On the turps

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I'm planning on picking up a half-dozen Melbourne's for tonight. A couple of dark ales for the other 'arf as well.

I used to drink a lot, this order used to be a slab. But now I'm just doing the 'arf dozen every now and then ... a few beers sounds like a good idea on a warm Friday night.
Originally posted by Mobbenfuhrer
I'm planning on picking up a half-dozen Melbourne's for tonight. A couple of dark ales for the other 'arf as well.

I .

If its Coopers dark ale your wife is a women of very good taste.

I drink thousands of glasses of that stuff a day on the net!;)

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I'm a victim of advertising myself.

I recently tried a canadian club and dry after seeing those wacky ads on TV. Tasted bloody great and now drink more of the stuff than i do beer.:eek:
Sitting here with a nice cold home brew as I type this :cool:

This was a cheap-arse budget Pilsener kit off the supermarket shelf, made with simple dextrose - nothing fancy. However I did chuck in a hop bag to try and soup up the flavour a bit.

The result is not bad... a vague bitterness, and a little bit fruitier than I would otherwise like - but quite drinkable. Especially in this weather.

Originally posted by Hoggy
You've got problems, you really do.
I know a place where this isn't a problem.. ;)

Mmmmmm sweet sweet liquor.

Shared a lovely chardonnay with the girlfriend last night then washed it down with beer and bourbon (not in the same glass of course). No class what so ever.

Beer is beer, there are few bad ones. Personally I like Stella but local stuff its either Crownies or VB, depends on the company.

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Originally posted by Docker_Brat
Beer is beer, there are few bad ones. Personally I like Stella but local stuff its either Crownies or VB, depends on the company.
You live in Perth, and you call Crown/VB local?!?

Regardless, VB is common p|sswater. I fail to understand how anyone outside of Victoria can drink that swill.

Being in Perth, surely you've sampled the Matilda Bay Pils? There is no better reason to live in Perth. I plan to come over for the state game in June - but really this is a thinly-veiled excuse to spend a night out on the Pils. :cool:
Local as in Aussie beer, as for the true 'local' beer, Swan Draught is drinkable but I'm sure that dishwater is better than Emu Bitter.

You know I've never gotten around to trying the Matilda Bay, must do that, thanks for the suggestion :) Little Creatures is a nice drop if you happen to see it in your bottle shop fridge, do yourself a favour.
Originally posted by Uncle Steve
Being in Perth, surely you've sampled the Matilda Bay Pils? There is no better reason to live in Perth.

I hope you are joking, you may as well drink water, that stuff has no taste.:confused:
Originally posted by Mobbenfuhrer
Yes its Coopers brown label.

I believe her top 3 is:
#1. Coopers brown.
#2. Abbotsford Invalid.
#3. Carlton black.

I can drink it, but prefer a meaty bitter better, like Melbourne.

If a good stout is the preference, Cascade and Coopers are the best Australian stouts. Guinness (on tap, not bottled/canned) and Tennents are the best from overseas. A six pack of any of those is a great relaxer in any climate. If you're buying by the slab and don't want to break the bank, Abbotsford Invalid gets the job done for about $35.

Originally posted by Docker_Brat
\Little Creatures is a nice drop if you happen to see it in your bottle shop fridge, do yourself a favour.

Found a bottle of it the other day and it goes pretty good. In the James Squire mold, with the JS Pilsener & India Pale Ale being a bit better though.

Originally posted by Uncle Steve
Regardless, VB is common p|sswater. I fail to understand how anyone outside of Victoria can drink that swill.

Your wisdom astounds me sometimes, it really does. How this stuff can become probably the most popular beer in the nation has me baffled. It's complete rubbish, and last Friday (free pisz Friday at work) I struggled through 5 cans in half an hour before switching to whatever else I could find. Thank gawd city pubs serve Guinness & Beck's.
Originally posted by Darky

How this stuff can become probably the most popular beer in the nation has me baffled. It's complete rubbish, and last Friday (free pisz Friday at work) I struggled through 5 cans in half an hour before switching to whatever else I could find

Try living in Qld and being forced to drink XXXX - utter ****weak trash *shivers*
Originally posted by Docker_Brat
Local as in Aussie beer, as for the true 'local' beer, Swan Draught is drinkable but I'm sure that dishwater is better than Emu Bitter.

Ah DB, Emu Bitter is disgusting. But the prize for worst beer in Australia surely must go to XXXX! If you truly want to drink dishwater then get some XXXX. Blurrrgh, not even my cat will drink it!
Originally posted by Darky

I struggled through 5 cans in half an hour before switching to whatever else I could find. Thank gawd city pubs serve Guinness & Beck's.
What, were you subbing them? Hmm, can't have been - if you were struggling, it must have been a slow day.

Do you work on a building site, drive a hilux (with spot lights on the top), and sport a mulet by anychance?
Originally posted by bunsen burner
What, were you subbing them? Hmm, can't have been - if you were struggling, it must have been a slow day.

Do you work on a building site, drive a hilux (with spot lights on the top), and sport a mulet by anychance?

Free pisz Friday usually comprises of a slab or two of VB, a slab or two of Light Ice and some Stollies (assorted flavours), plus occasionally some Boag's or Cascade heavies and lights.

I work in the operations/logistics side of a warehouse which does office supplies, and the bounty is shared between the office/sales staff and the warehouse staff, comprising of about 100 people all-up.

I don't have a mullet.... hair is long all the way around :D and no I don't drive a Hilux, at the moment I'm commuting by public transport.

I can tell you one thing, on a 38 degree day after working a 55 hour week, 5 cans of ANYTHING will go down quick if it's been in the fridge. Switched to Cascade Lights and a couple of cranberry stollies after the 5 cans to wash my mouth out. VB is absolute pig's pisz even compared to most lites, sour barely drinkable rubbish.
I can drink VB without a problem, but it sure isn't one of my favourites. I always prefer Melbourne.

Haven't had any trouble with XXXX either, nor with Fosters for that matter. Fosters, actually, isn't a bad drop.

Only bloke beer I haven't been able to stomach is West End. Though I also hate scanlons beers like Hahn. Tooheys I can stomach.
Originally posted by mantis
I hope you are joking, you may as well drink water, that stuff has no taste.

:eek: :confused:

I wasn't kidding. Matilda Bay Pils is Australia's best beer. No taste?!? Man, do you have any taste buds?

To each his own, I guess. I like the German/East European lager styles, especially in this weather. My imported beer of choice would be Bitburger, followed by Holsten or Pilsener Urquell. In my opinion Matilda Bay and James Squire are as good - if not better - than any imported pilsener. If anything they are slightly more flavoursome than than their imported counterparts.

If you want a Pilsener with no taste, try West End 107. Tastes like West End Draught with a spoonful of sugar stirred in. Yuck. I've tried brewing a few Pilseners myself, and while they are generally drinkable, none of my efforts has been brilliant.

PS: DB, I've yet to try the Little Creatures - but will make it my next pickup from the bottlo.
West End Draught is almost undrinkable
XXXX is undrinkable
VB is bearable

Coopers pale dark sparkling and stout are all top stuff

Matilda Bay - had one yestrday at the Ramsgate, as well as a Redback - both very tasty beers.

Cascade is good
Boags is good (Strongarm is very nice every now and then)

Melbourne bitter I quite like if I have to drink a Vic Beer

Don't drink Crownies unless I have to.

Hahn Ice Carlton Cold etc are all crap

Tooheys Old is quite good.

Don't like Southwark much. Pale is a cheap imitation. Their dark stuff is reasonable though.

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On the turps

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