Melbourne Supporters

  • Thread starter Ruby
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At Colonial Stadium last night there were around 30,000 supporter most of them were Kanga supporters at least 20,000 and maybe 10,000 Melbourne supporters (Think I'm being generous to Melbourne there) if this had of been reversed the media would have mentioned this numerous times but no so for the Melbourne supporters their team is in the eight and I swear the cheer squad were all that you could hear. Kanga Supporters way out numbered the opposition and this is not the first time it has happened this year they will have a go at us if they dont think that we turn up but they never have a go at other teams supporters makes me sick.
They must spew with Melbournes games at the colonial!
The MCG was their fortnightly outing where the Range Rover actually left the safety of a sealed Road onto the dangerous grass of the MCG carpark!!
They have to make their cleaners clean the car twice after that venture!!

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What do you expect? It was a Kangaroos home game. Obviously there would be more North supporters there. You certainly would have expected them to come out with it being a memorial game for Ron Casey. Anyway it is a well known fact that most Melbourne supporters don't go anywhere apart from the MCG. I didn't even go. But I was speaking to someone who did go and he said he was surprised how many Dees supporters there were. Would have been more that 10,000 and watching the game on the TV, there was a huge roar every time Melbourne attacked the goal.
The Kangas have a bigger supporter base than Melbourne we hear this all the time we have 25,000 supporters and I was at the ground on Sat night and there were not that many Melbourne supporters there sure there were more there in the first round but what is the mentallity of the supporters who support a ground instead of their team> I laugh when I hear people say they are boycotting a ground for one reason or another all they are doing is boycotting their team
Yes spot on Angel, old chap. I'm beaming this to you via my wizz-bang new internet conection from the winter challet. Ran into a spot of bother on the way up here in the Range Rover. Forgot the tyre chains didn't I, complete nincompoop, what?

Why on earth, old chaps, would you want to go to Colonial? Mixing it with the plebs, no members, no long room, shudder at the thought.

Oh almost forgot, Go Dees!
I found it interesting how Ruby thinks the Kangas have more supporters than Melbourne. I don't think so! Evidence: 1998 Prelim Final Crowd: 75,000 Melb supporters 45-50,000. The rest North. Enough said.

Good thing the Preliminary was held at the G otherwise there wouldn't have been any Melbourne supporters at all (you included!!!)



Ivan - you wouldn't happen to be doing any work for the old man while your there would you???
Not worth argueing with you Dees01 take a look at your Web site and compare it with the Kangas you have about two postings a day and its a pretty poor effore just like Saturday night.

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Hey Gonzo I did the Ivan bit, that "old man" line you mentioned, can you tell me about that? I heard that little skit on the Coodabeens a few weeks ago, can you tell me who did it or where you could get the transcript, one of the funniest things they've had on there. Speaking of funny what do you think of this joke?

Two boys are playing football in a Melbourne park, when one is attacked by
a Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy rips off a board of the nearby
fence, wedges it down the dog's collar and twists, breaking the dog's neck.

A reporter who is strolling by sees the incident, and rushes over to interview the boy. "BOMBERS fan saves friend from vicious animal...", he starts writing in his notebook. "But I'm not a Bombers fan" the boy replies. "Tigers fan rescues friend from horrific attack..." the reporter starts
again. "I'm not a Tigers fan either" the boy says.

"Then what are you?" the reporter says. "I'm a Collingwood fan !!!" The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes, "Low life bastard kills family pet"


Ruby, can you please tell me what Melbourne site you are referring to with two postings a day? The last time I checked, the official Melbourne Football Club site did not have a forum on it.
Reasons not to hate Melbourne FC.

1. Their banner in round 2 that wished Anthony Stevens a quick recovery.

2. Their banner last week paying respects to Ron Casey.

3. Their fans even had the discipline to wait until the end of the 3rd quarter before starting that mindboggling witty and original "Carey is a w***er" chant. Which all things considered was pretty mild compared to the comments the Melbourne fans made about David Schwarz's efforts that night (although it probably is a bit hard to get a "Schwarz is a slow useless overrated overpaid lazy incompetent fat bastard" chant going).

I think the 'old man' skit was done by Barry Humphries (of Dame Edna fame), have no idea where to get it but the Coodabeens are putting out a cd later in the year so it may be on that.

Anway I'm off to the snow with:
some of the lads from school
couple of snow bunnies
a dozen tinnies
no complications!!!!


More reasons to like the Dees

1) The Song

2) The Jumper

3) The history (oldest football in the world - any code)

4) Barassi, Norm Smith and Robbie Flower

5) Neil Daniher

6) Joe Gutnick - he may not know much about footy but he has made these guys into a for real dead set serious football club, instead of just some bunch of MCC members who were happy just to be playing footy with the big guys.

Would hate to see them go but I'm afraid if they don't expand their supporter base (and soon) they could be done for.

And one more thing about Gutnick - if it wasn't for him then there would probably be no Dees - full stop.
Ahhhhh Bloodsoaked Tea Towel,

There but for the grace of God go I.

Let me get this straight butternuts.
Bankrupt in two cities.
Owned by a mad doctor & a pissed journo.
Propped up by the AFL, infact turned into a puppet.
Naff all success even with the leg up.
Deserted by your own.

No wonder you're bitter.

Identity - it's as priceless as diamonds!

I guess you've forgotten sweetcheeks.
Originally posted by dons_r_tops:
Ruby, While your bagging websites could you please tell me the 5 different website addresses the roos used last year. every time i wanted to look at your clubs site i had to search the afl site just to find it.

Well Dons-Watch-Out there is only one maybe you were looking in the wrong area maybe you were too busy looking at your own web site all of last year because you did have the Grand Final in the bag didnt you LOL
Originally posted by dees01:
Ruby, can you please tell me what Melbourne site you are referring to with two postings a day? The last time I checked, the official Melbourne Football Club site did not have a forum on it.

It comes under Melbourne F.C.and is looked after by someone called B.T.
Originally posted by Ruby:
Well Dons-Watch-Out there is only one maybe you were looking in the wrong area maybe you were too busy looking at your own web site all of last year because you did have the Grand Final in the bag didnt you LOL

Oh and by the way we all have to look for Web sites or did you just think that when we turn our computers on that the Bombers Web site just jumps out at us and we all head there, I can honestly say that I have never visited the Bombers web site so where do you think that I should look or should I just wait and magically somehow or other I will just be boomed straight into it maybe Sheeds martians will help, you bomber fans make me laugh I honestly think that you think that you should be the Victorian side and the rest of us should just go away you know we are all getting there gradually all holding our end up what a boring place it would be if we only had the Bombers to entertain us.
Thanks Gonzo. Yeah that figures, Humphries is the funniest bloke Australia has produced in my opinion, true legend.

If he did it may be it's on a website of his somewhere, if there is such a thing, I'll hunt around. If I find it I'll let you know where it is.

Thanks again Gonzo.
Ruby, how could you possibly compare the amount of postings on the official Kangaroos website compared to a site that is not an official Melbourne site, but just a hobby site that would not have many hits. If there were two postings a day on the official Melbourne site then you would have a right to brag, but the two sites just do not compare.

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Melbourne Supporters

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