Nearly over the worst of it!

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
Spanish Announcers table
AFL Club
Just think, in another week the end of the drought will almost be in sight! Yes the year 2000 is almost over. The Olympics will fade into history and the long overdue return of the only sport that really matters will be in sight of returning to salve us all of our drought of the longest most boring summer i can ever remember having to put up with!

Come January the Ansett cup will only be SIX weeks or so away. There will be NEWS reports on all our new champions in training. The FOOTY will be so close you will almost be able to taste it.

Roll on 2001!
Yes we approach the end of the actual millenium with much less hype than the populist one last year. At least this New Years eve I can get out and party, unlike having too work last year.

Only SIX weeks, but I feel that they will drag on. Hang on - will there be some practise matches before hand?

Oh Please let this be true! I need my fix!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.

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couldnt agree with you more.....

Come the 1st of january the hawks will be playing their first ansett cup match in only another 48 days............

not that i am counting down or anything....
plus there should be a couple of practise matches before then......

bring it on i say....
Originally posted by dutchy_rules:
not that i am counting down or anything....

Well you should be. If not, there's something "wrong" with you.

[This message has been edited by Same Old's (edited 26 December 2000).]
Your right Go the Young Guys, I do thank God for pre-season training, it keeps me sane.
And Roylion, thanks man, I couldn't have said it any better myself.

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Nearly over the worst of it!

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