SANFL Poll...

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Go South

Club Legend
Feb 8, 2001
AFL Club
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South Adelaide
Annoying people at football

This was actually going to be a poll, but I managed to f*ck it up, so I have had to turn it into something else...

Anyway, me and Blues_Girl have been discussing the fact that there are a lot of annoying people we get stuck with at football.

So far we've been lumped with a couple of cling-on attention seeking "oh he's SO cute" giggling school-girls, a sour faced fun sapper who wears Essendon gear to games, a washed up 70+ scrag from Alberton who whinges about anything and everything, a hyperactive illiterate woman with an overzealous (and dangerous) flag, and some painful prick from Perth with blue hair... :D

Who are some of the "characters" that you have been stuck with at football?

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A bunch of drunk Norwood supporters behind the southern goal shouting "You're a loser, Prescott" (or a name like that) during the seniors game when they knew he'd played in the seconds already.
Surely the little guy in West cheersquad desrves a mention.
The guy with the squeaky voice and west adelaide top that's so old i reckon it would be easier to remove a tattoo.
Originally posted by bulldog pommy
Surely the little guy in West cheersquad desrves a mention.
The guy with the squeaky voice and west adelaide top that's so old i reckon it would be easier to remove a tattoo.

The leader of the Mullet Trio?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, he has a home made Westies guernsey, which is basically a black singlet with the red sash sewn on.

We have had many 'disagreements' with him, the problem is, they've usually just flogged us.
Originally posted by McAlmanac
Wayne Ellery.

BTW - nice avatar. Bit harsh on the eyes after a while, though.

HAHAHA, I'd forgotten about him. Yes, he is painful, and at away games we try to keep a safe distance to avoid being associated with him.

When we inevitably start losing, he usually causes trouble with opposition supporters... it's completely embarassing, and I think he's been 'told off' by the club a few times because of it.


The flashing was starting to send my eyes funny too so I've toned it down a bit.
The high-talker (a least i think its a guy...with an unusually high voice) in the Eagles cheersquad who sounds like the taxi driver in 'Still the 12th Man'.

Hes quite aggresive too, which is fairly funny, when he starts abusing you in this comical high voice.
Well I know a North Lass that can be quite annoying at times, she usually stands with the NAFC Grog Squad, is always drunk as a skunk and yell's out Go Hargy! Go Hargy! Go Hargy! + does a little Hargy dance too :p

She can even be heard from one end of Prossie Oval to the other end! lol

But the most important thing is - that she enjoys herself! he he

If you don't know who she is - just look out for the Hargy No: 23 guernsey next year.
There are a bunch of characters who stand behind the players bench at Glenelg Oval. Standing near them and hearing their banter can make for an amusing day ! One is an older guy with grey hair who always abuses the umpires.
Re: Annoying people at football

Originally posted by Go South
So far we've been lumped with a couple of cling-on attention seeking "oh he's SO cute" giggling school-girls, a sour faced fun sapper who wears Essendon gear to games, a washed up 70+ scrag from Alberton who whinges about anything and everything, a hyperactive illiterate woman with an overzealous (and dangerous) flag, and some painful prick from Perth with blue hair... :D

Hmmm I think I may know these people of which you refer.

1. Tell swimfan to fu*k off.
2. Tell Cu*tchell the same.
3. Push the Alberton scrag in the Port river.
4. A flag up the arse is a hint that you don't like that person.
5. Next time you hear about said Perth person heading your way, sabotage all Virgin planes... better still, ask a stewardess to shag him to death.

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Originally posted by eastaugh36
There are a bunch of characters who stand behind the players bench at Glenelg Oval. Standing near them and hearing their banter can make for an amusing day ! One is an older guy with grey hair who always abuses the umpires.

Where do you stand when at Glenelg Oval?
I reckon I must be flypaper for freaks, Alex always seems to want to talk to me at games.

And then there is this fat freak who sits with the cheer squad and the rest of the Minda brigade who all seem to know my name. :mad:
Re: Re: Annoying people at football

Originally posted by Blues_Brat
Hmmm I think I may know these people of which you refer.

1. Tell swimfan to fu*k off.
2. Tell Cu*tchell the same.
3. Push the Alberton scrag in the Port river.
4. A flag up the arse is a hint that you don't like that person.
5. Next time you hear about said Perth person heading your way, sabotage all Virgin planes... better still, ask a stewardess to shag him to death.


Yes, I think you've had the 'pleasure' of meeting all 5.

I think the Alberton scrag... aka... Aunt Fezzie actually came out of the Port River...
Originally posted by Leaping Lindner
Seconded and Seconded.

The North Grog Squad are also an annoying bunch of foul mouthed yobs, who should get jobs!

If i didn't know better nick i reckon your having a dig at us !!!;)

wayne ellery rates for south

geoff wells at richmond

and most of the crowd at alberton and woodville

wedgie at prospect espically if we are winning
The Sturt minda loves me for some reason, always comes up and chats to me, I like him though as he was always around in Sturts lean years, in fact I think he was the only Sturt supporter that was around in their lean years hence my respect for me.

I always attract the mindas, Mrs Wedgie reckons they recognise their own kind and after a few beers who's to disagree?

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