Only thing that counts is winning the Grand Final.

  • Thread starter Don24
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None

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Despite Essendon's fantastic start to the season, we have to keep in mind that it is all meaningless unless they go on and win the Grand Final.

Last year, I had thought that Essendon were the best team of the year, but watching Carlton's blistering opening quarter I suddenly realised that in footy Finals Footy is all that counts.

Carlton showed us that, and North probably would have given us the same lesson.

Essendon have got to learn that there is no such thing as a June Premier. Every home and away game is just a means of getting you to the finals.

Carlton's impressive win last year combined with their current form makes me wonder -

Are we really the best?
I thought essendon were very unlucky to lose to Carlton last year. Having dominated and won the Minor Premiership they were clearly the best in the comp and it was only some dodgy umpiring that lost the game against Carlton.

Being such a professional outfit, they will surely take this years grandfinal with ease.
Putting aside my thesis (Doctorate in Comparative Theology at the University of Melbourne) for the moment, I would just like to thank you all for being a positive influence on my life.

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What is this ?

Some mockery of me ? Can't help but think "Don24" is a regular on here going under a different name.

To answer your question, yes we are really the best. Grand Final win or not.

Ask Denis Pagan who was the best last year. He admitted his Roos were not.

(Looks like I've been sucked in)
God I wish I lived in Victoria so I could reach the level of understanding; of intuiting, Football the way Victorians know it. Here in Adelaide our barracking is reduced to a highpitched squealing, mainly due to our lack of knowledge of the basic rules.
You should try living in Western Australia Serva! We wish we had South Australia's proximity to Victoria.

And another thing. When are our State's media going to stop being so bloody provincial and show some of the professionalism and lack of bias that they do in Victoria?
For his dedication and love of not only Geelong, but football in general, I hereby nominate geelong4eva to the board of Geelong.

Never has Geelong been blessed with a more humble yet deserving supporter.

Congatulations geelong4eva!
Longjohn, once again your post shows measured intelligence and dry wit, but I must disagree with you for once.

North have shown over the last decade that they are without doubt the class team of the competition. Come finals time they will be better prepared and should be confident of having Essendon's measure.

Much as I love my team, as Dan24 rightly points out, only the last day in September (or August!) counts.
Nathan Buckley is so bloody overrated! He thinks he is so good but essentially he is a big poonce, with little skill, and no sense of playing for the team.

I am thinking of becoming an Essendon fan!
Essendon's current form is no excuse for its dreadful lack off success in the last 20 years. We have had some great sides and players but haven't been able to turn it into Premierships.

While 93 was good there is little doubt it was a fluke, given Carlton's supremacy over us that year and in later years.

Apart from 84/85 (ancient history) Essendon have achieved nothing, unlike those truly great clubs like Hawthorn and Carlton. In the 90's West Coast and Adelaide have shown us what truly professional clubs are capable of.

Essendon - the great underachievers!
Am I the only person who apprecistes just what the AFL has done for us, the common supporter?

They keep the costs of games down. They are fair and equitable in their dealings with all clubs. They have expanded the games into markets like NSW and Queensland quite brilliantly.

3 cheers for Wayne Jackson and the AFL!!
Is it just me or does Dan24 talk a lot of sense?

His threads are always innovative and original and he never seems to canvas the same topic twice.

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You f*&$ing bunch of stinking sh*t for brains ar*eholes.

All of you can suck my c*$k! You're all a bunch C*%ts who f*$k their mothers with %*^$* $$*%!!!!!
I don't understand why some people feel the need to post such inflammatory messages.

We all love our teams and support them. There is no need to be nasty or belittling.

Why can't we all just get along?
I am so bloody sick of the AFL propping up these useless parasitic expansion states. Why can't Sydney, with its large population and support base, be made to fend for itself?
Do I really talk like that???

Best laugh Ive had in ages, whoever you are you should write for Russell Gilbert, oops sorry, I actually thought you were funny, that would just defeat the exercise. Or see a shrink about these multiple personality traits you seem to have.
A master!! BUT one problem Longjohn (the real one, or is that knuckles) is a *******.

ps: funny keep it up.
I think if Adelaide, West Coast or Brisbane make the finals and their 'pertners' Port, Fremantle or Sydney do not, they should be able to 'borrow' as many good players as they need to launch an attack on the flag. That way they are stronger and some players will get to play in finals that otherwise have no chance.

In victoria we can all 'borrow' from collingwood.

Any other victorian team + Nathan Buckley = Certain Premiership
I am thinking of deleting all posts by people such as Grendel, Servo, Gocatsgo etc unless they quit their snide self-righteous and frankly boring messages.

This board is for Football fans, to discuss Football in the time-honored fashion.

Kevin Sooky and Geelong4eva have had to prop the rest of you guys up for too long. Sacrificing their own creative potential to inspire considered debate and healthy antagonism while the rest of you flap your hands and congratulate each others teams.


Please take a leaf out of newcomer walshy1993's book. Unbridled arrogance and blinkered vision in a stunning debut. Combine this with G4e's brilliant use of homophobia and add a dash of dan24's tenacity and maybe this message board will be of some interest!

You have been warned!

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Only thing that counts is winning the Grand Final.

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