Plan Essendon!

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Premiership Player
Sep 14, 2000
Other Teams
Collingwood and Newcastle
Ok I Did My Plan Carlscum! Now Here Is What U All Have Been Waiting For Plan Essendon!

Plan Essendon
We gather all the Essendon fans as one too a day out at Colonial Stadium - Brought To U By Orange And Mags's Gas Company! Lol!

It Will Cost 15 Bucks To Get In - Coz Its A Colonial U Have To Pay Extra!

12pm - 6pm!

Comps During The Day Will Be!

1.Who Can Make Up The Best Bullshit Essendon Sex Story - Coz we all know how much the teenies love making storys about the players on the bomber talk forum.

2.How Many Essendon Players U Can Name (**** Easty U Will Pick This Comp Up U Bandwagoner)

Timetable Will Be This!
12pm - As U Enter The Ground All The Other Teams Supporters Get To Spit On U!

12.30 - 1pm: We Play Spot The Bandwagoners

1pm - 3pm: Now Its Time For Burning Essendon Stuff. Brougth To U Buy Bic Lighters And Telstra Blow Torches.

3pm - 5.30 pm: Is A Adopt An Essendon Scumbag. There Ya Slaves For 2 Hours Till The Main Event.

5.30pm - All Other Team Fans Should Out Now Coz This Is Only For The Essendon Fans! U Can Watch Outside.

5.35pm - All Essendon Fans Are Seated

5.40pm - Let The Gasing Start (Nerve (Spelling)Gas)

5.50pm - All Fans Are Dead (Well At Least Should Be If Things Go To Plan - Lol)

6pm- Iraq have now arrived to blow up Colonial

6.05 pm - Colonial Is Blown Up!

Thats It
Ppl Go Home at 6.15

Its Joke Essendon so plz dont snap at me ok!

Mags, while im not into most of it, i gotta admit the 6:05 blowing up of Colonial does appeal to the anarchist in me!

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Great plan, Lol.
I was going to come up with a pies plan, but realised the pies & their fans are in self destruct mode anyway, so I don't need to bother wasting my time & money on their demise, it is already underway. Heh Heh.

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Seriously Thougth I reckon if I rang up Iraq and told them colonial stadium was a big spying dome area an it being used by usa spies they will be happy to come over to Melbourne an Blow the shit hole up!

5 mins i reackon it will take them too get here!
mags you wouldnt fit all the essendon fans in colonial (one fifth of the population)

i also like trevor marmelades (sp) for the millenium match last year

lock all the coll and carl supporters in the mcg till after midnight
then at one oclock send one taxi
Originally posted by walshy1993:
mags you wouldnt fit all the essendon fans in colonial (one fifth of the population)

i also like trevor marmelades (sp) for the millenium match last year

lock all the coll and carl supporters in the mcg till after midnight
then at one oclock send one taxi

Tell me your not serious
1/5 on the population
Last count it was like 19 million
3.8 million essendon supporters huh

Now thats the funiest thing i have hear all day.
Hehehe. Same here, I have nothing against Bomber fans (being that my whole family are said fans) but hey, that's still pretty funny. Any more, Mags????
while all your plans are highly amuzing i don't know why you bother so much with such an extravagant plan when all you have to do really is to bring wanye carey and all the footy supporters out there and let them fight about carey being good or bad until they kill each other (hopefully they will kill him in the process

you might no like it... but i don't care!
No More On The Top Of My Head At The Moment!

Walshy there are more collingwood fans in the world then essendon! So Yeh..
Walshy Collingwood Are Known Well All Over The World!

Get Dan to post the url. But not another essay will ya plz!
Originally posted by walshy1993:
i am right
mags there arent more collingwood supporters than essendon, dan can you back me up on this one by posting the url to that site that had the figures on it

Ahh now i remeber dan mentioning it
Its the one created by the essendon football club

Ill tell you what
would you like the url of the cigarettes companies, official sites that proves smoking doesn't cause cancer.

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Just doing a bit of detective work
And decided to go to the only credible stats site (if there had to be one)
I found that only 2.5 million people went to the footy in 1999.And your trying to tell me that 3.8 million people support essendon

Not exactly Sabre_ac.

I will think you will find that around 6.5 million people (not 2.5 million as you state) went to AFL matches this year.

So, in theory, half of them could be Essendon supporters. But not likely.

However, that does not mean that 3.8 million people, as walshy says, arn't bomber supporters.

Remember, not all Essendon supporters can go to matches.
Originally posted by sabre_ac:
Ill tell you what
would you like the url of the cigarettes companies, official sites that proves smoking doesn't cause cancer.

Smoking does not cause cancer. Smoking does however, increase the likelyhood of a person contracting cancer.
Originally posted by Same Old's:
Not exactly Sabre_ac.

I will think you will find that around 6.5 million people (not 2.5 million as you state) went to AFL matches this year.

So, in theory, half of them could be Essendon supporters. But not likely.

However, that does not mean that 3.8 million people, as walshy says, arn't bomber supporters.

Remember, not all Essendon supporters can go to matches.

No this was for 1999 and i doubt that it more than doubled.
These are as accurate as it gets, so you cant argue with them, they are compiled by the a governement agency.
You know the Australian Burea of Statisitics
Check it out if you dont believe me

But I would hardly call, a essendon surevey accurate.
And as far as im concerned if you dont go to one game your not a real supporter.
I have had this "support" and membership arguement with Dan before

By the way Dan you never answered my question before on it.
Originally posted by sabre_ac:
No this was for 1999 and i doubt that it more than doubled.
These are as accurate as it gets, so you cant argue with them, they are compiled by the a governement agency.
You know the Australian Burea of Statisitics
Check it out if you dont believe me

I can argue with those figures. While I'm not sure that the 6.5 million people mark I stated is totally accurate, but I'm positive that it is at least over the five million mark.

To further my point, Essendon and Collingwood games get at least 2 million people through the gate so how can you explain how the rest of the 14 clubs games fit into the 500,000 left from the "official statistics".

Originally posted by sabre_ac:
But I would hardly call, a essendon surevey accurate.
And as far as im concerned if you dont go to one game your not a real supporter.
I have had this "support" and membership arguement with Dan before

I'm not sure what survey your talking about because I didn't talk about any "Essendon survey".

About your point about who's a "real supporter" or not, just because a fan can not/do not go to football matches does not make them any less of a supporter. Fan's that live far away from grounds or even in another state cannot be expected to go to one game, let alone every game.

[This message has been edited by Same Old's (edited 03 December 2000).]
Originally posted by walshy1993:
mags you wouldnt fit all the essendon fans in colonial (one fifth of the population)

In fact Washy, it was one fifth of Saturday Herald-Sun readers who were reading on a particular day which may have been directly after an Essendon win in Friday night (and because they had nothing better to do) filled out a questionnaire in the paper and returned it to the Herald-Sun).

I think you'll agree with me that this is hardly a representative sample.

Either that, or you are Al Gore.

Maybe they were trying to vote for Pat Buchanen and accidently voted for Essendon.

Maybe Essendon people were counting dimpled chads?

Originally posted by Same Old's:
I'm not sure what survey your talking about because I didn't talk about any "Essendon survey".

About your point about who's a "real supporter" or not, just because a fan can not/do not go to football matches does not make them any less of a supporter. Fan's that live far away from grounds or even in another state cannot be expected to go to one game, let alone every game.

[This message has been edited by Same Old's (edited 03 December 2000).]

Same old
I am talking about the survey that Dan use.Its statistics compiled by the essendon football club.

Yes I understand that point your making but comon, your not trying to tell me that the majority of the essendon football supporters dont attend their games
Maybe they are bandwagoners after all.
Ok lets take 5 million (double what is stated at the abs)

Now five million divided by 22=227 272

Now there are a total of 8 games.
So 272 272 divided by 8=28 409

Now that figure is possible.Unlikey but possible and can be argued.
But my statistics are for people who go the the footy one or more times.So maybe we are talking about 2 different things here or your not getting what I am saying.

Im not talking about total attendences, im talking about the number of people who go to the footy at least once.Not including the people that go week in week out.So your figures may be accurate.But if we are trying to find support numbers, its my stats that are more accurate.And you cant find 3.8 million out of 2.5 million, even if you say that half essendons supporters dont attend the games.Still really doesn't make sense does it!
I think I am going to start a thread on the topic....

"Did the CIA kill Princess Di ?" and see how long it takes to become "what proportion of supporters follow the bombers ?"



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Plan Essendon!

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