Request for info and opinion.

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Club Legend
Dec 10, 1999
in teh prizen
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
I received this in my e-mail today. Any opinions please post here or to me at and I will see that they are passed on:


I am a year 12 student who is doing an assignment on the growing popularity of sport in Australia. AFL is seen to be one of the most talked about sports in my area. So i was just wandering what it is that you have done to the sport that has made it so popular? Any changes to the game, sponsors, players, media response.
Please send an E-mail back for it will be a great help to research enquiry.

Kindest Regards,

Robert S. Dallas"

I'll start with an example:

Expansion to other states has expanded the appeal of Aussie Rules to more and more Australians each year.

Increased sophistication of the marketing of the game has also had a great impact. This is partially as a result of the expansion into other states.
Look it just comes down to one thing.

Aussie rules is THE BEST GAME in the world. It has everything a spectator could want:

*tough physical clashes
*explosive speed
*exquisite hand, foot, leaping skills
*diverse body styles can play ie: short/tall, stocky/lanky.
*great teamwork & individual class
*high scoring
*brilliant acrobatic skills

Add to this it is one of the few football style games that actually encourages forward movement and doesn't require you to go backwards to move forward. Thereby being fairly easy to 'pick up' if viewing for the first time.

It doesn't hurt that we have real men playing the game who get real injuries but don't writhe around in pain at the first feel of a slight flick on the shin

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Request for info and opinion.

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