League extensions

  • Thread starter mvprules
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I love the AFL, but 16 teams is not enough. There should at least 24 teams in the league playing almost the same number of games as the NBA and NHL, the Ansett Cup played during the regular season, not before, and the playoffs, not played in one off games but in best of seven games series.

Robert Batchelor

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It seems some American w***er (sorry to use the term, but I am sick of Americanisation.) wants to overtake football too.

It is called a finals series.

I love the sport, and don't like the summer much due to a lack of football... but it currently stretches from March to September already.

With that number of teams and games, it would stretch the whole year round. While the strain of Basketball is very little, and teams can play every night without getting tired (it is such a pussy sport), footballer need that week off to recover from the games.

Corked thighs etc. that people get during the games take time to heal. Otherwise, we would see games without the top footballers.

24 teams... 24 * 42 = 1008 footballers... with our current 672 players on people's lists (not counting rookie list players) you still get quite a few players that really aren't ever going to get a game because they aren't good enough.

1008 footballers in the league would result in a lower standard of football played.

And what in the hell would your motivation for playing the Ansett Cup (a pre-season warmup to trial rookies) alongside the season?

You cannot play two games a week of footy, so what's meant to happen?

Week 1 - Premiership Season
Week 2 - Ansett Cup
Week 3 - Premiership Season
Week 4 - Ansett Cup....

it is a ridiculous scenario.

If you like pathetic american clone, with moronic american terms then why don't you watch there pussy sports (there Gridiron players hit softer than AFL players but still need to where pads, then think they are tough...).

And while I'm bagging Americans...

Why the hell do they call it the World Series of Baseball when only Americans and Canadians participate? I think it is a cross between ignorance and ego.

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Heh... 7 years later and the AFL are still doing everything they can to not introduce a 17th team with the Gold Coast saga.
24 teams is way too many! where the heck will 8 new teams come from? Interesting but I think the person who had this idea had rocks in their head.

they would need to do what was done with the NSL/A-League. Essentially rip it apart and re-introduce teams that should be financially successful. This would also require less running costs and a much lower salary cap.

The end result is you lose all tradition and many fans..for what? So you can have a more expansive but less professional and quality competition.
Obviously the guy who wrote the OP has never palyed footy. At least any higher than u/15 level. Recovery from a game of footy now takes the elite players at elast 3-4 days. The next 2-3 are used to prepare for next game.
24 teams is freaking ridiculous. the OP made comparisons to the NHL and NBA, except he forgot that while a rich nation of 320-odd million people can easily sustain 20/30-team sports leagues, but a nation of 22 million could not. memberships, sponsorships, etc.
Why is everyone suggesting these massive changes to the competition?

Is it just post-season boredom, or do people really think the system needs to be completely overhauled?

Sure, its not perfect and equitable at the moment, but its working.
Why is everyone suggesting these massive changes to the competition?

Is it just post-season boredom, or do people really think the system needs to be completely overhauled?

Sure, its not perfect and equitable at the moment, but its working.
Post season boredom and everyone has their own agendas the like to sprout.
DO you think there is enough of an audience for that many teams? The population in Australia might not be big enough.

The teams are still there . Before the AFL they were well attended .
A better way of developing the AFL would have using state league teams .
That moment has passed . Budgets have skyrocketed .

A lot of teams are already struggling financially.

That's because budgets have skyrocketed not beause of the number of teams . More teams would actually reduce pressures on struggling teams .

However there is a practicle limit to the size of the comp in that fans don't want to be too far away from a premiership as in the EPL .
i.e. At the moment it's one in 8 for a GF .


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I know where he is coming from. 24 teams may be too many but I can come up with 23.

I dont advocate 24, personally 20 is about right.


Add Norwood (tradition is there)

Add Subiaco (or whoever - tradition is there)

West Sydney

Add Gold Coast
Add Far Nth Qld

St Mary's (or whoever)

Launceston (or whoever)

It is easy to set the NAB cup into the season.
1 game can count for premiership points and the NAB Cup.
e.g. you get 4 points for a win and you knock out whoever it is that you beat in the NAB cup.
e.g. With 16 teams, In the 1st round of the season 8 teams would be knocked out. Say Carl and Coll won, whenever thay are due to meet next would be the next round of the NAB cup for them, and so on. It wouldn't be that hard to structure it so that late in the season there is a NAB Cup Final, put a $1M prize and NAB Cup games would become very meaningful fixtures through out the season.

The Adelaide Hills Football league used to do something similar.
I love the AFL, but 16 teams is not enough. There should at least 24 teams in the league playing almost the same number of games as the NBA and NHL, the Ansett Cup played during the regular season, not before, and the playoffs, not played in one off games but in best of seven games series.

Robert Batchelor

dosent that defeat the purpose of the NAB (not ansett)cup?
I know where he is coming from. 24 teams may be too many but I can come up with 23.

I dont advocate 24, personally 20 is about right.

Vic - existing 10 teams
SA - new team would have to be geographical area . e.g. Centrals
WA - ditto , either Peel or Swan Valley .Subiaco has low support .
NSW-add West Sydney
QLD-addAdd Gold Coast

That's 20 teams with solid population support

Far Nth Qld- Cairns and townsville split .
NT- Because of the playing seasons a representitive team is easy .
Tas-Launceston and Hobart split .
Vic country

That's 5 teams with strong interest .

Later on you might see

Newcastle , Woollongong ,NZ ,PNG or RSA

Can't believe that guy wanted a best of seven finals series. The AFL would have to run 52 weeks a year.

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League extensions

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