Say goodbye to friday night footy

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
Spanish Announcers table
AFL Club
How long before nine in its wisdom decides that an 'important' special or movie is a more desirable option than Freo vs Saints or Dogs vs Port? Maybe not in the first year, but it will happen further on. The Woods at least for their supporters will always be covered, hell even the Hawks should be okay (Eddie and Quarters being mates, at least thats what im trying to convince myself) but there will be times when the powers at nine wont telivise a 'lesser' game.

Maybe im wrong, but there history with overlooking other sports (cricket in the main) doesnt fill me with to much confidence.

From my perspective here in NSW I am absolutely delighted that Channel Nine appears to have won these rights.

What it means for me, and thousands of others like me, is that I can at last act like a normal Australian instead of being treated like a freak. I can sit down in front of the telly at 8 o'clock on a Friday night and watch football - woo hooo.

As to Nine stuffing around with the timeslot, well yes you are right there is precedent here (Cricket) but I'm sure Friday night footy is going to rate through the roof and will be a river of Advertising gold for the station, surely they won't tamper with such a winning formula.

And also - the agreement seems to be for 5 live games a week, and not any less, if Channel Nine want Friday night for some other program, then they will have to make up for it elsewhere. And of course there will always Channel Ten waiting on standby to pick up any timeslot not wanted by Nine.

cheers - and only 8 to go - keep punching mate !
So the guarentee of 5 games applies to all states?

Does it say anything about the timing of the broadcasts or will the Fri +Sat night games still be video jobs.

And finally how crap will next seasons coverage be?

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On my initial reading of the papers, it looks like a very good deal for the AFL and football fans. The game will now have three TV distribution channels, of which 9 and 10 are free to air, the third being Foxtel. As I understand it, 9 will show mostly rugby in NSW and Qld, which means that 10 will show AFL. It will be interesting if they program rugby and AFL directly against each other, or whether there could be a delayed telecast. In the end, it's all speculation until we see the TV listings in 2002.

By the way, what happens with Colonial Stadium now? Channel 7 helped build it, I assume they part own it (don't they own the TV production studios there?).....Waverley Park to reopen anyone?

The only thing that worries me is that 10 may use Tim Webster as either a host or commentator *shudder*

They couldn't have named the medal after a finer sports broadcaster

Have Victorians EVER had a live Rugby League game on a Friday or Saturday night?

Yet, we are bombarded with AFL on those nights, especially Saturday where up to 3 games are played at once.

I presume it is the opposite in NSW and QLD.

If nine have a commitment to covering Rugby League live in Sydney and Brisbane, do you really think they would jeopardise their own ratings by allowing a rival station - all-be-it a partner in AFL rights to broadcast the live AFL game up against the Rugby? I doubt it.

If you read between the lines, it says Sydney and Brisbane will get five games free-to-air, it doesn't say Sydney and Brisbane will get five games LIVE fre-to-air

I believe that ten will get no coverage what-so-ever in Victoria as nine will be able to host all the live matches into Victoria, like seven currently do.

One thing I hope nine does decide to do is bring back the Saturday replay, they have a between 6.30 and 7.30 free on a Saturday night at the moment. This way it could lead into the live game.

As I see it, In Victoria, you are looking at A live (or slightly delayed) Friday night game, 2 live games Saturday night and 2 live games Sunday.

The majority of the time there are only 3 or 4 interstate matches, sometimes less. With an agreement to televise 5 games, you more than likely will see 2 games a week in Victoria on TV, Obviously the Friday night game and more than likely the Saturday night at the MCG or Colonial.
well hell it was also stated that victorian supporters have NO guantee that their side who is playing interstate will be televised back into how the hell can jacko say the deal is good for all?
this is just the start of free to air winding down in preference to pay tv if u want to watch your side subscribe to foxtel then once
packer has cornered us then guess what yessssssssssss pay per view.
after all it comes down to money and this is the only way kerry will recoup his money via the pay tv arm
you have been warned!
A questtion for those who know about foxtel getting footy rights. Will the games on foxtel be shown on fox sports ie in pubs, at the same time, or do foxtel & fox sports have different programming. I'm hoping that they are the same, that way I can watch the games at the pub on the big sreen, rather than pay for crappy foxtel just so I can watch a few footy games, the rest of the stuff on foxtel is rubbish.

Playing devils advocate:

With Friday nights offering huge ratings and exposure to clubs, and the Channel 9 consortium paying huge money for the rights, what's the bet that a certain club (with the initials of Collingwood) has an increase in the number of Friday night games come 2001.

This additional exposure can then be used as a marketing tool to attract additional sponsorship etc.

My personal opinion is that even though the AFL says the draw is done independently of the rights holder you don't pay a shedload of money and then have no say in the final product.

You only have to look at the compromised Rugby League draw to see how it fits Channel 9's schedule!!!

So much for a level playing field!

My 2 cents


Originally posted by Shinboners:
By the way, what happens with Colonial Stadium now? Channel 7 helped build it, I assume they part own it (don't they own the TV production studios there?).....Waverley Park to reopen anyone?

Packer will probably buy Colonial Stadium one day, especially if the current owner's keep making losses. He could put more cricket matches there as well.

Originally posted by Shinboners:
The only thing that worries me is that 10 may use Tim Webster as either a host or commentator *shudder*

Tim Webster could be a boundry rider. He would have to be better than Dipper, wouldn't he?
im with u gonzo.
fri live coll vs melb
fri after the game live cross to eddie for the magpie hour for an unbiased veiw of the game
sat morn reply coll-melb
sat arvo vfl coll-preston knights
sat arvo after game eddie,s unbiased view of the game
sat night-live cross to eddie from the coll social club for a unbised review of both seniors and 2nds games from an equally unbiased pised to da eyeballs collingwood fans
sunday-replay part 3 vs melb
followed by the sunday collingwood footy show compared by none other than eddie,bucks and lou
sun arvo-vfl replay part 2
mon to fri 1 hr shows each nite looking back at the 2 games with indepth unbiased opinions from eddie and mick

Channel 9 will have a big say in match programming, taking the best games for their main slots, just as they do with NRL. This year, Melbourne Storm were scheduled to play the Broncos in a match of the round (on either a Friday night or Sunday arvo, can't remember which) but both sides were missing half their sqauds through State of Origin, meaning the heavyweight clash would be of a reduced quality. Channel 9 had the NRL bump this game to Saturday night and was covered on Fox8 instead, and moved the next best match to Sunday afternoon.

In this regard, I don't think that Saints versus Freo or Dogs vs Port (to take your examples) will often be scheduled in these time slots. The aim will be for these times to have the best 2 matches of the round, whoever they might be.

NRL is never shown live into Melbourne - even Foxtel has to run it on a 3 &frac12 hour delay. (Usually on both Ch 9 and FS2 at the same time). This will fit nicely with Ch 9. Rugby live into NSW and QLD, AFL live into Vic, SA, WA and Tas.

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.

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Same Olds

Actually, that makes sense. Wait until 7 starts getting cash flow problems (it's not going to be that easy for them to find substitute programming for the footy), then the pressure to sell assets will build and then Kerry steps in during the fire sale, and hey presto, a state of the art tv studio for a fraction of the cost of building it.

Another scenario though...what chance of channel 7 on-buying the rights for the free-to-air from channel 9?
First of, i better correct what i originaly meant to say,it should have read, LIVE friday night football. Sorry.

I honestly believe that certain games will be shunted out of view if the consortium thinks there are better ratings alternatives. Those games will probably be shown, but at what time and will they be uniterupted or highlighted versions at unholy hours of the morning? (not that late nights worry me to much as a few of you know!)

CJH, i understand what you mean, but i dont think that will happen with the AFL, its to widespread for all power to flow from the one source (the consortium) and the clubs will still want an equitable say in their draw.

To many friday night blockbusters for select clubs, will no doubt aggravate clubs not so well favoured. Gonzo seems to have the same feelings as your re the draw, but Rugby has been a long time more dependant on Packer/nine than the AFL.

Personally i think the AFL comminsion is taking one hell of a gamble with the games long term future. But TV as we know it will become more and more obsolete as the net and Digital broadcasting comes in. By the time the next round is up for the rights to broadcast, both of these mediums will be well established.

Thats where i think Elliot has been leading towards net coverage all along (credit him for that) with payments made for access to broacst games via cable/satelitte modems etc and pay TV. I also think thats where the consortium sees the revenue coming from long term.

How else will they recover the enormous cost of not just a succesful bid for the rights,but setting up broacast facilities, and other assorted expenditure to get the whole thing up and running. Sorry rambling a bit, but theres an awful lot here to consider, i just hope the league has looked very very deep into this, and not just at the dollar signs.

The only certainty is everything is uncertain.
With Foxtel definitely winning the pay-TV AFL rights, I wonder how they are going to budget the time to include 3 of the 4 major football codes in Australia (Australian Football, Rugby League and Rugby Union).

The Rugby Union Super 12 competition has been a big success for Foxtel in the northern States and recently they exclusively won the rights to Rugby League (previously being shared with Optus Vision), and now winning the AFL rights, I wonder how they will go about televising all 3 codes especially on a Friday night when there is the definite chance of there being a game of each code being played at the same time. I presume that will add at least another Fox Sports channel but I hope (especially in the northern States) that AFL doesn't play second fiddle to the Rugby codes, being shown replays instead of matches live. If you pay the money to watch pay TV you expect (or at least hope) for all or the vast majority of games being live.

Foxtel programs are shown nationally. (A recent channel - Showtime2 - was introduced with the sole purpose of repeating movies shown on the main movie channel (Showtime) on a 2 hour delay as Perth viewers were always missing out.

What you see in Sydney will be the same for me in Melbourne. The expense of selective programming would be too great for them.

I would suggest they would either add another channel to cater for the AFL or extend the uses of some of their existing ones. For instance, Fox8 show one live NRL match each Saturday night. Either way, AFL won't dip out as this will be their flagship that will be used to increase subscription levels.

Bring it on!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Thanks for that CJH,

I was hoping that that was the case with there being uniform coverage of programs on Foxtel throughout Australia. That should be good for AFL because it is definitely the most popular football code in Australia and will get good coverage.
If Channel 7 own part of Colonial then there will be no matches shown on TV at Colonial. This should be interesting. If I was seven, I wouldnt' let them have broadcasting rights at Colonial Stadium. It wasn't in the original agreement about TV rights. If I was 7's CEO I would get channel 9 and 10 to pay for the televised matches at Colonial. To me that will be sweet.
Unlike Brisbane, here on the Gold Coast we have up till now been fortunate enough to have footy coverage from both Channel 7 and Prime. Prime showed the Friday night game with one hour's delay, while 9 showed the rugby league, and 7 showed the AFL at around 11.30pm (which is all that Brisbane people got).

On Saturday they both usually showed the same afternoon game, and Prime had the night game, usually an hour late, but occasionally at 7.30. Seven again replayed at 11.30.

Sunday we sometimes got a choice of games between the two channels, and also double headers, which were a bit frustrating as you missed the beginning of the second game.

We were quite happy with this arrangement and doubt that it will be better at Ch 9 who still have their commitment to rugby league, and don't have a partner channel like Prime.
Although maybe 10 will have a role here.

At this stage I'm barracking for 7.

"The only certainty is everything is uncertain."

If you're ever in Prague I highly recommend a local bar there whose English translation name is "A Solid Uncertainty" - sounds very you.

Originally posted by Bloodstained Angel:
if Channel Nine want Friday night for some other program, then they will have to make up for it elsewhere. And of course there will always Channel Ten waiting on standby to pick up any timeslot not wanted by Nine.

very true. And Ten will be quite keen to do so, especially for the extra ratings.
Originally posted by SpecialBruce:
If Channel 7 own part of Colonial then there will be no matches shown on TV at Colonial. This should be interesting.

Ooh, hadn't thought of that
sure gonna make things VERY interesting

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Say goodbye to friday night footy

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