Is it just me or is WRESTLING the most enjoyable form of entertainment on earth

  • Thread starter Micca
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Apart from AFL, wrestling is probably the best form of entertainment there is.
One night of Raw is packed with excitement, intrigue, anticipation, bumps, highflying maneouvers, it's got everything. You can sit back on your couch with a beer and enjoy it without stressing out about which team is gonna win or what is going to happen. You watch and enjoy the storylines and the show.
Noones asking you to like it, but i guarantee that half of you will if you give it a chance.

WWF, WCW, ECW, AFL 4 LIFE....because they are just tooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett.
I agree 100 % !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Essendon - The greatest club with the greatest coach in the league ! Carlton- absolute hypocrites who accuse others of being cheats only for it to be found later that carlton are the "serial salary cap breachers" as quoted by our president, haha
Personaly I think wrestling is an absolute load of rubbish. Big bikie type guys pretending to hurt each other when everone can see it's a total fake. Wouldn't footy be wonderful if an opposition player clasped his hands together to form a foot hold for a player to take a screaming mark? No pressure or tension eh. Try watching grass grow

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frodo, us fans dont care and dont pretend it is real so stop trying to make it look like we are so dumb for thinking its real cos we dont, wrestling is a great form of entertainment and tops the ratings week in week out, so sucked in idiot !!!!!!!!!!

Essendon - The greatest club with the greatest coach in the league ! Carlton- absolute hypocrites who accuse others of being cheats only for it to be found later that carlton are the "serial salary cap breachers" as quoted by our president, haha
Originally posted by Mags:
See that is the mentality level of u Easty!

Sorry Mags, I have yet to see the mentality level of Easty. It must be so low that mankind have yet to invent anything to measure it with.

Easty, you constantly revert to abuse instantaneously if somebody doesn't follow your opinion. Try being eloquent or if you can't find somebody to tell you what that means, try your hand at a little debating based on facts and theories. What do you say? Just baby steps. I wouldn't want you to injure yourself with full-on MASS DEBATING!!!

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body
Originally posted by Carey_is_King:
I think you have accidentally stumbled into idiot's corner. Suggest we leave them to it.


It seems that you are always "stumbling" into the wrestling threads, just like Easty.

[This message has been edited by Same Old's (edited 23 December 2000).]
Same olds said "CIK,
It seems that you are always "stumbling" into the wrestling threads, just like Easty

I know. It's a bit like a day at the zoo. You know they are stupid, but you can't help watching them. Poor pathetic creatures.
I am surprised you haven't found it to be a form of Essendon bashing.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

[This message has been edited by Carey_is_King (edited 24 December 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Carey_is_King (edited 24 December 2000).]
People (in this case Frodo), who continually state "Wrestling is fake, so it sucks", are usually the ones whoare mentally challenged themselves.

I've got news for you, Frodo. The Simpsons is fake. Baywatch is fake. Melrose Place is fake. Just about every motion picture at Hoyts is fake.

Everybody knows wrestling is fake. Stating the obvious and telling everyone that it is fake doesn't make you, or anyone else more intelligent. We all know it's fake.

Importantly, the WWF know that the fans know. They don't treat the fans like idiots; everything is done with a grain of salt. Wrestling is one of the greateat television spectacles and entertainment extravagenzas that exist in this era. It is played out in front of packed arenas, has great aesthetics for television, and has all the drama of a soap opera.

Don't treat it like sport. Treat it like a movie or soap opera and you will enjoy it more. Because it is fake, it allows the storylines to be catered for what the fans want. Therefore, the fans always get what they want.....eventually. This doesn't always happen in real sport (unless you barrack for Essendon), so wreslting is a great "escape" and fantastic entertainment for people of all ages.
I know I am going to be accused of Essendon bashing here, but I find it rather disturbing that it is the Bummers fraternity who seem to be defending wrestling the most. Have you guys ever read a book ? Watched a documentary ? Had a thought ?

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

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you just dont get it do you ? all these non wrestling fans try to say to the wrestling fans "but its fake" , UMMMMM, excuse me but we know that morons, it is still great entertainment and if you doubt it then LOOK AT THE RATINGS BECAUSE THEY WILL PROVE YOUR ARGUMENT IS WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHA

Essendon - The greatest club with the greatest coach in the league ! Carlton- absolute hypocrites who accuse others of being cheats only for it to be found later that carlton are the "serial salary cap breachers" as quoted by our president, haha
I have made one post about wrestling, that is hardly continual.
I have given my opinion and I am worthy of having one. Both of my sons like wrestling and I have watched it many times hoping that I could enjoy it with them, bot I can't. It is farcical to me. I also dislike the Simpsons and can't understand why millions of people think and thought Charlie Chaplin was funny. Wouldn't life be boring if everyone liked the same thing. We fortunately are different and we all have a right to view our opinions, likes and dislikes. Believe it or not I've actually heard there are people who don't like footy !
Well said Frodo !

After reading the opinions of the wrestling fans (mostly Essendon & Collingwood fans you notice) I am convinced I could sell shit on a stick to these guys provided I packaged it right. They will buy anything.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
you idiot, do you say the same thing to people who like crap like neighbours and blue heeelers ????? JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT ACT AS IF YOUR THE BIG JUDGE WHO IS RIGHT, COS YOU ARENT, YOUR WRONG, RATINGS TELL THE STORY ! ITS THE MOST POPULAR THING ON PAY TV !!!!!!!!! HAHA

Essendon - The greatest club with the greatest coach in the league ! Carlton- absolute hypocrites who accuse others of being cheats only for it to be found later that carlton are the "serial salary cap breachers" as quoted by our president, haha
Freud would have a field day with this. I myself have stated I often enjoy the hype and athleticism in wrestling. I enjoy watching some of the drawcards strut their stuff and firing up the crowds. I can't stand the storylines but you can't have everything. Those that defend it so vehemently instead of recognising that the whole world doesn't have to join the cause should take a second or two to check their grip on reality. You like it, great. I like it occasionally too. I dislike it occasionally. The world is made up of many sports and pastimes. The whole world will never speak in unison about any one sport.
Originally posted by Frodo:
I have made one post about wrestling, that is hardly continual.
I have given my opinion and I am worthy of having one. Both of my sons like wrestling and I have watched it many times hoping that I could enjoy it with them, bot I can't. It is farcical to me. I also dislike the Simpsons and can't understand why millions of people think and thought Charlie Chaplin was funny. Wouldn't life be boring if everyone liked the same thing. We fortunately are different and we all have a right to view our opinions, likes and dislikes. Believe it or not I've actually heard there are people who don't like footy !

Your right Frodo, everyone has their opinions but there is no need for "certain" peole who do not like the "sport" to call the fans who do "idiots".

[This message has been edited by Same Old's (edited 24 December 2000).]
Hey Same olds,
Look up the page two posts and check who is calling who an idiot. (I think it is the resident idiot)

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
I retract unreservedly any aspersion I may have cast in respect of Collingwood supporters being alleged as lovers of wrestling. Please forgive me, I lumped you together with Essendon supporters based upon mean average IQ. I won't let that happen again. You are clearly not in that group.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
For god sake !!!!!!!!! What makes you think that wrestling fans have a low iq ? Do you say the same about people who watch neighbours ?

Essendon - The greatest club with the greatest coach in the league ! Carlton- absolute hypocrites who accuse others of being cheats only for it to be found later that carlton are the "serial salary cap breachers" as quoted by our president, haha

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Is it just me or is WRESTLING the most enjoyable form of entertainment on earth

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