Olympic Soccer -

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Premiership Player
Aug 24, 2000
AFL Club
Other Teams
KC Chiefs, Royal Park FNC, Man City
I went to see the Olympic soccer match between Chile and Nigeria for a bit of a laugh.

And it was!

Every time a Nigerian player went within a foot or two of a Chilean player, the Chilean (spelling?) would fall down and roll around as if in agony until a free kick was awarded to him. The Chilean player would then get up, and within a minute would be running around completely unharmed! The Australians in the crowd found this hilarious.

The poor Nigerians didn't know what to do about it. It was like trying to play against a whole team of Matthew Lloyds.

While on the topic, I have to say that the game itself was entertaining enough, but SOCCER IS SO UTTERLY AND OBVIOUSLY INFERIOR TO AUSTRALIAN RULES IT DEFIES COMPARISON.

I will watch the odd game of soccer on television during the summer but the sooner footy is back with us, the better!

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Soccer is laughably absurd. The world's best sport, eh? I fail to see the appeal of a sport where there is little, if any aggressive play. Soccer is basically one glorifed 90 minute game of keep away; hardly entertaining.

Granted, I may be somewhat hypocritical since I played soccer in grade school, but that was probably because all my friends did and I was too small to play gridiron (which I did anyway later).

I wish we had had Aussie rules growing up here because there was no question I would have played it.
I enjoy playing soccer and occasionally watch it and I get so pissed off with players that fake all the time. Your story, Tigertank pretty much sums that up although leave soccer alone. I love AFL more than any other sport in the world but there are people that love soccer just as much.

Sport worldwide is hugely popular (look at the olympics for example) and people play and watch their sport with passion. As sport followers we should appreciate sport how it is.
Yous are all w***ers!, to be played in every country in the world, and get all the Tv ratings, and the World cup, be the second moSt expensive TV rights to purchase, they must eb doing something right! GO EVERTON GO!
pfffft your kidding right

Gridiron final is one of the most expensive tv rights to purchase so i dont think that says allot
And that is every year

Lets see why is it played in every country?
Same reason south America Dominate

Its the cheapest sport in the world to play
,all you need is a ball and 2 buckets

Please dont use the word "yous" and claim to be australian at the same time
Isn't there a rule in English Premier league wher if the ref thinks a player is faking an injury to try and get a free he can book him?

If they used that more often the game would improve out of sight.
Where else is yous used?? Very Australian i reckon mate.

two buckets??? what sport are u talking about??
Aussie rules needs needs a ball and eight posts as opposed to the six (if u include crossbars) that soccer uses. Is the fact that footy is "cheap" to play the only reason you or i follow it??

Soccer is an "acquired taste"- I love it, but I was born in Greece and have followed/played it all my life. I would much rather watch Aussie rules though, but can understand the love affair the world has with soccer. We are not the world, and have to understand that others have different tastes, that are popular and not "wrong".
Westy Boy

You obviously didn't understand what i meant

It is a well known fact as to why soccer is the second most played sport in the world (2nd behing fishing)
The reason is that it is one if not the cheapest sport to play.

And you know exactly what i am talking about with 2 buckets.What when you play backyard soccer you use a cross bar do you???????

FIFFA at the moment are having a huge push at getting more asian nation to play the sport like 20 years ago when they made a push into africa.Notice that these 2 contents are the poorest in the world.So how can they do that you ask when the majority of the people cant afford to play sport.Hmmm soccer isn't that expensive now is it.

Did i say that was the only reason people follow soccer is because its cheap.

I dont think so
It is skill full no one is doubting that.But like u said an aquired taste,you have to get used to the acting and lack of scoring

Dont ask me why football hasn't taken off

Hold it maybe Australia doesn't have the resources to push it nah couldn't be
Its looking less and less like a coincidence

Originally posted by crowz4eva:
Yous are all w***ers!, to be played in every country in the world, and get all the Tv ratings, and the World cup, be the second moSt expensive TV rights to purchase, they must eb doing something right! GO EVERTON GO!

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Olympic Soccer -

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