Oldest Ever Merger In Any Aussie Rules League

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A poser :

What was the oldest real merger, and by real I mean where two (or more, I suppose) football clubs joined forces, retaining both names, perhaps hyphenating the resulting name.

IE : For the purposes of being pedantic, the retention of both names is required, eg Woodville-West Torrens would be an acceptable submission, but Brisbane-Fitzroy would not. (Yes, the company has both names, but the playing name is 'Brisbane').

I was prompted into this through discovery of an old, old, old local Victorian team merger, but I'll bet some of youse folks will beat it. I'll post the one I found at a later date, in a vain hope that holding off will generate more replies.


Hallowed be thy Roy

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Alright no-one bothered so I'll bloody put my bit in and we\ll just let bygones be bygones, then.

I discovered two places out just past the Grampians (that's just before the Grampians, you SAians), called Rosebrook and Brim Springs. There isn't even a signpost any more, at either locality.

The two areas used to field a footy club each, playing against teams like Lah Arum and Brimpaen.

They merged, and became Brim Springs-Rosebrook Football Club, in 1909.

I reckon that's a decent age. Didn't know Ross Oakley was around back then.

If yer can beat it, feel free.

Hallowed be thy Roy
Coolbellup Cavemen merged with Dwellongup Dinasaurs in 2097BC. It was then called the Wagyl Footy League which later bacame the VFA, then the VFL and now the AFL.
This season marks its 86th Centenial but don't forget that the WFL was formed by the Neanderthol Footy League (NFL) and the Coolbellup Cavemen aleays consider the 78563 flags they won in the NFL as being WFL flags.
This was rejected though by the NFL as the rules had changed so that players were not allowed to take clubs or sharpened flintstone on to the ground.
It is written that the spirit of the Neanderthol Footy League will live on in the periodic ri-encarnation of one of their players. The last recorded possibility was Hawthorn player John Platten who, instead of flintstone, repeatedly tried to take a haircomb onto the pitch. More recently the suspected Neanderthol has been Libba who reportedly has sharpened flinstone inserts under his finger nails.

Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
I suspect your enthusiastic interest in country football clubs is not shared by others on this forum.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
I don't understand ya but Prahan and St kilda merged in either the 1880's or 1890's

Forget 1 Tony Lockett there is only 1 Trevor Barker
I don't understand ya but Prahan and St kilda merged in either the 1880's or 1890's

Forget 1 Tony Lockett there is only 1 Trevor Barker
In the inaugural season of the VFA in 1877, there was two seperate clubs called South Melbourne and Albert Park. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but the South Melbourne Football Club was briefly known as the 'Cecil Footall Club' in 1874 and in 1880 merged with Albert Park Football Club. They adopted South Melbourne's name and Albert Park's colours.

It's well known that Collingwood's original club was Brittania (some went to Collignwood and some went to Fitzroy) and Fitzroy's original club was Normanby, but I don't know if these could be classed as 'mergers'.
Fair arguments ironmike and RoyLion, unfair argument Frodo (yer dag!), thanks Danni, fair point noted C_I_K.

Now I'll go reread your posts and make sure I matched up your names correctly.

Hallowed be thy Roy
NO, bugger yers, I won't lie down on this one.

If a Prahran and Saint Kilda merger resulted in a team name like Saint Prahran or like Prahran-St Kilda, then it wins. No evidence yet, you don't win yet. How come Prahran and Saint Kilda both had clubs later on, if they merged. More information please.

Cecil or whatever it was and Albert Park merged, did they take on a name like Cecil-Albert Park FC? If not, if it was just colours one way, name the other, it doesn't fit the requirements I posted for this thread. You lose!

Dwellongup-Coolbellup BCFC? If not, shove it.

C_I_K, seeing that I've had two posts now from you pooh-poohing country footy, I assume you used to be a country resident who jumped ship when the going got tough, well before the going got TOO tough?

Wish I could bag yer, Danni, but you didn't say anything baggable. Well, that'll do. Say something baggable next time. You lose!

Geeze that makes me feel better ...

Hallowed be thy Roy

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Now Mobs, your touch of Brisbane nastiness is showing through. The post above was a comment, not a criticism, and it was interesting to see our two Brisbane folk took it the wrong way.
My previous encounter with you on another board was just me expressing some frustration. Don't take it seriously. I don't have anything against country football, per se, I am just not interested in it.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

Can't you see I was just trying out being a prick!? What's the point if you're going to answer rationally? <thump table>

Brisbane nastiness? Never been there, never barracked for 'em. Never.

Now, how to incite. I got it. C_I_K, Jethro-WalrusTitty (that's a Monty Python quote, isn't it?) and Danni, youse all come last 'cause yers didn't mention a possible candidate.

Only one poster has ever got angry with me, and they were unregistered, some drongo called 'Premiers', 'cause I didn't know Hawthorn had won flags in the 70s.

Am I too nice? Is the above a decent attempt at change? You know us bumpkins, change doesn't sit well with us! The only change we like is the cessation of constant change.

Nope, I don't feel comfortable with this, I'm going back to being a good bloke after a deal with any fire from this thread.

Hallowed be thy Roy
Originally posted by Mobbenfuhrer:
Jethro-WalrusTitty (that's a Monty Python quote, isn't it?)

Guilty as charged!
I agree with Frodo on this one (I'll take that tablet now). I seem to remember reading about that merger on a cave wall somewhere.

Also, in 1864, The Carlton cricket club merged with some mythological gods to become the Carlton football club!!!

You can abuse me now Mobben!
Ok, after due deliberation (most of it wasted in the time taken to find where this thread had ended up), it seems that 1909 might have it.

I recently discovered that Natte Yallock and Bealiba merged to form Natte-Bealiba, perhaps back in the thirties or forties, but because I don't know the exact year (yet), its inadmissable.

You've all had long enough. 1909 wins.

Hallowed be thy Roy
1869 - North Melbourne Football Club Formed.
1870 - Hotham Football Club Formed
1871 - North merge with Hotham to form the North Melbourne Football Club.
1876 - North merge with Albert Park to form the Hotham Football Club.
1887 - Hotham Football Club change their name to North Melbourne.

Confused. I think this is correct, but not even Rev Dowling (Author of 'The North Story") knows the complete (early) history of the North Melbourne Football Club.

Are We Not Men

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Oldest Ever Merger In Any Aussie Rules League

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