RSL Tasmania wants museum, ANZAC Day profits and naming of grandstand if Macquarie Point stadium is built

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Oct 8, 2004
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In short: RSL Tasmania has outlined a list of requests it wants granted by the state government should the Macquarie Point stadium in Hobart proceed.

The requests include a "recognition of service" before every event, cheaper tickets for veterans, priority for veteran-led businsses, an RSL museum on the site and naming rights for grandstands.

What's next? The Tasmanian government says it "remains committed" to working closely with the RSL and ensure it honours and respects veterans.

The organisation has made no secret of its opposition to the stadium, citing deep concerns that the 51-metre-high arena would "destroy and desecrate" sight lines from the neighbouring Hobart Cenotaph toward Battery Point and the mouth of the Derwent River.

Is everyone in Tasmania just really bored or are they actually just that odd?

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RSL Tasmania wants museum, ANZAC Day profits and naming of grandstand if Macquarie Point stadium is built

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