More AFL players being charged

  • Thread starter Don
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What is wrong wioth some of these guys!!!!

As posted earlier the leniency that was shown to Wayne Carey has lead to an outbreak of this stuff, if an example had been made of him this would not have got so far out of hand
Two schools of thought:

Either these guys don't know the meaning of the word "NO"


The girls agree, then either change their minds after, or think they'll try for a few minutes of fame.
Unfortunately the players are targetted when they're out, especially post season when they're drinking more than usual. I have 'aquaintences' to whom getting an AFL player is a main aim.
It's disgusting. If they don't succeed (or if the girl thinks its a longer term thing than the player) then all the rumours start. All about how he used her, and he cheated on her, and she didn't even know who he was.... as if! A very sad side of game that only seems to be getting worse.

BTW/ I'm not saying the players involved are always innocent or set up. But the scenario is there for it to happen.

We've had a bit more 'Taxi Driver Troubles' this week coincidently
No charges, but a pain nonetheless. If the AFL really wants to stop the trouble, just rig the final 8! Obviously we, the Crows and Bullies can't handle not playing at this time of year

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More AFL players being charged

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