Joffa thinks Collingwood are famous, but what for?

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Norm Smith Medallist
Dec 7, 2000
Melbourne, Victoria
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Other Teams
New Orleans Saints, Detroit Tigers
After having a conversation with Joffa the other night about why he thinks Collingwood is so famous all I was able to get out of him that everyone knows Collingwood so they must be famous. As far as telling me what they are famous for he told me nothing. At this stage all I can find famous about your club is your foul language that comes up with every sentence. Maybe if your club was to concentrate on the footy a little more you might actually become FAMOUS! Even murderers are famous just for being murderers but what in the hell is Collingwood famous for? Nothing really surprised me though with your answer, I have always heard about you Collingwood people, always finding it hard to put two words together, perhaps that is what you are famous for.

Port Adelaide Forever
My first name-association thing with Collingwood was that they were the club that lost like 147,000 grand finals.
I now know more about footy and respect the club as a whole for their history and continued success, but geez dont they suck at the moment haha.

Take no prisoners, take no shit!!!
ohh here we go again...
Welcome to the board Scott. Your first post on this board has already labelled you as a utter w***er that just tries to start trouble. Grow up...

"Collingwood forever"

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I posted that post above before i spoke to Scott in bigfooty chat and found out that he's a good bloke. Sorry for those nasty and premature comments which i made Scott. Cheers mate..

"Collingwood forever"
Collingwood are famous for the following;

Making an art form out of losing finals.
Kidding themselves that the rest of the competition hangs on everything they do.
Believing that they are better than everyone else, even with the wooden spoon in their hand.
Failing to realise that their only flag in the last 42 years came as a result of having a coach who was not tainted by having played for Collingwood.
Having the most brain-dead, tatooed, drunken, ill-bred supporter group in Australia.

Now that's an impressive list.
Collingwood IS famous..........just not sure what for.
hehehehe. And the posts by the supporters are champagne stuff, always funny.
Collingwood is to football what Ian Baker-Finch is to golf.

Hang on, I take that back. That is not fair on Baker-Finch!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
In 1980 Collingwood became really famous for losing a Grand Final by the greatest losing margin ever (81 points). Wonder what they would have lost by if had rained?

Signed - Leonardo

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Dont forget Leonardo, Essendon took that honour from the Pies in 83 and held it for the next five years. And what are you famous for Leonardo....... besides for that horn growing out of your forehead, I mean????
I'll stand by the Baker-Finch analogy. He once had a brilliant game which has degenerated into an irretrievable mess!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
scott- dont expect joffa to say anything intelligent or reasonable. Youre wasting your time. Most of his stuff consists of:

"loyds a w***er esendn sux u nobs, hahaha 1990 haha"
(his spelling not mine)

but to answer your question:

Collingwood is famous for having the largest group of online tossers in the league, the most loathsome president and the biggest media-attention seeking admin of any 3rd rate, also-ran team in the AFL.

Well good try scott but im afraid if you were expecting a bite im sorry to dissapoint.
I really wonder in what your motives are in
going to the trobule in typing this post.
Are you mentally dissaranged did you feel inadequate during our conversation in chat?
I mean come on mate and grow up will you, so joffa says collingwood is famous why does this upset you?
It is football fact that collingwood is the most famous football institution in Australia.Now my friend i suggest you go to your local bookshop or library and learn about the history of our great game because in doing so you will find out why collingwood is so famous you see my friend
you are ignorant or just plain stupid.Now i dont really care about you people hanging shit on collingwood to be quite honest i do
get a good laugh,But as for yourself you are just simply showing everyone that you ooze with ignorance and that my friend at your age
will be a life time handicap.Get a grip my friend life is good, you see im a person who is in love with his football club and i will and allways defend the greatest club and most famous sporting club in the world the great collingwood football club
well that certainly entertained me for a few minutes scotty
thanx mate
Thank you for that observation, Kevin Sooky. Yes I did know that Essendon took that record from Richmond, later to be taken from Essendon by Hawthorn over John Northey's Melbourne.

Regarding my fame, it is handy having my horn poking from my head. Most other men have it about 3 feet lower. Perhaps I was even the origin of the name Dick Head.

Signed - Leonardo
Joffa! Joffa! Joffa!

You have done it again and lived up to my first post.

I think it is great that you are passionate about your club, everybody that supports a team should be, no questions asked.

However after writing your long post you still haven't told me why Collingwood are famous, not even one thing. Im not doubting that Collingwood is famous just like every other side in the league but I was just asking you to tell me a little more about your club as to why they are famous but you still tell me nothing.

Its not for me to go and read a book about Collingwood, why would I want to do that, Collingwood are not my club. I would love to know how many books you have read about my club Port Adelaide but I am sure you would respond with a big fat zero.

I don't think that my post was ridiculous as I have had many replies.

Sorry to get so offside with you but I only asked one question and I will just repeat it one more time for you.

'Why are Collingwood so famous?'

Port Adelaide Forever
Dear scott

The only reason you have had many replies is because the topic concerns collingwood.

Dont fool yourself mate you are now sounding like a child who desperately seeks the approval of others.

Go away child and stop boring myself with your pitiful attempt at intelligence.

In three words i say to you GET A LIFE!!

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Joffa thinks Collingwood are famous, but what for?

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