richmond in debt ...HA......HA.......HA

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Oct 4, 2000
melb vic aust
'WOW' there is a GOD.

Whats this i hear over half a million in debt
surely not?

Not like us mighty magpies are you, you know we finished 15th and turned a one million dollar debt into a profit in 12 months.

But then again we dont rush into k-mart after one win and stock up on trash looking merchandise.

Whats that i hear a GRR
nah couldnt be...hang on now im hearing a meow......thankyou thats more like it!!!

oh please come by and tell us all how you just missed the finals again....
thats allways good for a laugh!!

'oh we are from steroid land'
"yellow and crap!!!
I would have thought the Magpies would be have been the last to poke fun at debt.

You should easily be the strongest team in the league but it will never happen.

And the biggest farce of all is not last years $1M loss but the following:

In the early nineties the McCallister board bought many properties around the ground with a view to building 'maggieland'

Problem was the properties were run down and did not generate earnings - soon they became worth less than they paid for them

Then they sell them at a loss - just a couple of years before theyre is a massive property boom. If they had only held out they would have had several million dollars profit !

But you won't hear about it on 'The footy show'
Originally posted by magpie_joffa:

Whats this i hear over half a million in debt
surely not?

Yes, you are right!! Richmond are surely NOT over half a million in debt.

Once again you have showed us all just how little you understand about anything. You see, Richmond made a LOSS of over $600,000 in 2000 but they are NOT in debt $600,000.

This is because they made a profit of $687,000 in 1999. Richmond's net assets remain at more than $1.5 million.

Of course, your brain is too small to tell the difference, but I suppose it is not your fault you are the Bigfooty Village Idiot.

A word of advice then Joffa. If you haven't got a clue about something, best not to show the rest of the world by posting this kind of crap.

And before you reply with a string of unintelligent swear words, which only make you look even more stupid, how about thinking before you post next time.

TT - Obligatory bad-tempered Richmond supporter

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"oh please come by and tell us all how you just missed the finals again....
thats allways good for a laugh!!"

This from a collingwood supporter ?!?!?!?!

I think I disrupted the whole office with my uncontrollable laughter at that gem. Thanks joffa- youre a card.
Loss or debt who really gives a shit!! that fact is morons you couldnt run a door prize to the back shithouse.And what about the mighty pies wiped a lazy million and then go on to make a profit SHITE all from 15th pozzy
on the ladder.I can see why you all hate us and im glad you hate us,But people where would this competition be without the good old collingwood, you maybe able to beat us on the field 'but that is about to change' but you will never ever beat us of the field and yous are really pissed off,i got a good idea
from now on when you dirty anti collingwood scum go to bed every night i want you to thank god that there is a collingwood, you vile scum sucking morons get more pleasure out of seeing collingwood get beat than watching your own team win.And that is a very sad and sick person.
Hey have a great day!!

joffa da jerk unlike yaself i give where credit is due no matter what side it is however all it takes is a jerk like yaself to not only make a total fool of ones self but to try and say your succesful off the field more than we are goes into the joke of the week file.
yes we lost 600 but like i said we are debt free unlike you guys
u guys purchased property which was a great investment i swear lol
so there goes your better than richmond off the field theory just with those 2 examples.
and the very fact we have as much support as u guys with only one finals series in the last 20yrs just goes to show how ressiliant us tiger supporters are and yes i understand your outburst its called being treatened by a sleeping giant.
OMG that is the funniest thing I've heard all day...
. Some sense of humour.
Walshy-get a life moron what are you sucking up to richmond scum for??
oh i got it your one of these scum buckets that get more pleaure out of seeing collingwood lose than watching your own team win you poor unfortunate wretch!!!!

Next time you reply can you please try and make some sense, i know its hard asking that from a ricmond supporter
ps.have you had your daily medication yet!!!

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Since the Pies can make a million by finishing 15th, perhaps they would consider a proposal to not play at all and just concentrate on making money. God knows, it would save their pathetic supporters from all that disappointment each year. It would also save the rest of us from putting up with their bullshit about being the most important club in Australia. Talk about living in the past!!

We are all in trouble if the club decides to use their money to pay for brain transplants for their supporters - then they might be dangerous.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
Posted by Joffa

Next time you reply can you please try and make some sense, i know its hard asking that from a ricmond supporter

Is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Are you being facetious Joffa?

Of all the posters on these boards I find yours the most difficult to read. Even Mags can write reasonably well when he tries.

I am curious. When you speak, do you sound the same way?

Is this making enough sense?

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Originally posted by magpie_joffa:
'WOW' there is a GOD.

'oh we are from steroid land'
"yellow and crap!!!

I doubt it Joffa, because he would never have placed cretins like you amongst us. You appear to be a walking case for compulsory sterilisation. If only your old man had settled for the head job !

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
Originally posted by magpie_joffa:

171 posts and not a thoughtful word in any of them. Life is long and hard when you live it as an idiot. Get set for a long ride.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

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richmond in debt ...HA......HA.......HA

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