Prac match fiascos.....

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Norm Smith Medallist
Oct 4, 2000
Hugh Heffner Mansion
anyone else slightly peeved...apart from the ridiculous fact that there is a wasted empty ground sittin vacant right up the road here not bein used while clubs frantically try to find ovals to play prac matches on without cricket pitches and turf probs grrrh.....secondly how bloody dumb is it that almost every club has changed their time of the prac matches grrrh again! I just cant wait till family day too always another one which they change times and dates of at the last minute! Get it right dumb clubs they may not be important events but it is an important time for memberships and attendence numbers seeing Ansett Cups starting soon!

sPiDeR eVeRiTt and RiCkY oLaReNsHaW
~kewlest players round!!!

"No matter how good you are at something,there's always a million people better than you"

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Prac match fiascos.....

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