Journalists with hidden agendas

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It is only natural for sports journalists to be a little biased. I am sure every one of them barracks for a team and may have had good/bad experiences with specific teams.

But I am a little pissed off!

And not just because the performance of my team is slowly turning me against the sport that I love.

I do not want to overstep the mark and make any defamatory comments but I am sick to death of journalists falling over themselves to pat specific teams on the back when they are playing well only to stick their boots into teams that are struggling.

Some of these guys are so hypocritical that it makes John Howard's stance on reconciliation seem novel and fair.

An article to appear in today's Age and is featured on the realfooty website is the latest to piss me off. It was written by a guy who has the voice of Mr Bean and the appearance of Fat Albert. This Essendon supporting twit continually praise teams that are doing well but when he sees an opportunity to create a headline, changes his stories as quick as a football season fades away for some of us.

In case you hadn't noticed, I am not too happy with life at the moment. But I will be back!

Have to agree with you. I reckon that Mike Sheahan is the worst. He is an absolute tosser, and is always on the case of the struggling Melbourne clubs. He is always pushing his barrow to put pressure on clubs like North, St Kilda, Bulldogs etc. He doesn't even try to hide it, the w***er!!

[This message has been edited by ArdenSt (edited 30 July 2000).]
Arden St, totally agree but he never touches on the fact that Melbourne has less members then most other clubs.

and who does the prick support, you guessed it...


His thinking is, If North StKida and the Dogs were pissed off, Melbourne would be safe.

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You are all asuming guys like Mike Sheahan have enough brains to enable them to have bias, or to have hidden agendas.

No, Sheahan is a worn-out old hack who says whatever Uncle Rupert tells hime to say.

Thats why he always writes stories about Collingwood - it sells more papers - and at the end of the day thats the only thing Uncle Rupert is interested in, selling newspapers, and he couldn't give two hoots about what goes into the newspapers, as long as they sell.

Now Patrick Smith - he's a different kettle of fish alltogether - on him I say be afraid ... be very afraid.

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Journalists with hidden agendas

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