PC League of Legends

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Lux support works fine, she has a snare, a slow, shield, good poke.

As long as you start with the Blue Support item, protect your ADC and don't build like a midlaner it's as effective as say Annie/Vel'Koz/Brand supports in higher elo's
So I might start with that damage support lane item and I may build AP after like 1 of 2 support items...I always make the ward item.
Yeah that's really fine if you're playing aggressive.

I mean there's time's it wont work with the team comp, but there's a silly stigma on AP supports that they don't help the team, as long as you ward up and make the most of your CC you're doing fine

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Brand is a very strong support at the moment, top 3.

I would build spooky ghost on him and destroy people.

Sweet as ! Yeah enjoying him a lot. Went 33-1-11 other night. Same time you can pull a big score like that and still barely win

ign : didaK

Do you or anyone else ever have problems with the client not launching ? Launch button wont do anything
Sweet as ! Yeah enjoying him a lot. Went 33-1-11 other night. Same time you can pull a big score like that and still barely win

ign : didaK

Do you or anyone else ever have problems with the client not launching ? Launch button wont do anything

I did until i made an exception for the launcher in my anti virus. Solved it.
Getting into my Bard plays at the moment. Support or Solo Lane, going well with both!

Ive been going zyra or brand support as both scale well late

Still looking for a solid top champ though , been using Cho'gath , but want something a bit more game changing
Been playing a lot of jungle, specifically Poppy , her animations are ******* adorable.


Ive been going zyra or brand support as both scale well late

Still looking for a solid top champ though , been using Cho'gath , but want something a bit more game changing
If you want to carry by yourself/dont trust your team? Fiora, Darius, Jax, Renekton, Gangplank
If you want to be more supportive while still be highly influential? Shen, Dr Mundo(!!! very strong right now), Tahm Kench, Malphite

Top lane is good because there are a lot of solid champs and diversity atm

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Anyone interested in some ranked matches

Pure support player here , top/mid as secondary

climing from bronze 1 , sucks that I was s2 last season
hey all, just finished my first ranked placements ever after reaching level 30. Got into Bronze 1. I really only jungle and adc and main Kindred. Let me know if you want to duo sometime. IGN Space Janitor

I'll add you.

IGN: Littlescrappydog

That is my muck around account and "main" (I don't have much time anymore to play properly)
I hate this game.

I don't know if its just me, but I can't enjoy it at all anymore. Tried hard to get diamond this season, was in series 4 times for plat 1 then tilted all the way down to the depths of p4. I don't even enjoy normals, ARAM or the rotating queue. Been waiting to upgrade my PC in mid semester break so I can play a bunch of steam games I can't run on my current rig (Wolfenstein, Shadow of Mordor, Witcher 3), figured I'd just keep playing LoL in the meantime but it isn't cutting it. Been playing since 2011 and I enjoyed the game a hell of a lot more in 2011-2013, now it just feels like the biggest chore to play. Anyone else who has played for a long time feel the same? The fact that they've made it more teamwork orientated every season kinda turns me off as well, I enjoyed the individual aspect of the game a lot but that doesn't matter anywhere near as much. Also I hate dynamic queue as I generally play by myself as most friends are well below me in rank.
Funnily enough this is the most fun I've had ever in League, but it's also because of the teamwork element I guess.
I'm lucky enough to have a core group of friends that play, which means we can coordinate over voice etc. I can definitely see where you guys are coming from though

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