It seems a constant when reading about interstate players from all clubs is that they all at some time or another want to return home for 'family/friends' reasons.
Maybe im being harsh here, but isnt that pretty weak? How many of us in the normal world have had no choice in having to move sometimes across town, sometimes across state, sometimes even overseas because of job demands?
I know that sandie is in WA for work purposes only. Also i think BSA is in Sydney for similar reasons (sorry BSA if im incorrect).
Yet these players who get payed 5 to 10 times an average persons wage keep coming up with the same tired old 'its so lonely here' and 'i missed mums cooking' tripe (play on words there).
Just once id like to see a player come out and say, well i dont really like it over here, but its my job and im going to do it to the best of my ability and then go home when im done.
Of course this all flys out the window when ever anyone wants to come home to play for the Hawks
Maybe im being harsh here, but isnt that pretty weak? How many of us in the normal world have had no choice in having to move sometimes across town, sometimes across state, sometimes even overseas because of job demands?
I know that sandie is in WA for work purposes only. Also i think BSA is in Sydney for similar reasons (sorry BSA if im incorrect).
Yet these players who get payed 5 to 10 times an average persons wage keep coming up with the same tired old 'its so lonely here' and 'i missed mums cooking' tripe (play on words there).
Just once id like to see a player come out and say, well i dont really like it over here, but its my job and im going to do it to the best of my ability and then go home when im done.
Of course this all flys out the window when ever anyone wants to come home to play for the Hawks