James Hird Overrated??? HAHA

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Aug 27, 2000
Melb, Vic, Aus
Oh yes, Jimmy Hird overrated. One Brownlow, numerous B & F's, comes about 5 th in the brownlow this year, not to mention that if he didn't miss half a dozen games he would've won it. Furthermore wins the Norm Smith, Anzac Day Medal, Ansett Cup Medal and player of the series in Ireland...all in one year!

And all this, after playing virtually no football for 2 years. Stuff that legends are made of I think.

Don't care whether your shit sturring or not, you can't even joke about a player of Hirdy's calibre.

So jealous of Essendon aren't we people? Well get ****in used to it, because we'll win it again next year as well suckers.

James Hird is the Michael Jordan of the AFL.

Jordan didn't win the MVP every year - far from it. But he was univesaly regarded as the greatest player in the NBA.

Wayne Carey, is the Shaquille O'Neal. A power player, who is some people eyes is the best. But no matter how good Shaq is, he is not the greatest like MJ.

Hird is the Jordan. Carey is the Shaq.

Hird is the only player I have EVER seen, who, if he played every minute of every game would win the Brownlow every single year. No other player could do this, but Hird, would.

Just like Shaq is no MJ, Carey is no Hird. Hird is the AFL's best player.
James Hird has yet to have his mettle tested when the chips are really down, when the Bombers have struggled for a few years. That's when you can spot a champion. Nathan Buckley springs to mind. Nobody's chips are further down than Collingwood's. In fact, they can't even afford the oil to cook their chips!

Seriously, I think Craig Bradley would have been a fitting captain for the international rules series. The guy is proven in all circumstances over a longer period of time.

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Never been tested when the chips are down hey ODNB? That would have to go down as the most outrageous and feeble minded comment I have heard since the day I discovered this website.

Chips are down? Coming to the crossroads of your career in 1999, because of debilitating injuries, then taking all before you and winning virtually every personal accolade possible in one year.

I tell you what. You ought to take your head out of your arse and realise that Bradley isn't half the player of Hird, whether he's been more durable or not. Bradley is no champion, just a valuable linkman, who is restricted in the role he can play. Tell me a position Hird can't play, barring ruck and I'll shut up.

Chips are down? 94 was a horror season for Essendon, but who stands up and wins the B&F by a country mile? J.Hird...that's who.

This argument is futile, so I'm going to stop here. Think your a minority here pal.

Funny thing is that you were trying to tell us all that you weren't part of that bullshit Carlton contingent who can't see past their own nose(football club) a few posts back. Well excuse me for pointing out a contradiction there.

Think again!
Yeah Hirdy's a champion, no doubt, but I kinda felt a while ago (perhaps a couple seasons ago when he hurt his foot AGAIN) that he was kinda more pouty about missing games than leading the club.........but yeah having said that, I wanna say that he does seem to be over this and particularly over the last season, has come back and resumed his brilliance as a player and captain.

In 1994, James Hird won the Essendon best and fairest. We finished 11th that year. Is that performing when the chips were down ? I think so.

2 time premiership player, Brownlow winner, premeirship captain, MULTIPLE best and fairest winner, Norm Smith medallist, best on ground in the International rules.

He has done it all already.

In 1996, he played one of the most brilliant seasons I have ever seen from an individual. Essendon, apart from Hird, were an average combination in 1996. We weren't that good at all. Overrated at the time, actually. But, becasue iof Hird, we finished 6th on the ladder and eventually lost the preliminary final by a point.

Hird carried Essendon by himself in 1996.

I'll say it again. Hird IS the Michael Jordan of the AFL. Other players may claim to be the best, but Hird "IS" the best. Like Jordan himself.
Credit were its due, an out and out champion.

BUT, to say rubbish like if he played every minute of every game and be a certainty to win the brownlow every year? Cmon Dan, thats just plain nonsense.

Put it this way, ive seen more footy than you (hey im older remember) ie ive seen more champions. Id bracket Hird, top twenty at best and can name at least that many as good or better than him easy.

Matthews,Carey,Ablett all were better at their best than Jimmy. For one reason and one reason alone, they could all impose themselves on the game in a physical manner that Hird cant and never will be able to.

Im not putting him down, but theres no way im elaviting him to godhood either, even Dutchman reckons that N.Daniher was better so argue with him about your great Dons (and theres been a few) players of recent times.

Btw Dermie was better too
You are a deadset Dickwit Dan24. Comparing the incomparable Michael Jordan to a average moderate player like James Hird is going to far. Jordan should be able to sue you for suggesting such bullshit. Next you'll be saying that James Hird is better than Tiger Woods. your analogy is pointless and bullshit Dan24. I am mortified that a simpleton like you could even suggest such a thing. If he's an NBA player than Hird is more like David Robinson. Big tall soft**** who cashed in the hard work of other teammates. You have got to be joking again Dan24, you complete and utter stupid F$^#^wit. Hird will never win another brownlow cause he isn't the best and fariest in the league by a long long shot.
im going to ignore the comment from g4e because we all know how jealous he is of essendon
hird is a legend, no doubt about it, anyone who says he isnt is just in denial

robbo, just a small point, hird didnt win the tuck medal in the ansett cup, mercuri did
James Hird is not overrated. The man is one of the most outstanding players I have seen in 25 years watching the game.
However Dan24's comparison to the NBA Jordan/ O'Neill is the most mindless piece of dribble written on this site in my time (I know theres been a lot).
To call Hird the greatest of all time is plain stupid - being injured doesn't make you great.
Wayne Carey PLAYED with injuries Hird didn't -different injuries I know & thats not trying to claim Hird should have played with his injuries. Carey has played at 1/2 fit & torn teams apart regularly.
As for Hird winning a brownlow every year well debut 1992 - 9 years later has won one - doesn't hold up does it?
Carey has been a far better player than Hird over their careers but we are talking 2 players who will be remembered long, long after they finish because they are great champions.

the prime minister of the principality of Mooball

I see where you're coming from with the Hird/Jordan comparison, but to say Hird is like Jordan would be to say Hird is the greatest AFL player of all time, bar none. As good as Hird is, he is certainly not the best footy player ever to play the game.
S.Robbo, how can you say that Craig Bradley is not a champion? He's 36 for God's sake, and still keeping up with players like Campo and Kouta. I'll tell you what, if Hird is still running around like Braddles is at the age of 36, I'll call him a champion. What, so Hird had a few good seasons.. must admit they were very good seasons, but geez people are using the word 'champion' very loosly lately.

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I don't think Hird is the most overrated player in the league, but I do think him getting player of the series in Ireland was an absolute disgrace, particularly when Bradley and Leppitsch played so well.
Okay, dickheads, I didn't call James Hird the greatest player of all time. Never have, and I never will (unless his career reaches even greater heights)

If someone can quote me when I said that, I will run on the MCG nakes next year. Only a dickhead would imply that I said that.

I just called James the equivalet of Michael Jordan (which he is)

By that, I meant that MJ, when he was playing was the BEST player in the NBA. Currently, Hird is the AFL's best player. Not the best of all time, but currently. Just like MJ, WHEN HE WAS PLAYING was the best player in the comp. By sheer coincidence MJ also happeend to be the best player of all time, but that's irrelevant.

I never said Hird was as good as Ablett. What the f*ck ?????

However, Grendel, Hird would shit all over Brereton, as inspirational, and talented as Dermie admittedly was.

I stand by what I say aboutt Hird playing 120 minutes of football for 22 weeks, and winning the Brownlow EVERY year. He is simply THAT good. However, Hird will never play every minute of every game and he will never win the Brownlow every year, but the man is simply awesome. Currently, there is no better player.

Hird basically came off at three quarter time in most games this year and actually missed 5 games. He still came second in the best and fairest, despite playing only 66% of the actual allocated time that Essendon was involved in in the Home and away. Awesome. What would have happened if he had played 100% of the allocated minutes instead of 66% taking into account his 5 missed games. It's scary.

Once again, people on this forum have put words into my mouth, when i said NOTHING of the sort.

Hird is the Micahel Jordan of the AFL; Hird is the best player in the AFL.

James Hird is not the best player of all time. Not yet. He is probably not even Essendons greatest player (Reynolds, Coleman, Hutchison etc). Not yet, anyway....
Good on You S.Robbo. I've been nothing but conciliatory and even handed in this forum. I will gladly stand up and point out some of Carlton's inadequacies anytime. You cast the first stone pal because you are too ignorant to even question things, just assume.

Did I compare Hird and Bradley's playing ability? NO! Did I say imply that Hird was not a great player by my comments? NO!

I merely suggested that Hird had not been tested when the chips were down. The key word here would be consistently. Same with Wayne Carey. Before the Roos fans start bagging me. Stop reading between the wrong lines. I consider Carey the equal of Hird. It is not their fault that their teams haven't been on a lengthy downer. Only the occasional unexpected bad season. Because these teams have recruited well and been run efficiently, they have stayed and well may stay near the top for the length of Hird and Carey's careers. Doesn't mean they wouldn't be able to perform consistently in a bottom side. They just haven't been given the chance. Check out the player turnover for Carlton between 1989 and 1991. Check it out again between 1997 and 1998. That's 5 bad seasons where Bradley held up with style. He is not in the same high marking mould of Hird but it is ludicrous to suggest he is not at least the equal in terms of a great footy brain.

I gave credit to Nathan Buckley. The guy is a champion for keeping on the way he does with little support. Look at players like Trevor Barker and especially Robbie Flower. He only saw the finals in his last season and was one of the out and out stars of our game.

Kouta is THE man with the Blues at present but do I think he has risen to legend status? NO! Not even close. I love to watch him play but he has gone missing a fair bit in the past. He has the ability to be the best but unfortunately has wasted it at times.

I don't have my head stuck anywhere Robbo. I can see the broad picture. Everything I have seen so far suggest that Essendon supporters are only too happy to point out problems elsewhere but can't handle even the slightest question about their own team. Who's got the tunnel vision?

Another thing, if Hird was to retire tomorrow, would he be considered one of the elite legends of the game? Coleman was a superstar no doubt but 98 games did not realise his true status in the game, only a guess at what he might have done. Nobody can look back with regret at Lockett's career. His true status was played out. In all likelihood Hird may well be voted a legend and is certainly now a star but has he done enough to be the Michael Jordan of the AFL. It took MJ an awful long time to be considered the stand alone elite player in the NBA.

You guys make it sound as though Hird can never be beaten. I tell you what. At the pinnacle of his career, I think Jordan would be beaten less than Hird!

I thought this was a good forum for intelligent debate. Some people just can't quite reach the intelligent part.

Dan, I hope this clears up what I was getting at.

Robbo, I hope this helps to clear the lobotomy scars!

It wasn't by sheer coincidence that MJ was the best of all time and it is not irrelevant that MJ happened to be the best in the league and the greatest to ever play the game. Like it or not, by saying Hird is the Michael Jordan of football you're implying he's as good at football as Michael was at basketball, which was the BEST EVER. You may have not have meant it but that is the way it came across to me.

I read what you said and now understand completely what you tried to say. I'm not a dickhead for misinterpreting what you wrote.
Dan you're a classic!

I thought the "Essendon are the most enthusiastic" line was good comedy.
But that "avoid the hype" line is looking funnier by the post.

Just the fact alone that your boy onl plays alternate years & is 'rested' for minor injuries as opposed to Carey's singlehanded dominance for how long(?) with or without injury makes it a no contest.
As centre half forwards go it is even less of a contest.

But I'm only watching channel 7. If you tell me which network you've obviously been watching these past years it may shed new light on the subject.

Carey is the best centre half forward since Brereton, Carman & Hart. End of story.
>>>If he's an NBA player than Hird is more like David Robinson. Big tall soft**** who cashed in the hard work of other teammates<<<

where the **** did u get that from?? D Robinson, bar the last couple of years.. was among the dominant big men of the game (ewing, olajuwon).. his stats prove this.. and so did the record of the spurs before tim duncan came along... he has single handedly taken the spurs to consecutive playoffs way before tim duncan joined...

Cashed in the hard work of teammates?? have u seen the ****ed up roster the Spurs have been playing with for the past decade?
which hardworking teammates?? avery johnson? sean elliot? vinny del negro? hahahahaha...

if anything... i'd say James Hird's nba equivalent would be Grant Hill or jason kidd... mr nice guy, excellent in all facets of the game... hurts you in many many ways.. but doesnt dominate in a way jordan or gary payton do...

oh yeah.. ghill has been injured alot lately..hehe..
Sorry for calling everyone dickheads.

Anyway, whoever it was that said Hird doesn't exert himslef physically on a game is full of crap.

Michael Jordan wasn't as physcal as say, Shaq, or David Robinson etc, but that didn't stop MJ from being the best player of his era (and all time).

You don't win footy matches, by thuggery. Dick Reynolds was Essendons greatest player and he wasn't strong physically.

Hird, is probably stronger and harder than you think. No doubt in fact. He is incredibly hard at the ball and very, very adept at winning the hard-ball.

He can paly absolutely anwhere on the field (except the ruck) and is a true superstar. The best player in the league at the moment. Like MJ was the best in the league when he was playing.
Originally posted by S.Robbo:
So jealous of Essendon aren't we people? Well get ****in used to it, because we'll win it again next year as well suckers.


S Robbo,

Why do I get the feeling that an Essendon supporter like yourself just waits for a ridiculous statement like "Hird is overated" and use it as an excuse to force your boring views upon us.

I'm sure you realise that the majority of us realise he is a champion player. Why must people like you and Dan have to make childish comments and stoop down to the level of these people who are apparently so immature?

People like Crows4Eva and co are continually trying to bait supporters like yourself. How about doing the mature thing and leaving the messages alone? It would make this site a lot better for the rest of us. But if you must, keep it in the bombers boards.
ODNB, you've spoken an essay worth of dribble and yet you've still overlooked the point myself and Dan are trying to illustrate.

You say that you doubt Hird's ability to perform when his mettle is tested? 1994 was one year where the team as a whole was beset by injuries and bad form, yet Hird was the one player to carry the side and keep it's respect intact. This fact was recognised by his winning of the B&F by a street.

Now is that a good enough measure or not? Surrounded by a poor team, yet wins the B&F.

So on what basis do you hold the opinion that Bradley should have got the nod before Hird as captain? Please enlighten me. Think Bradley would have to get a heart first...bloody sheepdog.

And Sainter, I couldn't give a shit whether I've been baited or not. I also know that there are a select few who seriously regard Hird as overrated. I feel it my duty to address these people, rather than ignore them.

You'll find that once StKilda have something to cheer about then you might do the same.
The basis of my reply was being able to play well over many years while the team is underperforming. I told you about 5 Carlton seasons in which Bradley did this. Hird may well be able to do the same thing. We may never be able to find out because the Bombers may well be at or near the top for the remainder of his career. You gave me one year Robbo. It may very well be an essay of dribble to you but therein lies the answers. I feel compelled to labour the point because people like yourself seem unable or incapable of grasping the point. Bradley simply has more experience and runs on the board in a variety of circumstances and gets my vote. My opinion. Not necessarily right or wrong, but valid.

Not once did I bag Hird. You just don't seem to be able to make your point without slamming opposition champions in the process!

Am I to believe that Essendon are the only team with players worthy of any accolades?

Get off your pedestal!!!
Robinson is no soft****. He has been one of the most dominant centres in the new era along with Ewing, Olajuwon, O'Neal, Mourning ect. He once scored 71 points in one game more than Michael ever did. So he is a great player.

Hird is good and right now is the probably the best in the league, his team won the title and he led them there just like Mike did. But Micheal did it 6 times!!! Plus 5 MVP awards and 6 Finals MVP awards.

But i will side with Dan because it has some sense, Hird is the best individual talent in the game today as was Micheal in the NBA. He knows Hird isnt the greatest of all time and isnt implying he is but just saying, like Mike was, is the best in the league.

In the end though to be honest the jury is still out on James Hird. He has 1 Brownlow 1 Premeirship and 1 Norm Smith. But he could still rack up a few more accolades before he is through. But he has lost while at the top of his game.

Jordan never lost at the top of his game and everyone knows he is the greatest of all time. He won 3 straight titles twice!! Only two other teams have won 3 straight being the Minneapolis Lakers 1951 to 1954 and the mighty Boston Celtics of the 60's won 8 straight from 58 to 66. Jordan accomplished this feat twice, something Magic, Bird, Kareem, Isiah or even Wilt Chamberlain could never do and he did it twice!

Hale Micheal Jordan!

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James Hird Overrated??? HAHA

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