Misiti - The poor man's Anthony Stevens!

  • Thread starter Paganpower
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Got to laugh at you Essendon nutters with your Hird better than Carey nonsense.

I think this last season has made you all delusional.

Next you'll be saying Misiti (good average player) is better than Stevens whose record speaks for itself.

But then again you all seem to think Lloyd is the first player to kick 100 goals so what would you expect I guess.
Misiti just a good average player. That's a laugh. He is sensational.

At least Joe Misiti doesn't stand under a falling sheet of glass.

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Sorry PaganPower

If there is one thing I have learned the last couple of weeks, it is not to side with an unregistered fly-by-nighter. This place is downright hostile. Besides, the topic doesn't hold much interest.

Register and try again. I'll listen.

Piss off back to where ever you came and stop embarassing us North fans with the same stupid comments that are made by a few of the more tunnel-visioned fans on this board.

Misiti Chick

You should know better about making comments about someone that came close to being killed considering the tragic events that happened to one of the Essendon players this season.

[This message has been edited by Shinboners (edited 12 November 2000).]

That Stevens is a trouble maker. I hear he is banned from all building sites when the windows are getting installed!!!

He is the single biggest reason for the thriving glass replacement industry. And it's a little known fact that he just loves hospital food, through a drip, a tube or however he can get it.

He loves the pain associated with near death experiences. He has his own dungeon where he spends his time devising new and exciting ways to inflict damage to his body. Everyone knows chicks really go for the mutilated look.

Need I go on? OK, I'll stop.

Nice one Misitigirl or is that Misiti is a girl? Compared to Anthony Stevens that is.
misiti chick
Just because you get upset by a comment made my a supporter from another team, doesn't justify coming out with a stupid statement like the one you made about Stevens, the guy could have died.
Shinners I agree with you on both counts.
Misiti is a fantastic player & I would think all the other clubs would like him in their side.

You're a disgrace Misiti's-Chick, you're lower than Shark's shit to come out with something like that. Now piss off.

As I've said before unfortunately, there's scum supporters who follow every side and great people who follow every club, so let's disspence the generalisations about supporters. Like racism it's stupid.
Misiti is a good player in a football team that's had ONE great year.
Stevens is the heart and soul of a side that has been at the top or near the top for the last seven years.

I'd take Stevo any day.

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Misiti's finals series this year was a level that Stevens has never achieved.

Saying that, Stevens has been the better player over the last 6 years or so. More consistent and reliable.

On face value at the moment, I'd take Misiti.
Originally posted by Misiti_Chick:
At least Joe Misiti doesn't stand under a falling sheet of glass.

Congratulations. You have just said the worst thing anyone has ever said on this board. Do you think he did it on purpose? He has a great footy career and does not want to spoil it by an injury (like all players). To play in the AFL is a once in a lifetime chance and should not be ruined.The only person silly enough to do it on purpose would be you.
Richmond fan, I've seen worse...

That said that was totally pathetic Misiti Chick and anyone else who thought it was funny... footy may be a game and winding people up on this forum (and at the footy) may be fun... but almost getting killed in a tragic accident is real life folks... jesus christ grow up....

Apologies to the Stevens family, North fans and all other fans for my fellow supporters mindless comment (vale Robbie Mercuri).

That said, I'd take smokin Joe on his work over the past two seasons - Stevens was better before that...
Stevens showed just what a fantastic little player he was with a fantastic first half against my Hawks in the semi this year. I really thought he was one of the main driving forces behind their win in that game and though he faded after half time, to play like he did proved to me at least that he is all quality. So to is Joe, id love for them both to be at the Hawks.

I did smirk at Jubs play on words though.

Vale = Lest we forget; rest in peace etc...

Point being, for a supporter to be so blind to the tragedy that occured within their own club and come up with glass comment is disgraceful - yep, I'd say that was necessary.

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Misiti - The poor man's Anthony Stevens!

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