Mod. Notice PLEASE READ: Rules for posting in the Drugs in Sport forum

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Jul 2, 2010
AFL Club
Yes we here at Moderator central understand that its quite the emotive issue at the moment, and we understand that supporters will want to defend their club against accusations with and without base, with that in mind, please bear in mind the Bigfooty rules when it comes to posting.

  • If you see something offensive, use the report function. If that doesnt work for you - PM a mod - The_Wookie, Doss, Messenger, Ant_, weevil or other supermods or admins ( Chief, grizzlym etc) can help you here.
  • Note that other mods are more or less free to behave like regular posters outside of their fiefdoms.
  • Dont let your responses get personal.
  • Dont use Bay terms in mainboard discussion (ie. flogs, norf, carltank, Please note this includes *Essendon, Essendope and other derogatory derivations etc etc)
  • The clubs name is Essendon, Bombers or Dons. East Germany is not permitted.
  • Keep your conversations civil
  • Limit your discussion to the subject matter at hand, dont go looking for the past unless its relevant.
  • Don't go hunting people down in real life because you don't like what they say on here. Anyone found chasing people, posting Facebook pics, reporting people to their work place etc will be banned. This is a general BigFooty rule anyway.
Essendon folks: We understand you may not like some of the threads at hand, and you may not see the validity of topic, but that doesnt mean that supporters of the other 17 clubs are going to see it your way.

Everyone else: This is not the place to troll the Bombers. Do it at your peril.
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We refer to the club as Essendon or the Bombers here.

No asterisks, no clever drug related variations or misspellings. I notice its popular amongst those that dislike misspellings of their own team name. Like "Norf" or "Carltank".

Warnings will be given then recidivists get banned.

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We have been getting a lot of reports from this sub-forum from dozens of posters - it's good in that it brings our attention to problematic posts and unfortunately we do not have the time or ability to scrutinise every post in every thread on both the main board and Hot Topic.

However, it seems to me that there are four significant issues unique to this sub-forum so far:

- Essendon posters using 'Report' in an attempt to suppress adverse claims against the club and its players, when they are otherwise valid to be attacked via reply.
- Essendon posters citing 'defamation' in Reports when posters make claims about practices at the club, when they are otherwise valid to be attacked via reply.
- Inflammatory threads and posts treading the fine line between legitimate discussion and Bay-style trolling - this is by both sides.
- Numerous threads revolving around essentially the same issue - the mod staff have had to merge a few already.

Please bear in mind the above four things when posting on this board.

I also should not need to keep reminding people that you are still required to comply with main board posting guidelines when posting here - no trolling, no playing the man etc etc. If someone is trolling, do not respond. Report it, and move on.

Play on.
This is the first and last warning I'm going to issue.

Do not attack other posters. Do not play the man. Do not discuss this board or moderation of this board.

It will be an instant red and your access will be removed. No questions asked. No history taken into account. No severity of the offence considered.

Cross this line and that is the consequence.
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Since it seems people have forgotten this - let me reiterate for you. Playing the man is bannable. Report offensive posts and they will be dealt with by our moderating team. Respond to offensive posts in kind and you will also find yourself on the outer.

This warning has been posted to ALL current ASADA threads on this sub forum because apparently its necessary.
The message obviously 'aint getting through about playing the man.

So this is what will happen from now on: board bans. Yep, we get multiple posts from the same poster(s) where they're attacking another, they will get a board ban.

Just don't do it.
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Please note, as this investigation draws to a close, we expect a certain amount of information to come forward. Please dont clog the board up by creating an unnecessary thread for every new thought you've had.

A new thread discussing new articles with new information is ok, starting a new thread to get your opinion noticed is not cool. Please make sure your thread isn't covered elsewhere before starting. Posters will notice a number of thread mergers, deletions and closures over time.

And above all else, please no troll threads.

Ill leave this up for a day or two and then merge it into the Guidelines for posting thread.
I've added a bit about stalking people in real life:

  • Don't go hunting people down in real life because you don't like what they say on here. Anyone found chasing people, posting Facebook pics, reporting people to their work place etc will be banned.

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  • Limit your discussion to the subject matter at hand, don't go looking for the past unless it is relevant.

    This point needs some emphasising, it seems. This board is for discussion of the ASADA investigation, and the wider issue of drugs in sport.

    It is not the place to engage in innuendo and speculation about people's supposed infidelities, extra marital affairs or other details which are clearly irrelevant to the current issue at hand- the ASADA investigation.

    It does not matter how good your 'source' on this innuendo is, or how true you believe it to be. The simple fact of the matter is, it has no relevance to the current situation and is only brought up as a blatant way of further smearing the reputation of certain individuals.

    There is a board where you can engage in this sort of discussion if you so desire- Scandals and Rumours. This is not the board for it.

    This is the first and last warning we will make on this.

I think it's time a few people, on both sides of the fence (so to speak), reminded themselves of this.

And as a non-Essendon mod for Hot Topic, I unreservedly echo this sentiment.

Safety catch still remains off for the foreseeable future.
A further note, everyone.

Don't be an Internet tough guy and threaten or moot violence towards either real life identities, or other posters on here. It's more than a little creepy, and completely unnecessary.

We received one report overnight bringing our attention to one such post, and to be frank, the content was disgusting. That person received a straight serious infraction, and we will not hesitate to do likewise to others engaging in similarly appalling behaviour.

First and last warning. Just don't do it.
It is time everyone reacquainted themselves with the most important standing rule of this sub-board:

Do not play the man.

If someone is making an argument and you don't agree with it, attack the argument. Do not attack the person who is making it. Believe it or not, it is perfectly possible to do this, and most on this board are managing to do it. There are a few people, on both 'sides' however, who are posting things that bare no actual relevance to the ongoing saga, but are purely snide or direct attacks aimed at other posters here.

Another point: some on both 'sides' may be of the belief that other posters are being obtuse in their interpretation of certain factors surrounding the saga, and that their views are wrong. You are perfectly entitled to hold that view, but being wrong is not, in itself, an offence worthy of a ban. In the end, this is a board where all supporters can gather and express their views on the topic, and yes it's a pretty emotive topic and the views differ wildly at times.

Posters are perfectly entitled to strongly counter point of views they consider to be wrong, but the personal attacks, both blatant and snide, really need to stop.
Little note here: if you're serving a ban, don't mint an alias to get around it. The alias will be killed, no questions asked, and your primary account may be hit with additional infractions.

Take it on the chin, serve your ban and, if you believe the infraction to be too harsh, contact Admin via email and/or take it up nicely with the moderator concerned upon the expiration of your ban.

We're coming across more than a few comments along the lines of "euthanase/kill the supporters/fans."

This frankly is disgusting and will be treated very harshly. There is a line there and that completely crosses it. Don't do it.
Ok, as this whole thread grinds to a conclusion, just want to remind people this board is for discussion of the topic at hand. Play the ball not the poster.

If you want to point score, abuse other posters, belittle (no pun intended) or troll you will be carded.

From now on, on this board, a post that requires mod action will, and that means a delete even, will result in a card.

We don't want to see posts about the Essendon board, individual posters, mods and the like either.
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We've had several posters over the journey that appear to be posting information that they shortly after regret posting due to the confidential nature of the material, and subsequently request removal of said information from the forum.

Please - PLEASE - consider whether its wise to post such information here before doing so. Bigfooty is a huge site, and the Hot Topic Board is heavily populated. Its almost impossible to shut to barn door once you've posted on such a forum where theres very little in the way of actual news most of the time, and the hungry hordes will seize on just about anything.

If you arent sure, please contact a moderator.
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