Lay off the saints

  • Thread starter Pessimistic
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It's a bit dissapointing the way some people have torn into the saints.

OK so Tim Watson is now seen as a gamble which didn't work but both Terry Wallace and Danny Frawley were described as gambles despite them both having huge respect amongst players.

Mike Sheehan particularly has been terrible. He followed outright rudeness on 'Talking Footy' with a shocker of an article suggesting they trade three of their best players for three high draft picks. What is the sense ? The saints appear likely to finish bottom with less than five wins so will get pick one and two already. Sheehan is suggesting they then trade for picks three four and five as well. will there be five youngsters worth that sacrifice. Would saints fans endure one or two more seasons at the bottom with the ongoing fiasco at colonial (I personally don't share the enthusiasm shown at Collo being in sole charge)
What's to say Harvey or Burke doesn't play on past 35 like Bradley has - and very well too
(on that point - could john platten have played on ?)
Sainter is gonna hate this, but:


The crap I copped from all supporters including StKilda supporters last year after Ayres and Colbert left and the true debt was revealed was something you could not believe.

Even though I like StKilda as a club, I'm glad to see that all this is happening to someone else rather than Geelong.

Geelong copped all the media crap from Mike Sheehan and co last year and even this year Patrick Smith has tried to undermine the club with no proof.

It's someone elses turn now. If only it was Collingwood, Essendon or Carlton, now that really would be fun.
Yeah. I remember when sheehan wrote an editorial telling Hawks and Demons supporters that merger was the only option - what a load of crap.

His advice and reasons made the AFL's own propaganda look quite reasonable.

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Ever been a Fitzroy supporter ?

Resist the temptation to gain strength from others misfortunes.

As soon as a carcass is identified ( by the AFL ) watch the vultures ( other clubs ) justify their (self ) interest in your 'better' players.

Judging from previous AFL efforts, the Dogs would have to be the first to be seen off. I feel the Saints have some 'protection' at AFL level ( maybe a hangover from Oakley days ) where as the Dogs have NONE.

It's depressing when a season's failure means speculation over the club's future.
Thanks Pess,

Unlike other people here you are able to look past your own team. I have trouble doing it at times but some people here are just unbelievable.

I agree with you 100%. Hiring Tim Watson was a very big risk but one the club (and myself) thought was worth it. In fact, the club considered his appointment as a coup rather than a risk. The decision as backfired, but as we know, it is easy to look back with hindsight.

As for Sheehan, St Kilda supporters have been critical of his grudge against us for years and to tell you the truth, I think he is loving the opportunity to sink the boot in.

Regarding the draft, again I agree. We will already have picks 1 and 2. It would be ridiculous to contemplate trading a match winner (and cult figure among the younger supporters) like Spider. Burkey is contracted for another two years while Harvey is only 28/29.

You would be excused for thinking our club is at deaths door. I don't think any journalists have mentioned that we have made substantial profits for the past three years and have no debts.

Bernie, I agree wholeheartedly. Let's hope the AFL Commission were serious when they said recently they wanted all 16 clubs to survive.
Pess, the Rat could have still been going now if they had planned it right. Begrudges me to say it, but he could have been nursed along like Bewick has been out of a forward pocket and an occasional run on the ball, with spells on the bench. Schwabs doing it now already with Rocky.
Aside from that, sainter, watson was a gamble that didnt come of. Now you cant afford to gamble again. The situation at colonial,of field members not wanting to go to that stadium and the on field performance giving them reason not to attened plus those that wont return no matter what after Waverly (the Hawks have plenty of those too).
You simply have to get it right this time or I really do hold grave doubts about your survival. I dont think the saints would disappear completly but a merger with the dogs or north could and would no doubt be very closly looked at.
I hope it doesnt happen.

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Lay off the saints

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