John Howard doesn't want to be ashamed

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jul 6, 2000
AFL Club
Has anyone noticed that John Howard only turns up to events that Australia are favourites to win a gold medal? He was there for the water polo and the 1500m swim plus I think both men's relays.
It is no coincedence. He is too scared that Australia might lose an event that he watches.That is why he only turns up to events that Australia have a possibility of winning a gold medal.
If I was an athlete and if Howard wasn't in the crowd, I'ld be worried!

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He missed the cycling gold because he was at the mens basketball. Bad choice that was.

Besides he's got a lot more to be ashamed about other than which sporting event he visits.
Howard is a w***er and I'm surprised he even attends the olympics. Obviously It's part of his job. I bet he can't be stuffed.
did you hear mcdonalds printed off 160,000 of the scratch and win things for mens archery
australia had never won a medal in archery, had never even made the quarter finals
serves them right, good work maccas, hope it sends them broke, but then if it did half of australias high school population would lose their jobs
Wouldn't you want to go to events that Australia was favoured to win too ????

What do you want him to do ? Attend the Synchronised swimming, or something ??

I'm sure EVERY Australian would rather attend events where we have a better chance of winning a medal than events where we are no chance.

A more important observation for me is, why isn't he running the country ? I only ever see him at the Olympics ! Still, i suppose politicians do longer and more stressful hours than all of us on bigfooty, (they probably do 60 plus hours a week), so he's probably taking a week off. Let the guy enjoy himself.
I value your contribution and actually agree to almost everything you said. Although, it would be goos to see him give some more support to other athletes rather than those who are already on their way to winning a medal.

[This message has been edited by Richmondfan#1 (edited 24 September 2000).]
Amazing how that random ticketing business worked out for him, isn't it?

I assume he went into the pool for tickets like everyone else?

I was amazed to see him at the Waterpolo last night. Didn't he publically congratulate them as the women's cricket team? (After saying how well the national hockey team had done to beat the Kiwis in the final of the Netball world championships?) The guy does not value womens sport in my (biased) opinion.
And see how he dresses. Like some 50's cockie from the bush visiting the big smoke. This dude is in a serious time warp and he is taking us back with him.
Dan 24,

Well said.

I'm glad not every one here has been brainwashed by those elitist Gits on "The Panel".

Richmondfan#1 and others - re: attending winning Australian sports -
Does the name RJ Hawke mean anything to you?
I don't mind him being there, as Dan said he's gotta have a break sometime. I just hate how the camera goes to him and the wife every bloody time there's a break in play or the end of a race, once or twice is enough thanks. No replay of the sensational goal in the water-polo nah we have to see the Howard's ugly muggs.

At the swimming if it wasn't them we saw it was the bloody Murdoch's. Saw Greig Norman and Rafter a couple of times once which is great to see the mutual respect of top sports people. Surely Kylie or Elle was there, why couldn't we see them, and more of the famous sports people, bit of variety please.

I wonder if John is attending the womens 400 metres tonight, or will he be submitting an apology

"Elitist Gits" what the hell does that mean Tiger Buff? If you watched the show you'd know they don't discriminate politically. It's called satire buddy.


[This message has been edited by RICE80SF (edited 25 September 2000).]

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"The Panel" doesn't discriminate politically..."

Yeah, and I'm a closet Carlton supporter.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic now. Please!!

[This message has been edited by TigerTank (edited 25 September 2000).]
Leave the panel alone. At least they are funny which about the same that can be said about the Australian Dollar at the moment. The rest of you have J.Laws, A.Jones, S.Zermanick (Hope I spelt the pricks name wrong) and Sattler etc. Please leave the slightly left leaning peasants something. Satire is lost on the born to rule class. Who is running the country anyway? or is that why we havn,t seen Packer at the games.
So you do watch the show Tiger Buff. Why waste time on the "Elitists" when you could be using it for a passion of yours, like writing fan mail to Andrew Bolt of the Herald Sun

I'm still waiting for your definition of an "elitist", come on do share. Allow me to have a guess though: any person who does not agree whole heartedly with the gospel
of Lawsy, Jonesy and Rush, someone who thinks those whingeing abbo's deserve some favours for their past, any republicans, anyone who's not homophobic, anybody who has a bad word for our wonderful knock-about, fifties longing, caring sharing P.M..
That's gotta be close I reckon.

All yours Buffy.

Gee, in the old days those with a left-wing bent criticised those on the right for using unhelpful stereotypes. Looks like we've come full circle doesn't it.

"Elitist" because a group of rich, private school/Melbourne University prats condescendingly carry on about how "ignorant" everyone who doesn't agree with them is, even though they have never left their own sheltered ivory tower.

I don't need to be lectured by some Melbourne Grammar Old Boy on 'disadvantage'. Not all social disadvantage is where the likes of Rob Sitch would like to think it is.

Do I watch the Panel? Yes, sometimes - because they can be funny on a variety of issues (specifically sport).

Do I switch off when they make a point I disagree with? No ... not until they become plain insulting or start deliberately peddling untruths. There is a fine line between satire and propaganda.

BTW: John Laws is not one of ours my friend ... he is one of yours.

And you can quit with the condescending attitude ... you occasionally make some good points but that doesn't mean you should assume you're so much cleverer than anyone else here.
Tiger is right Ricey. They have disowned Lawsey because he actually said some nice things about %^& (you know those dark people) and was nasty to Mr Howard
(disloyalty will be punished)
Condesending yes but I get a bit pissed off with this "elitist" tag being loosely applied.

If you ask me the Working Dog guys are very much middle of the road. Just because they have a go at arch conservative P.M. certainly doesn't make them lefties. In acctual fact "the Castle" IMHO is a huge put down for true, academic, trendy, elitists, with a dissdain for plebs from the suburbs.

Darryl Kerrigan was blissfully unaware of his super "un-coolness" but a better father, husband and honourable guy you could not meet. He was the happiest guy in Australia, when he got the house back.

So the panel guys just don't fit the bill of "Elitists".


[This message has been edited by RICE80SF (edited 25 September 2000).]

"Typical" indeed ... any excuse to pull the 'racism' card even when it is entirely irrelevant. Shame you couldn't find an excuse to provide your regular nickname, whoever you are.

At any rate, John Laws is a top mate of Keating and Singleton, so get your facts straight "Typical".


... a decent, reasonable response that I don't necessarily agree with 100%, nor disagree with 100%.

'Middle-of-the-road' is a relative term. Relative to many urban Australians, maybe "The Panel" is middle-of-the-road and maybe Mr Howard is an arch-Conservative. To many rural and suburban people I know "The Panel" is 'trendy Left' and the PM is middle-of-the-road. Perhaps this part of the debate can go no further because it is a debate over values rather than specifics but I would not describe them (The Panel) as middle-of-the-road and I doubt they (Working Dog) would either.

Regardless of that, where else would anyone expect the PM to be at the moment except the Olympics? Premier Bob Carr is probably at exactly the same Olympic events as far as we know and I don't begrudge him that at all.

Several people here are being most uncharitable!

[This message has been edited by TigerTank (edited 25 September 2000).]
Are we so busy putting everybody into little boxes that we forget that we live in a country where we can pick up our paper and read the views of a social conservative like Andrew Bolt and then later turn on the TV to listen to the fashionable leftists on the Panel? Australia may have been dubbed the "lucky country" out of a sense of irony, but we're probably much luckier than we realise.

(if you must know, an old school Liberal wet)
God Tiger!! a Friend of Keating and Singleton. My God!! I am shocked !! next thing you will say A Jones is a Liberal Party member. What is the world coming too.

The race card, Yeah I'll leave that one to the WA and NT governments election day.

WA Premier Richard Court's adopted daughter is Aboriginal. Perhaps you might like to explain in what way you are less racist than Court?

BTW: I described John Laws as a "mate" of Singleton and Keating, not a 'friend'. In NSW politics there is a distinct difference.
On a lighter note

Got an e-mail from my sister in law in Japan.

She was watching the opening cerimony & the camera was showing people in the crowd. The japanese commentary is saying "there's Lachlan Murdock & his wife (whatever her name is) etc, etc & then gets to Howard.

The commentator says "I don't know who he is but he must be of some importance."

Nice to know he makes such a big impression.
LOl - Drakey - I love it!!

Though if we are getting political here - the only reason JH is perceived as soooooo Liberal/National, is that there is no hugely strong contender for leader of Labour(sorry Mr Beasley but it is true).

And the same goes for his 'unfamiliar face' - I mean seriously - if there was some serious contenders for leader of the country - even 40% ala american style - everyone in the bloody world would know who he is, along with his opposition.

Oh and while I am on it - just a question for the Victorians. I believe it has been around 12 months since Labour got in??? At the time, someone who I would have classified as a typical labour supporter, surprised me - they said how scared they were of the change and that Labour could only bring the state waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy down from where it was. Has that happened in any of your views?

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John Howard doesn't want to be ashamed

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