Opinions needed

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Premiership Player
Apr 24, 2002
AFL Club
Other Teams
For thos outside Showbags fantasy league, your opinions on teh trades/waivers of one team in our league would be much appreciated...

Trade: IN - Eddie Jones, Derek Fisher OUT - Ben Wallace

Trade: IN - Courtney Alexander and Jason Terry OUT - Shawn Marion

Trade: IN - Antonio Davis and Tom Gugliotta OUT - Eddie Jones

Waiver: ADD - Scott Padgett DROP - Antonio Davis

Does this person have a clue???
That is absolute stupidity.
Alexander is benched most of the time and Terry still does not make up for what Marion can give.

Hah hah.
Originally posted by TheWhiteRhino
For thos outside Showbags fantasy league, your opinions on teh trades/waivers of one team in our league would be much appreciated...

Trade: IN - Eddie Jones, Derek Fisher OUT - Ben Wallace

Trade: IN - Courtney Alexander and Jason Terry OUT - Shawn Marion

Trade: IN - Antonio Davis and Tom Gugliotta OUT - Eddie Jones

Waiver: ADD - Scott Padgett DROP - Antonio Davis

Does this person have a clue???

Not SHOCKING trades but not particularly good trades. Jones is a star and Fisher hits the 3 and can score a little and dish a few assists. But Wallace is a monster on the boards and blocks.

Alexander is a burst scorer off the bench and Terry is class. And to be fair to this trade...the Matrix aint really playing very well at all.

Last trade is stupid...the original trade is good. He gets Davis who is pretty good and Googs and a sweetener and only loses Jones. But then we waives Davis for Padgett.

All quite strange but not SHOCKING...if you know what i mean.

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ok my turn for advice.

i get:
jalen rose
vince carter

i give:

my team currently
jay williams

i am stuggling in terms of points, 3's ...basically everything except turnovers and assists. can carter get back??
Originally posted by Mattster
ok my turn for advice.

i get:
jalen rose
vince carter

i give:

On face value it looks a great deal for you, although i wouldn't be so sure.

Jalen Rose' field goal% is pathetic, and he isn't putting up the numbers he should be.
Also would be difficult having both him and Jay Williams on your roster.

Whilst Carter is still very questionable. Don't really know when he will be back.

If you are willing to wait for a) Rose to get traded and b) Carter to return, maybe, then do it.

If you want instant returns, then ride Arenas a little longer.
Originally posted by TheWhiteRhino
For thos outside Showbags fantasy league, your opinions on teh trades/waivers of one team in our league would be much appreciated...

Trade: IN - Eddie Jones, Derek Fisher OUT - Ben Wallace

Trade: IN - Courtney Alexander and Jason Terry OUT - Shawn Marion

Trade: IN - Antonio Davis and Tom Gugliotta OUT - Eddie Jones

Waiver: ADD - Scott Padgett DROP - Antonio Davis

Does this person have a clue???

first trade is pretty shocking.. e.jones & d.fisher.. ordinary value.. b.wallace is a monster on boards/blocks/steals.. hard to get catergories..

second one isnt too bad...

third.. original trade isnt too bad... after a.davis went out with injury.. its understandable that xie would drop him.. but, i probably wouldnt bother with padgett...
Originally posted by Mattster
ok my turn for advice.

i get:
jalen rose
vince carter

i give:

i am stuggling in terms of points, 3's ...basically everything except turnovers and assists. can carter get back??

hmmm.. if u are prepared to wait for carter.. yes.. i'd do it...
jalen rose.. yes please..

not sure if arenas can keep this surprising (most improved player) form up... although i hope he does...

mutombo... numbers down... not sure if his 42yr old body can hold up.. :p
Re: Re: Opinions needed

Originally posted by coxon
third.. original trade isnt too bad... after a.davis went out with injury.. its understandable that xie would drop him.. but, i probably wouldnt bother with padgett...
They`ve got restrictions on how many games that can be played by position I think and Davis is only out for a week. I kept him and played a man short in our league.
Originally posted by coxon

mutombo... numbers down... not sure if his 42yr old body can hold up.. :p

47 actually :D

The only reason his numbers are down is becuase he is deliberately being held back for the second half of the season.

They want to ensure that they have him for the playoffs, which is a very prudent move.

He current 24 minutes a night will hit 35 by February.
Originally posted by coxon
mutombo... numbers down... not sure if his 42yr old body can hold up.. :p
Go Kevin Willis! He may be old, but he still hada nice night the other day.

Go you old man.

And remember Terry Porter last year! The Fossil!
i sure hope arenas slows down soon :)

i accepted the trade, because i'm not gonna get top 3 just cruising as i am...i need to take some risks. and i didn't know they were saving mutombo, but that sure makes a lot of sense

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Opinions needed

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