rules in Nth America?
Got to agree with you about the No Fun League there Stealth

Spent a year in Boulder Colorado and saw a few Colorado Buffalo games and am going back there next week and will head out to Folsom Field to see a game.

The atmosphere at college games are great, only downside being in Boulder the students riot daily and they've banned beer from the stadium

Managed to catch a few Bronco games at Mile High when I was there and the atmosphere was like a morgue.
There is one truly great sport to come from the USA.


Some may call it boring, but try getting an American to enjoy cricket !! Ever tried that ?

Baseball is, in many ways, the perfect game. I love the pressure towards the end of a game, where ONE mistake can cost a team the game. The presure that Baseball fielders have to put up with is unmatched in just about any sport.

The game is so precise. Whilst, like any Australian, I love cricket, any game that can end in a "no result" after five days of play has a design flaw.

Now before anyone jumps down my throat about the traditions of cricket, I believe that if you were designing cricket from scratch, you would NOT have a situation where you can have a draw. it is a serious desing flaw, that is "diguised' under the mask of tradition.

Just because it's tradition, we are made to believe that it MUST be right.

So, baseball IS a great sport to come out of the USA. No grey areas. It's certainly much better than Gridiron.
I actually like both baseball and cricket- but then, some people think I'm a bit strange anyway! I grew up with baseball- nothing like sitting out in the bleachers, having a beer and keeping up with the game.
For cricket (and yes, I am a Yank), I like the ebb and flow of a Test match- much more than one day matches. Nothing better than watching Warnie bowl for an hour or so, as he tries to dismiss a top batsman.
I've actually written a couple of articles on cricket- hoping it might be my ticket back into Australia.
ouldn't agree more Dan24

Its not called the Grand Old Game for nothing.

Baseball is easily as old as cricket, probably older. The game known as 'rounders' was a children's game in England as early as the 16th Century. Baseball was first played, also in England, in the 1820's.

The game can seem a little boring and tedious but that has nothing to do with the game itself, its just all that time wasting and time-outs and stuff Americans are so fond of (commercial breaks I suppose)

So don't knock Baseball, I prefer test cricket myself but you have to acknowledge that the Americans favourite sport is actually a game worth taking notice of.

I could handle Baseball if they didnt change sides every three outs. Its to much. Let them bat out for at least a half hour before changing field/batting sides, then it could maybe be a good game.
Still the Yanks did give the world pro wrestling so there is some good in them.
Dan how did the latest pay per view go? I cant even remember what event it was, summer slam???
hmmm- NFL- im a fan of it, but wont disagree that many of the games can be snooze fests. But I think all those that totally hate it, havent bothered to learn the game in any depth.
The same things d24 likes about baseball (ive been to baseball games b4 and all that interested me was catching a foul ball, and eating nachos), apply to gridiron. Did any of you watch the superbowl earlier this year ???? That was exciting. More exciting than any AFL GF weve seen in the last ten years (er unless your team happens to be winning it of course). 7 pts down, with 2 mins left in the 4th, the Titans drive 80 yards under intense pressure with a succession of perfect plays, and find themselves 8 yds away from tying the game with a TD, with time for one more play . The whole season came down to that one play for the Titans- one 6 second play- which fell ONE yard short- and ended their season in heart break.

Stealth- did u see Steve Youngs 30 yd strike which eliminated green bay with 7 seconds left a few years back ??? Or the Tennessee miracle which eliminated Buffalo earlier this year ????

Its not such a dull game as you say.

Also- as much as test cricket is maligned for its draws- how many have we actually seen in recent times ??? Results are more commonplace than they used to be. I think ive seen more tied one dayers in the last few seasons than drawn tests.


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The PPV was unforgivin.

The Rock won a fatal 4 way match and kept the title.

HHH beat Kurt Angle in the battle for Stephanie. Right now as i speak, Raw is war is on Foxtel. It's on early today for some reason. They showed footage of Kurt Angles gold medal in Atlanta and HHH and Mick Foley were making fun of him crying. it was typically funny stuff from the WWF.

Now that's a sprt they should have in the Olympics. Pro-wrestling.
To make you completely jealous Dan -

On my upcoming US junket this time next week Tuesday 10th I'll be at the Staples Centre in LA for WWF Smackdown!!!!!!!!!!

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!

Smackdown starts on Fox 8 this Friday so you'll see Max Power on it the week after next - I'll be the dude in the Essendon jumper holding the "Rooboy vs. Dan24" sign
No seriously, if someone can come up with a wierd out there sign slogan - I'll do it!!!
Post your suggestions. Working in the Public Service has warped my mind of any imagination. Thanks Bracksey!!!
Here Here Arch.

You may have heard me say before that I can't see NFL anymore and being a 49ners fan that isn't all bad at the moment
. Although we're on a role right now 2 in a row. But I really do miss it it's a great game. "THE MAN" Jerry Rice, Dieon and Barry Sanders some of the most amazing athletes I've ever seen in sport.

Love the passing, running, bash and crash, tackling it's great. Sure you have your dull games but I don't always get excited watching Port and Freo. Arch last Superbowl was an all - time classic, sensational down to the wire stuff.

Who do you follow Arch? Do you remember Don Lanes show, he was perfect for NFL, wish they'd bring him back.



A simple "Essendon Rule" sign would be magnificent.

I've seen a few good signs in recent months. I particularly like :

"I hate signs"
"This sign sucks"
"the peoples row"
"Kurt Angle is my lovechild"

And various othes.

How about yuo have a sign that says "Hello bigfooty"
Hey Ricey

Remember way way back in the mid 80's when Don Lane first started presenting NFL on the ABC ?

Being on Channel 2 what they did was edit out all the breaks, all the time-outs, all the stop clock situations, all the quarter & halftime breaks etc etc. So what you ended up with was just the whole 1 hour playing time screened continuously, with no commercials, and indeed no breaks at all.

I swear it is still the best way to watch NFL ever devised.

It stripped away all the extraneous bullshit and all you got was the actual game. It worked brilliantly, maybe too brilliantly because the ratings were so good Channel Nine poached it - then ruined it by putting back in all the breaks - then naturally the ratings fell away and - hey presto ! no NFL on Australian TV.

'Because it dosn't rate'

Ricey- im a jets fan- mainly because of the correlation between jets and bombers (the aeroplane mascot similarity).
They have mostly had a pretty poor history in terms of superbowls, but were the first AFC team to win it in 69 (?), after Joe Namath (yes, that guy that appeared in the Brady Bunch that time) said in a press conference before the SB- "I GUARANTEE VICTORY !!!" Imagine Hirdy saying that b4 the GF !!!!!!

I remember my old man making me sit up late asa kid and watch the (then) awesome Chicago Bears in the mid 80's, and he taught me the game. I do remember the presentation of Don Lane, with his "HI GANG" type enthusiasm- i thought it was classic.

anyways- foxtel is the go ricey- u get the fox pregame show- plus a game in full. This week we got two games (titans v Giants & 'Skins v Bucs) so it was almost 10 straight hours of potato chip crunching and beer swilling on monday arvo/nite. (but you need a long play VCR, and a 5 hour tape).


PS- SanFran doing alot better than I thought.

PPS- Cheers sandie- but i WILL lose this week as half my squad (ie St Lious Rams) has a bye week, so most of my points production is gone. How will you replace Warner and Bruce ??? (& how do I replace Faulk and Holt) dammit.

sandie- the team they play for (Rams) has a bye this week, so they wont be playing. They arnt injured or anything, its just youll have to find someone to fill their spots for a week.


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I went to an NFL game today

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