NWO/Illuminati Operation Gladio B

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Feb 24, 2013
The GoldenBrown Heart of Victoria
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Surprised to see no one is across this one as yet....Operation Gladio is the C.I.A operation that lies behind all the terrorist groups across the middle east, Europe & Eurasia.

Dr Paul Williams professor of the Humanities at the University of Scranton Pennsylvania & Former C.I.A consultant, spells it all out.....It's the attempt to use terrorist groups to take over the Caspian sea & it's surrounds in order to secure it's rich oil, minerals, natural gas & precious metal deposits.

Fettulah Gulan was a key to it, as many of the Stan countries south of Russia are former Turkish empire countries.....Afghanistan is also another key....On top of it's poppy crops.....A pipe-line through Afghanistan into Pakistan to secure these resources is what U.S continual presence there is actually all about....To protect said pipe-line into Pakistan, for natural gas.

And we all know which country sits on the basin of the Caspian sea peeps....Iran....Short version below.

Long extended version here:

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Paul Williams...."All the heroin coming out of Afghanistan & into the U.S, all arrives on cargo plane directly into Andrews Airforce base....And is then deployed to New Jersey & Chicago for distribution."

Nice way to beat detection when you just transcend & circumvent it via your own military.....As if we didn't know.
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The origins for Operation Gladio here....This has been a covert international war against all forms of Socialism & Communism ever since the end of the Second World war, incorporating all the intel agencies across Western Europe, Israel & the U.S.

False flag terrorist attacks & bombings have been their preferred weapons of choice, including backing & supporting right-wing fascist regimes.

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Nice short summation here for those of you who are lazy-bones.....Which is most of you....LOL.

@ 0:45....When people scream at conspiracy theorists for questioning the official govt narrative, in saying 'Show some respect for the dead'....What they actually mean is "Take the official story at the government's word & STFU."....Which is nothing other than emotionally fueled censorship.

Always ask this one question of all so-called 'terrorist events' Cui Bono?....Who benefits.

@6.40 Ad Hominen attacks on conspiracy theorists.

Labeling those who recognize the official holes in these stories as 'conspiracy theorists' is a C.I.A created pejorative, designed to stifle discourse, investigation & critical thinking.'
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Paul Williams...."All the heroin coming out of Afghanistan & into the U.S, all arrives on cargo plane directly into Andrews Airforce base....And is then deployed to New Jersey & Chicago for distribution."

Nice way to beat detection when you just transcend & circumvent it via your own military.....As if we didn't know.
Heroin out of Afghanistan was always going to be the deal made for Northern alliance assistance.
the story is well documented.

As of Cia/Mossad alliance you must read "Killing Khaled Mashal", This story is full of fantastic "backroom" secrets and how the services work.

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