Norm Smith adjudication criteria.

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Norm Smith Medallist
Feb 19, 2002
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
Other Teams
Just out of interest, what is the official adjudication criteria that the jduges give votes for in regards to the Norm Smith medal?

The commonly held belief, is that it is for 'best on ground', and likewise, this is also actually caste on to the medal itself in the words "Best Player - AFL Grand Final".

However, I do recall on of the judges a few years back, commenting on the belief that they were voting on the Norm Smith medalist, with a criteria focusing not as much on the 'best on ground' aspect, but rather, leaning towards the player who impact the most influence on the result of the game.

What are people's thoughts?

(By the way, I'm not trying to stir up something regarding N.Buckley winning the medal, as I thought he was deserving of the honour - rather, I'm interested as to the issue of the adjudication criteria).

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Norm Smith adjudication criteria.

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