Red Dragon

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Premiership Player
Jun 12, 2002
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
has any one else seen it yet? Saw it tonight and it is an excellent movie, would reccomend it to everyone. It is the prequel to Silence of the Lambs and despite Hannibal (the sequel to SOTL) being a bit dissapointing Red Dragon is much better.
Scarily enough, on this, I actually totally agree with you. Saw it tonight and it was gripping. Love the way it was shot, love the story, the actors for Dollarhyde, Reba, and Graham are superbly talented, and Anthony Hopkins is, well, Anthony Hopkins. The ending was very neatly handled.
A welcome return to a Silence of the Lambs style chiller'n'psychological thriller, rather than the over the top slasheresque Hannibal. Was also pretty faithful to the original book, with not so many wholesale changes as were evident in Hannibal.
One of the best movies of the year so far, imo.
Didn't get much of a build up over here. I had heard it was coming out a few months ago but I didn't see to many adverts for it.

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It's a remake of an '80s movie, 'Manhunter' which is itself a great film. I have it in my collection. I had no idea why they wanted to go through the trouble to make it again. Movies cost big bucks, and the original was no slouch.

I made up my mind to go see 'Red Dragon' anyway. Afterall, it's not a chick flick. I was pleased. I give it two thumbs up. It follows the original book more closely. Manhunter spent a lot of time featuring Will Graham. This one follows both Graham and Dollarhyde equally. You get a lot more Hannibal too which is cool. They also got a hotter actress to play the blind chick in Red Dragon. I have to applaude them for that. There was a female role to cast, and they went hotter with it.

Have to take points off for shots of naked man ass. That doesn't belong in any film - ever.

Whether or not you've seen Manhunter, Silence of the Lambs or Hannibal, I recommend Red Dragon. It's possibly the best one. I'm saying that despite how good Lambs is. Close call. I suppose if there's a tilt, Jodie Foster is hotter than the blind chick by a galaxy. Peace,

If this remake of 'Manhunter' is better than the original, then I'm going to make the effort and see the film.

Am I the only one who thinks Jodie Foster was only good for one thing? That being an inspiration to John Hinckley jr. I find her to be a bit ordinary in the looks area.
Originally posted by Santos L Helper

Jodie Foster... a bit ordinary in the looks area.

You have to give points for the "possibly batting for the other team factor." Makes a 6 a 9. It's a clear rule in 'The Bloke's Manual.' Perfectly legal for me to invoke, sir.
Originally posted by Mooster7

You have to give points for the "possibly batting for the other team factor." Makes a 6 a 9. It's a clear rule in 'The Bloke's Manual.' Perfectly legal for me to invoke, sir.

I stand corrected. The propensity to munch carpet takes her up in my scale too.
I didn't mind it at all!!

I still like Silence the best though - there was maybe a little bit too much hack and slash in Red Dragon for my liking, but that's just picky details.

I had my doubts about Ed Norton in this role (even though I haven't read any of the books yet), but as always, he surprised me with an excellent performance.
Originally posted by Grendel

Not even pr0n films?... my estimation of your pr0n collection just went down (I should rephrase that) a notch. :eek: ;)

Depends upon the quality of the plot. The best pr0n still has no bare men's hindquarters. Please take careful note of the above mini-sidebar conversation between Santos and myself re Jodie Foster.

I appreciate your concerns for my pr0n. I hope my suggestion will improve the overall general quality of your colleciton. Peace,
Just got back from seeing it, fantastic movie & soooooooo much better than Manhunter, just a shame that this version couldn't have been made instead of Manhunter, would have led in beautifully to Silence of the Lambs.

OH well, will definitely get it on DVD.

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Red Dragon

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