read this you morons!!

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Why would anyone want to wish to barrack for a side that never makes the finals?

Reckon most would wish they barracked for Essendon...I thank God every day that I was born into an Essendon family.

Maybe if you pray hard enough, God might forgive you for barracking for such an ordinary side as Colling..err...Scumingwood!

Think Essendon won more games this year than Scumingwood have over the past 5 years.

Heard a different version of the same one -
There are only 2 kinds of supporters: Those who support Collingwood, and those who made a mistake.

(Yet another refugee from Nick's BB :( )

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G'day Broadie and Joffa.

It's about bloody time more Pies fans came here.

"Good Old Collingwood Forever"
What can I say but ........ YES!

Sandie, I do believe it was you who started a thread about "this site's being sabotaged", and in it, if I remember correctly, you said to ignore them and they will go away!

DES what are you doing des

really come on footy season is over give yourself a break
Thats whats wrong with you magpies fans, you get to used to beating yourself around the head every week, and when its finally over you run everywhere seeking the same kind of punishment so as you can feel "comfortable".
So just relax enjoy the sun and well see ya next year at the G.

you kinda sound frustrated, i suggest strongly you head right back to that toilet bowl from where you came.
and remember this while you are submerged amongst your toilet bowl friends,


And to all you other jelous collingwood haters go take a flying thuck!!!!
DOn't you just love it when you get someone who is to gutless to register having a go at your favourite team!

I wonder if they think anyone really cares?
Sandie whats ya prob? I thougth u lot wanted some more ppl at big footy! So i brang some pie mates over here!
Got a problem with that!

Colonial Stadium will never be the home of me or the Colllingwood football club coz its owned by the bloody Afl & its a shit hole!

Black And White Forever
Magpiera, I don't know brought us over here!!!!!!

Last time I checked, I have been here longer than you have.

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Wasnt talking about u CJ! Spidey, Joffa and Broadie im talking about and there are more coming too!

Colonial Stadium will never be the home of me or the Colllingwood football club coz its owned by the bloody Afl & its a shit hole!

Black And White Forever
Hey CJ sorry to correct u i have been here longer acctuly gezz didnt know!
I have been Here since the 21st January 2000 and u have been here since 31st July 2000! Just that i have changed my nick over to Mags from magpiera!

Colonial Stadium will never be the home of me or the Colllingwood football club coz its owned by the bloody Afl & its a shit hole!

Black And White Forever
BUGGER!!!!!! Well, in that case then, I stand corrected!

Anyway, as I said before, Welcome Spidey Broadie and Joffa and anyone else from Nick's BB.

Oh yeah one more thing, Mags are you and Doug going to take the BB over or are you still thinking about it?
BUGGER!!!!!! Well, in that case then, I stand corrected!

Anyway, as I said before, Welcome Spidey Broadie and Joffa and anyone else from Nick's BB.

Oh yeah one more thing, Mags are you and Doug going to take the BB over or are you still thinking about it?
Bloody hell. God I hate it when your message gets posted twice

G'day Piegirl

HAHAHA. The migration is getting larger.
The Pie Fans Are Back In Town!!!!!! And were here to take over ya board while were at it! There will be no more bagging collingwood crap on here now with out a fight!

Colonial Stadium will never be the home of me or the Colllingwood football club coz its owned by the bloody Afl & its a shit hole!

Black And White Forever

[This message has been edited by Mags (edited 05 October 2000).]
Um i think opposition supporters would still outnumber you 6 to 1 so have fun with all the bagging your gonna get cause thats what gonna happen if you piss everyone off.....who knows maybe Bluey will even ban someone!!!!
Originally posted by Mags:
The Pie Fans Are Back In Town!!!!!! And were here to take over ya board while were at it! There will be no more bagging collingwood crap on here now with out a fight!

Yeah right. collingwood suck! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Hey Mate if you dont bag and piss us off we wont bag u!

Colonial Stadium will never be the home of me or the Colllingwood football club coz its owned by the bloody Afl & its a shit hole!

Black And White Forever
Dont get me started on essendon again scumbag!

Colonial Stadium will never be the home of me or the Colllingwood football club coz its owned by the bloody Afl & its a shit hole!

Black And White Forever
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