Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

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Hey folks, just a friendly reminder that this thread is about Sam Newman. All discussion on the upcoming referendum - please continue ON THE SRP BOARD
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Very similar s**t arguments that "No" side were sprouting for marriage equality. It's not been thrown in your face at all. Admit it.


Voice to Parliament? "Yeah nah mate, they are being treated differently than me in the constitution and I don't have what they have and that's heaps not good and heaps divisive ay" = Same sex marriage? "Yeah nah mate, that changes the definition of marriage and threatens me own marriage ay"
I'll admit I was a little nervous when I tuned in for the WTC last night. Knowing the ground was chockers with my fellow Collingwood supporters and having read the embarrassing support for the racist Newman by some of them in this thread was enough to do it. BUT respect from a massive crowd for the elder who did a confident and fine job - followed by definitely louder than usual applause and cheering. It seems the old "silent majority" could not have been more silent.

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It will fail because those who will be voting No were always going to vote No, irrespective of whether they choose to read comments like mine or not. Their dislike for my comments doesn't make their No vote any stronger or split it into two separate votes.

The No voters are the ones creating the division, not us (Yes voters)

Spot on.

I am old enough to remember the 1967 Referendum. I recall it as a very positive event, both in its conduct and outcome. Now, 56 years on despite its increasing wealth this country has become more mean spirited than it ever was.

The conduct of this Referendum led on by grifters like Newman is shameful.
Whenever someone brings up valid evidence to suggest that the booing of Goodes was racially driven there always has to be at least one person who says "But... but... he was a s**t bloke."

There's been like THREE documentaries breaking it all down to neanderthal level but the "yea nar he was a shit bloke" shit still gets floated around somehow. Ignorance and stupidity. Classic combo.
So not the Sports Bet and other gambling ads , which get more airplay.

When they used to have God Save the Queen at the footy or after a film ffs, I was taught to sit in my seat. After being caned twice for sitting in my seat at school, I stood and sang pop songs and then the Internationale.
I don't watch ads when watching the broadcast as I always tune in seconds before bouncedown, I can't say I have even noticed if there are gambling ads on the big screen when you're at the ground.
I don't watch ads when watching the broadcast as I always tune in seconds before bouncedown, I can't say I have even noticed if there are gambling ads on the big screen when you're at the ground.

Haha. For ages I have watched the telly with the mute button on, sparing myself ads and the asinine commentary.
I have never booed anybody, i think its childish, so never needed to reconsider, i just know the booing was not about him being aboriginal. answer then why was he the only one contaly booed? and i think his a self righteous person and a twat of a person, and that's BECAUSE of him not his race
So, you didn't respond to anything I asked you, so I'll just ask it again...

So, you stated that he was attacked for his "smart arse arrogant attituded"... But you don't actually know why you believe that about him??

It's just about what you "heard about"??...
And at no point as you wrote that out, did you pause to reconsider your position???
I don't oppose the Welcome to Country, I just think it should be used more appropriately rather than being used willy nilly like it is now.

People in New Zealand all respect and support the Haka as it is only used sparingly before All Blacks games, if they did the Haka for every domestic rugby game, corporate meetings or tv shows people there would probably get sick of it too,
Where is it being used "willy nilly"?

Why is The Haka supported, but Welcome to Country opposed?

What events would you support it being presented at?

Which events (specifically) are you opposed to it?
Embarrassing idiots like yourself are very much the laughing stock of communities outside your Bigfooty hugbox safe space.

This one in particular got a few laughs:
View attachment 1811167

Brainwashed subhumans like you are completely devoid of any self-awareness :)

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I've been to a wedding before when it was done (with no indigenous present), for then the same person delivering it later on in the night, having a chunder and p!ss on the same lands we're paying respect too. Nothing against a welcome to country, but definitely needs to be better thought if it's actually appropriate.
maybe we could appoint you to decide? :rolleyes:
I've been to a wedding before when it was done (with no indigenous present), for then the same person delivering it later on in the night, having a chunder and p!ss on the same lands we're paying respect too. Nothing against a welcome to country, but definitely needs to be better thought if it's actually appropriate.

I've been to a grand final party where bogans have done likewise after singing the national anthem.

Your point?
I agree. I was born here, probably before a few people who are welcoming me to my country. I can't understand why at every single formal event it is performed.

I got off a plane, was welcomed to country, went to a footy game, welcomed again, came home, welcomed again. Had a meeting at work, the weekly meeting, welcomed to county. Monday morning when the next meeting is, I'll be welcomed, tonight on the TV, I'm sure the audience will be welcomed and less than 24 hours, it'll happen again.

At what point does it lose its relevance?
Do you get similarly irritated when you drive by one of these?

I've been to a wedding before when it was done (with no indigenous present), for then the same person delivering it later on in the night, having a chunder and p!ss on the same lands we're paying respect too. Nothing against a welcome to country, but definitely needs to be better thought if it's actually appropriate.
Who did the Welcome to Country, if there were no Indigenous people present?!?

Why was it done at a wedding?!?

Do you understand that defecation is a natural part of being human... and that Welcome to Country doesn't mean that you cannot interact with the environment?!?
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